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Show ETT'SjnH&jy;;, ,x orTOiw ft P CUTS ' TlPiM m AGENTS ' JUgndB W J K1fc w&fcs IV ANTED FORTH?- BACK-WOODSMEN. The tno'-.t cnpt'.v 'tive p.irr. ?jv-of -:.v y us, :r hf ever written. writ-ten. A IlotiCi.ir.j) l r ! ! .synis d so'. , 1 Marvcr Urn Alexin tiers. Ac' ""'v '' i J" ! ( i- r. rr.". day. W want an Agent in eveiv ti'vu. S-.vul 'r terms ? -id i - ulars free The W. E. OIBQLE PU CO., Cinclrrnatl.O, nuUH I O vt sc!l!ri; :irl"c?c onJ. Mirnfitkl requ iitl, pood puid for after. M. KM I'lUii SI AR'K'ti COn :iSl Uninl St., N. r, ood Iiy !.- ' v'ix'-) jer mu. in;l'4i'i j'r:. otai' rim'. '.v Jiif-'iory, Write to J. t Jncttii -w iu,,t. tkn, Jio.'' ficttAK ",iCHtwe CO. (few ggJj S Is" rl Vr-- , Easy to use. A cenain cure.-Not-expensive. Three r.iMitlij'' treatment in one package. Good lor Cold in the HeiwJ, lleadache, Dizziness, Hay Fever, &c. Fifty cents. By all Druggists, or by mail. E. T. II AZIri2f ..Warren. Pl . ,, v . : 1 r rt .- - - THE COMPLETE IIOiE.,-. M bool;. N:.v edition. Now li h.Iius . Ne v illustrations I from nes designs. Superbly gotten up. Sam- low price. . Adapted tr all classes. Sells at siht. Aieuts doiu big work. KxCELl.ENT TERMS. The handsomest prospectus ever issued. Appiv now. 1 ,, WM. GAKKBTSin V Co.. 6.vy Washington Street. San Francisco. Cal. Also other wian.; new ooks and liiJles. All persons say their eoods are" tho best. We ask yon to ex amine mir Improved Keller Positive ForceFoed,rrnin Seed and Fertilizing Drill and our liny Itakcn. The are as jjood as the best, and can be sold as cheap. All are war t inted. Circulars mailed free. Newark Machine Co-Newarkf Co-Newarkf OhlO Eastern Branch House, Hageritown, H4 rsYjc'i Bh tlie? EtEST. No preparation. I ii w 7&i Ilk Vud with any clean pen for mark-yLEfljwlAVtffl' mark-yLEfljwlAVtffl' lT)ff any fabric. Popular for decora-vS'l decora-vS'l atiye Kork on linen. Received Cen-mM Cen-mM tennial JIKIAI & Diploma. BSTIIbTXn Established 50 year. Sold by all Ct..' ,VffrFlTrnrrtF,Stnti"a'-0 & News Agt's. " WESlvSBO 'REWARD ri'fiwTla tsa -will, be paid for any Grain ottoI'V Fan of same size that can iHlrfr-iS '4'! --clean and bnj? asmuch Grain or J MiA. Seed in onedov as our Patent fPSlKr MONARCH Grain and j li'j 'MfM Se'd Separator and Bajr-i Bajr-i ' ll1 " x frer, which we oiTer tothe pub- III l'1 Heat a low price. Send for 1 2lllrV circular and price listt Vj iv -i which will be'rtiailed fukk. ,. fXi 3 NEWARK MACHINE CO., . ""HJul vte Newark, OUio, U. S. A. A HsC:n WILL nUY ONE r55r?l ALL FSiCHT jij'Vo The knife is Steel, and tempered ind Hi '3 r A is f.is.tened to liver with three bolts, 1 ' f 'S ' h 1 v' t i e easily taken ofT to sharpen. 1 'ff 1 Tl .e length r f cut is rjrtdated by the Z&-l1 ",, 'h'('' ,ie ''nife is bolted. JJy g2&&e-MmiJThc h:j;b'-r th.e lever is raised, the lonsrrr it wi'l cilt. All arf? -rrant-d. Send foi eTaSssSL rir.-tdnr "IiMi v i'- i-v rr..1d FREE. is:5Bii-EVAi:iv 5IACII1M: CO., Newurli, O. til "iuv-i asia m rm& mm P ' B 0 r' P 1-" Ketii rn to us with TEN niMw P iSCTS.&yuu'Ugetbymail I ."ttStt " 6gi V tea a CCtOM BOX 0? GOODS ' J Jthananythin-relin Aniri(ia. AbsoluteCertainty. KecdnocapitftL jLYouiHf,17aGrejnwichSt.N.Yorfc. T. L. -'Miller Co., . BaEEDEIifl AND XMPOUTZ&0 QT HEREFORD" CATTLE COTSWOLD SHEEP BERKSHIRE SWINE, Beecher, Will Co., "' Illinois. Cheapest BlWean'-r iore. Itoth Vemlwni. New Te.tauirnl A ftrifPC MJ k HTT.n tft , fj f R ! imake over ONE Iraiyt S .hundred per cent 'f. . tfOiaW i Oprofit selling the Reflecting Safety Lamp Can be sold in every family. Gives . more flrl:t than three ordinary Inmps. ?C Kntnplv S.iHj writ for fifty ;4mh i tt r4un. We have other t ?fthou8el!old articlea. Circular lr. FORSHEE & MACKIN, Clnclnnatl.O ( : .v. :, |