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Show , 6.j .. ... - ; o ; - Bloomingtofi, 'Washington-Co.,; TJcah,-is-soon to have a Newspaper published heyci , V . Our Devil thinks' that some people 'artT'very . ""f slow in paying their .honest debts. ' Be wise ; be carefhl h6W you talk and to whom - you talk: never commit yourself, under nJJjr ! V" cumstan'cesV and by all means be oif youf .guard ? for wolves. . ' , , ' Riches obtainedby hardjabor- and indsry, are better appreciated arid wurUi -more to.' the posses- sor, than riches ill-gained. '. ' . ' ' , . :V. . rf Every-week,rfwe; see reports of mortgages, rang 1 ing from Ja5-tci-$4.opoi, on 'property owned by( 4. ; persons connected -with Printing and Publishing, . proving it to be a vjery" xipprofitable -business, : generally., Theicdst'of printing binding, 'engraving,IlitHo-grapluiig, 'engraving,IlitHo-grapluiig, &c.,'for the goyernment of the : United 1 ; , States for the fiscal year ending; June 30 iSSo, is" sl reported to be 2,034,750, executed at the govern-.- r. mertt printing office. , ' .... We learn from an article published in the Fjlok-ida Fjlok-ida Dispatch, that about 2,300,000 :gnllons of cotfj; :, ton seed oil, from which -o "manufacture rllrst r: quality olive oil," Avas shipped fr.oi'p ' one jwrt at i. New Orleans, to Italy, within one year, besides i many -hundred gallons jthat . were;' shipped 'to. '.. I : France,.for the same p(urpose..; . ' r., ' : . . ' . t 'mm . -.SJ |