Show r. r I DOINGS C IT fb J Uncle Sam Has I New Ward in Liberia 9 An An obscure chapter chapter chapter chap- chap An ter It has long laid unread In American annals In spite of or the Interest Interest interest In In- terest that surrounds It But now I that the United States has come to take an active hand In the tho government government government govern govern- ment of Liberia It is natural that the founding of that ol old half American half negro African state should attract our ur interest Founded back in 1120 as a home for the freed slaves from rom this country Liberia became a republic I lic In 1847 Today Todar Its population num- num r Colonization society of which Henry Heno HenryClay HenryClay I Clay was president There Is a less known chapter chapt r of ot that perilous enter entel enterprise I prise which attributes the martyrdom I of ot a n life lite In fn this effort to open a new world to the slaves to Rev Samuel Dacon Bacon an American minister of the Episcopal church By Dy act of congress on March 3 1819 the president was empowered tc te create an agency In Africa for the purpose of providing an asylum for foi I such Africans Africans' as should be liberated by our ships of war from vessels seized for tor violation of the law suppressing suppressing sup pressing the traffic in slaves The government decided to send out the ship of wear war Cyane and the trans transport transport port Elizabeth with mechanics and la laborers laborers borers under cr two agents for the purpose pur PUI pose of breaking ground for the re reception reception of liberated slaves On JanuL Janu Janu- L 8 e S having previously been Deen in iu lD service of the colonization society con ion received from President Mon Ion the commission making him the thed II d of the proposed expedition I species of African fever appeared Jong ong the members of the little band Soon 25 of the party were down with It Breaking un un- j the labors he had assumed Bacon discovered symptoms of the theady theady theady ady in himself The remedies were of no avail and he 1 adm administer DIstel t le republics republic's IC S le relations a IOns and others of the party The popular accounts of the found found- I survived The founding of the colony ing of Liberia credit tho achievement went forward But on the the sacrifice of somewhat vaguely to the American Bacons Bacon's life Liberia was built bunt Soldier of Fortune may Lose Rights NEVER SucH j A CHANCE j F Capt Jorge Y WaldI Waldberg Waldberg Wald- Wald I IF berg erstwhile of Argentina pretended pretended pre pre- tended American typical soldier of fortune and one of the few men who whoever whoever ever er succeeded In selling a gold brick bricko to o one of the nations nation's most prominent men does dees not return to Washington within the tte next sixty days he Is likely to lose ose his alleged American citizen citizen- hip s-hip and be denied the protection of the American flag L C Captain Waldberg flourished In Washington 12 years ago during the Spanish American war and a few years ears later at the Pan-American Pan exposition expo expo- The captain came to Washington Wash Wash- ington with a long military record Having been born In Argentina he has lived f iu in half a dozen South American countries and been engaged In as many revolutions re In the cause of lib lib- lib lib- erty Exiled when unsuccessful he dropped dinto into New York one day and organized a company of Greek fruit venders Tenders whom he took to Athens Joined the Greek army and fought In Inthe inthe the he Turkish war All AIl that he got out of that contest was a little military glory and a wife He married a very beautiful daughter of a professor In the University of Athens and returned to America In time to take up newspaper work at atthe atthe atthe the outbreak of the Spanish American war He was able to speak several languages languages lan Jan fluently and especially Span Span- ish There was a great demand for news from Cuba and th the genius of led him to make translations from Crom Spanish and arid Cuban newspapers i for which he found ready market with the Washington correspondents His success prompted him to fake take when his news sources became exhausted Not long ago the captain turned up in Constantinople and became Involved in some trouble there which prompted him to demand the protection of the the American flag I He He presented his case at the embassy and In endeavoring endear oring to establish the fact that he was waa wasa a naturalized American citizen some disclosures came to light regarding his papers which led the American charge to refer the matter to the state de des The department In turn made Inquiry inquiry In in- at the district court with the result result re reo sult suIt that an order was was was' Issued requiring him to show cause within sixty days why his papers should not be can can- Puzzlers for forthe the New Customs Court I WAY I IF F A HEN Is not a bird why Is a 1 I pair pall of rubber boots an article of Woolen wearing apparel Funny question question ques ques- tion Is tt It not There are many others others oth oth- ers rs but this one Is enough to show how liow Uncle Sam Is puzzled at times to properly classify Imported articles so that hat the correct rate of customs duties duties duties du du- du- du ties may be levied and collected In Inthe Inthe Inthe the above cas case It Is simply because the highest customs authority of the theland theland land held that as the boots had linings fin which there was an appreciable Quantity of wool the they should bear the rate prescribed for woolen apparel That same highest authority decided d that frogs frogs' fr gs' gs legs are dutiable as poul poul- try The customs court a new Judicial body that Is just getting down to busi bust ness at Washington already has many cases that will cause the public to laugh One of the first questions for forIt forIt forit It to decide is whether the hen is a bird Ornithologists would unhesitatingly unhesitatingly declare she Is but the new court Is not composed of such men men Eh What is the odds Wait a minute min ute and you rou will see how it concerns every housekeeper If the co court rt can be induced to decide that the hen Is Isa Isa isa a bird down will go the price of eggs for the present tariff bar makes every importer of edible eggs pay five cents cents- a dozen for far or all he brings into the country Birds Bird's eggs are on the free list Another nut to crack Is an automobile automobile auto auto- automobile mobile a household effect Patriotic Americans returning from motoring In Europe E will be pleased to have the court say It Is Under such a decision decision deci deci- sion slon they could take over el with them a afew afew afew few real household goods set up light housekeeping for a while buy a French automobile and then return to this country countr and do It all for less than the amount of duty on a high high- priced automobile made in Europe I Credit Due Foreign Health Officers I I 4 i I O i 1 O H G d' d L Lt t f- f fEW EW persons realize to what extent the welfare of this nation Is preserved preserved preserved pre pre- served by the splendid service of the medical forces which are stationed at Jl the danger ports abroad to pre to-pre- pre pre- vent Tent th the Introduction of plagues and I pestilences Into this country through shipping agencies This force orce of public pub pub- I lic health officers is well equipped Moreover in all places the work of these trained experts Is further sup demented by the efforts of the consular consular con con- sular Lular sular officers In places that are arc too small to support a trained force butt but butare but are quite large enough to transmit dis dis- cawby ease by emigration the consular om- om cers eelS do tie splendid work unaided The Tho stringent laws of quarantine and the penalties which attach to all attempts to evade them put effective repressive weapons into the hands of these officials so that no attempts are made to escape from compulsory compliance com com- and securing a clean bill of at health at the point of departure and ports of call A vessel that starts from flom a port with no appearance of Infectious Infectious In In- diseases among her hor crew r or nr r passengers and which is again subjected subjected subjected sub sub- to rigorous examination on her arrival at any American port stands little chance of bringing any Infected passengers past the several Inspectors I As there Is no way of of- measuring what might happen if this force were not employed Its members do not always always always al al- ways receive th the full amount of credit to which their unremitting care and attention entitle them They stand among the many preventive forces which the country utilizes to safeguard safe saCe- guard the people and to whom the debt of the nation is greater than the public Is in the tho habit of g- g ins ing |