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Show H- "TOO MANY PRINTERS." H t We have been told thai 'there are H too many Printers' here in St. George, B therefore we are preparing to move to H more congenial clime where we can H sit beneatfa our own vine and fig tree' H and have 'none to molest or make H nfraid.' We shall continue the pub- B lication of the Union, but in the mean B me w say 10 our friends and patrons, B -jjleafie direct all orders for subscript B lions, advertisements, job printing, &c. B W, Carpenter, Printer and ub- B Wisher, St. George, Utah, Box 561, BBB tt i r n 1 1 ni i mi - mm m , mt i r 1 1 jlmii jl'-ub.- i u uLa ri u u u1 r rrnn n i 11' i i ai d wovvill gve all prcmpt attention. Bloomington, Washington Co., Utah, is to l)e our tuture, home soup, and we hopcvtdmiUce the Union more inter-esling inter-esling in the "sweet by and by." |