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Show 1 LOCAL AND GENERAL. KSWc shall deem it a favor if our friends and patrons in Southern Utah will send us local items transpiring in their vicinity. We also invite Postal Card Correspondence from all pnrtsof the Territory, on items of interest, lo'cal and general: mii iiiw mi iiin i m in iTnin-T'-rTnirnrin John XfAHncu' . Kiinst Schonkocic, 'President. Secretary. 1 Ciiaklhs Kastizniikin', SuDt. of Ccmstriietiou. i ' THK IArfTENBEIN. TypC'Sctting Machine Co. BranclrOniues: 1 lOA'&'d.' EUROI'Ji: Brussels. NEW YOMK: 12 and Sprurc St. SAN FRANCISCO: 52S Siicnuncnto St. 9M 1 1 1 ' ' - 1 1 1 1 1 TI1EV ' COMPLETE HERBALIST' " OR - ' THE PEOPLE IHElll OWN BY T H E U SE of N ATU-RE'S- REM ED I ES . Hy Dk. O. PHELPS BROWN. .Greatest Booh of the Age! Five hundred, and four octavo rnges, ,cdp-iomly ,cdp-iomly IVuxlratcd with fine Wood CvU ( f the principle' Fyrcign and Native Medical Plants, fi.v 'Wi of all tliedrgans of tlft body , parasitic animal, medical apparatus, ctc. etc. ' ' PRICE TWO DOLLAR 'PER GdPY. WHEN SENT RY MAIL. 1 a. CENTS EXTRA. This uiiKurp:is-ml medical wnrlc hns been re-written, re-written, enlarged, ami tlinr'ou'plily revised. It describes de-scribes the character, hi-'-tnry, properties, and useSi of nil medical plants known of value, and is a thorough instructor of everything pertaioiny: to domestic nedicine. It is.adimttcd, we think by all, to be the Standard Work on all Medicinal Herbal Remedies. In 1act. it isji look that shoutl be in the house of evkuv famm.y! Call sit .this ojflire r.nd examine sample copy, or Bend, your orders t . v'i.i' TT. i ,J. vr: CAR PINTER, Aoknt, St. Georjrc, Utah ox 561, or I. Giuson Kkow.n, Publisher, ar Gnind Street, Jersey City, N. J. 1 ;: VICR '3 , ILLUSTRATED as Panes, n Oolorod Plato in every number and manv line Enravin- I'rice a yiar; Fivq Copies lor ?vi. Specimen lumbers sent for 10 cents : T trial copies for cents. Address, J AMES VICK, Rochester, N. Y. y T IU) T o HEW, CHEAP .EDITION ' . OF. THE' DOCTRINE Ml) COVENANTS JUST THE THING FOR Missionaries, Sunday Schools, and Travelers, or to Send to Friends. PRICE, Clotlj.Embosscd . . . : 0. " Leather " ,. l.3. B-ADl)ltKSS ALL OKDERS TO mmm nicws company, , SALT LMi-. O.TY, UTAH. I I v' " 'BP H AAMERIC AN" S Y STE M O F - INTERCHANGEABLE TYPE BODIES. , INVENTED V ' ' - IV1ARDER, LUSE & CO., Kru I TYPE FOIJNDR.RS, qmcAOo, iu.J Manufacture TYPE BORDERS & Brand P.ulo ' H on the COMMON SENSE PLAN. Also Dealers in Printers' Supplies in General. , $S?TOUR SYSTEM "PjT, I Briefly oxplninod, io as follows: Tho unit oruiciisurcinent for .H all Typo bodies, is Anw.ruan, which is exactly oncttwullth ,ol & Pica. This is tho smallest and is applied only to Leads anil Jl Hulo. All I tho other Iwdics hear exnet relations to tlns as dicatcd by iiuinbors. From American to -Yoijjfin..vlirch is numhorodp, thqy increaso proj;rossively hy one-half tlio body of tho first, llcyond this, to I'wa, hy i n increase thevsuo ol American. There are no bastard or irrecul.ir sizes. t3T Each sl:ti is n factor. Three NonparclW (0) nro a Great . Primer (18j; thrco Itrcviors (8) nro a Donhlo Pica (24); aNon- H pnrpil (0) and a Hrovier (8) aro an Euylihh (14), or Two-lino Minion: .1 1'ica (12) and an Kiccls'cr (4) two 0-to Pica Leads 1 aro a Columbian (10); a Double English (2S) and a llrovicr(S) JH aro a Doublo Orcnt Primer (DG); sowiti allofthoothers17.es, ' malcing the combinntion of two or morosizcsortypo'rn a word orlino, the simplest tiling iniaein;iblo in composition.' Tint odd body, Uonrcoisjnjdis now ,1 rchiioctablc-hlzo, beirtg a Kon pareil ((i) and ouo haircxactly. . H Look ov'cr tho fiKiirca and test th6 sim'pliclty of tho'now sys- H toin of Tyjo bodies. IM 1 ' American I 2 - Saxon far.fcT i l r- jTOjn-i nafficsguiign SVa Rn'by fl:? Dbl. Columbian aroaroaMEiro AVt Diamond C Nonpareil" 0 D hi. Paragon ii s ' ii pi r,i,r"i'ln9 lca Ul PppWWiPtiflliM sOTSPISi 111 14 EnBli8h ' ' f 1 riiiiiiMr pBlSiMBi T,SK ak m gP'Crfc lias ADOPTKn, nnd is now ' , M OfflV OlftlJlaU USINO, our , vB nJ r Ml B Hi American &stom of litter , H I Haw I SlS talll 'chuwjcdblMT'jiJXiUu ' . y M |