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Show iOur Boy Heroes. - 1JY KBEN E. KEXFOItD. Here's a hand to the boy whojjhas courage To do what he knows to be right ; When he tails in the way of tcmpation He has a hard battle to light. Who strives against self and his comrades, ' Will find a most powerful foe; All honor to him if he conquers, . '" ' A cheer for the boy who say "no!" There's many a battle fought daily The world knows nothing about; , There's many a brave little soldier Whose strength puts a legion to rout. And he who fights sin single-handed 1 Is more of .1 hero, I say, Than he who leads soldiers to battle, And conquers by arms in the fray. ' ,a Be steadfast, my boy, when you're tempted, - . To do what you know to be right: Stand firm by the colors of manhood, ' And you will o'ercome in the fight. ;? "The Right" be your battle-cry ever In waging the warfare of life; 4 And God, who knows who are the heroes, Will give you strength for the strife. Ex. |