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Show I' ' T '- - &tW&&Q:i!p o n 7 Nwct Door To Post OrncK. MEAtS ftKASONABtJE. JQHN.PYMM, PROPRIETOR. ALiO AGENT DEALER I. .. ' -Kith Bro's Wagons, Timbers, Plows, Ksprs 'jlitr ' & Mowers, Extras, &o, &c. , ; . J-O H If BARDLET, KANUrACTURIR. I nm now manufacturing a first class article? c .v.w.i . i and guarantee it to be superior to any manufac-; manufac-; '. .tiircrt in the Territory. Will supply all Co-op-crntivc Stores on. Commission or cheap for Cash - at; 90 days. Orders solicited from all Store be-V be-V j2-wn tween Heaver ahd Bunkervillc. "WAR R IS N HARDY, Machinist. Millwright, Wood & ton Turner, .i Scroll & other Swing, Chopping all kinds or , Grain & Grinding 8 ili. Mill it-Shop on 2nd North Street, Mat of " - nL rD' ,St' raf ,-'tS:--I EDWIN T,Ril)INa' CUSTOM BOOT & SHOEMAKER. R. G. McQUAlRIB, QA RP ENTER $ BUIZDQR, ALSO DEALER IN FURNITURE . IT. C J2R P ENTER t ; 3To to. Prtntar,' Blank Book Manufacturer. I ' SlffXES J ? A 1 N T E R. & O R A i mm . HFtkmth side xsU block South of Tabernacle ; .; St Ctcorge. UtI&.rV 1darpentbr;s' BRomis" AKJB sold at, 5. George Go-operative Store. RUMRTAME BUSINESS STAMPS MADE BY J. W. CARPENTER, JAMES BOOTH, Is now operatingat the building- recently occupied by the Ladies' Co op. Stohk, StvGeorge,-Utah, from 8 to 4, week days only. Prlcos JUason&hJe. Work EqyAL to any made east or west. Canaan and Factory pay taken at Cash ra(cs. . HfVicwiiig a Specialty. ' ' Builder's Union ' J? (C K E TTV S U Depot 1st North Street, near 'Post Office. Manufacturers and Dealers in all kinds of . . DWELUNG8, 'STORES; &C. Erected on ' , SHOUT NOTICE and REASONABLE Terms. Wall Paper and Borders In Stock. Lmnber, Shingles, &o. .Constantly onhand. v A. P, HARDY, pKiErron. DCALEIC in , ,., . . Beef,. Veal, Pork, ' Mutton,, anciiaages. , " ';ar-D olivary Wngon run every xboruiiig.BS 4- DEPOSITORY OF 'American Bible Society: HES1DENOE OP , ,J? RF,V. ARTHUR B. CORT, LlJ-'' ' THIRD WARD. 4agarBlblc8 and TefliiAnTfonts ontapn, hand. V". JOHN;. M MAOB'RliNlSC - Surveyor A; Attornay-at -Law. HTOffice ir. CourLhouse.J ifc A.' 'J. MApDONALDl) flK''' DEALER IN- -i CMJ O 'flflB if 0 N E,C - PTBottled Wines" peclalty.liej DHf P. Or St. Gtorge.) Middleton, Utah ' ,UvX ' IS MANUFACTURED BY 1 FI8H BROS. &,fo,fi. "!"',;' Racine, Wis.: '-"";5- . WE MAKE EVERY VARIETY OF And by confining ourselves strictly to one class of work ; by employing noneibut the. v I BEST CXF1 V7"OR3K:MESr, ' ' ' 1 Using nothing but ' ! I PIHST-OLASS IMPROVED MACHINERY and. tb,o I ' . :r VERY BEST Oy SELECTED TIMBER, And by a THOROUGH KNOWLEDGE of the business, we have justly earned the reputation I of making 9 "THE SBT WA&Oij OH WHEELS'.; I Mahnfactarers have abolished the warranty, but Afjents may, on thel own reaponBlbillty, rIvo Ml j th'o following warranty v.ith each vyagon, ii bo agrotul : . 1 Wo Horoby Warrant the FISH BROS. WAGON No to be well made in every partfeu- MM j Jar and of good material, and that the strength of the same is sufflcent for all work with fair usage. W Should any breakage occur within one year from this date by reason of defective material pr work- j, MmM J manship, repairs for the same will be furnished at place of sale, free of charge, or the price of said " mwM 1 repairs, as per agent's price-list, will be paid in cash by the purchaser producing a sample of the jWM broken or defective parts as evidence. ' ' ' WMm Knowing wo can suit you, we BoUcit patronaco fom ovory seotion of tho tinitod State , ondfor jM t H' Prices and Torma, and for a copy of THEtBAOINE AGRICULTURIST, to ' - M mm v . ? ..j FISH BROS. & COVBacine; Wi. K jM! ItacibA, Wis., Janaary 1st, 1631. ' mm flH I |