Show UTAH UTA STATE NEWS A great deal of first crop alfalfa has bas been harvested in the vicinity of Brigham during tho the past week eek The home of ot H. H W. W Marriott at Marriott Weber county was destroyed b by fire on June 7 7 the loss being The Weber club chief com com- organization Is Js going to build n a handsome home in the heart of the elt city in the June 7 was old folks' folks day Cach stake about men and women women wo woo wo- wo men between the ages of 60 and 70 being entertained at Logan Through train service on the San Pedro Los Angeles Salt Lake railroad railroad rail rail- road between Salt Lake and Los Angeles An geles was resumed on June 11 Delegations S from every camp of ot United Spanish War Var Veterans of ot Utah are aro expected to visit Ogden forthe for forthe forthe the annual encampment June 24 The city council of Provo has authorized authorized au the advertising for bids on of ten and year twenty 5 percent per pert cent waterworks bonds recently voted The dry t farms in Paradise Paradiso district Cache valley as well as in the entire entire northern part of the state are suffering suffering suf fering heavy Y y loses for the lack of 01 moisture N The report comes from Paradise In the southern part of ot Cache valley hn yA has been done the there here to te the the berl berry crop p by early and late frosts Hyrum Bryan Bran of ot Loa Lea Wayne county county coun ty while trying trIng to catch a sheep with witha a 8 hook hook stumbled and fell the hook penetrating his abdomen causing inJuries injuries in juries furIes which resulted In his death on Tune rune 6 The postoffice at Morgan was robbed robbed rob I bed on June 7 a about out In postage stamps being stolen The thieves did Id not touch some in iii checks which were in the same drawer with th the stamps Dr Fred Clarke of Ogden is nursIng nursing nurs nurs- ing lug a severe fracture to his right arm aron caused by the sudden whirling of the handle of ot the crank of ot his automobile automobile automobile au au- au- au when he attempted to crank the machine A A. F. F Harris a Southern Pacific brakeman Is at the Ogden general hospital suffering from the loss of his eft arm as a result of ot an accident acci dent at Montello when he lost his footing and fell under the cars While working in a slope of the South Columbus mine at Alta Joseph Shaw 56 years old one of the pioneer pioneer pio plo neer residents of Sandy was instantly instant instant- ly Jy killed when a large boulder rolled down upon him crushing In his skull Work has begun on the new cereal factory at Trenton This enterprise enterprises s IS being financed by Trenton Ogden ind nd Salt Lake capital The plant beng beng be be- ng put in will have a daily capacity jf t cases and will cost about The citizens of American Fork have to have a rousing celebration m n the Fourth of July consisting of a aIg aig alg Ig ig street parade and In he Jie forenoon and horse races acing baseball and other sports in inthe inthe inthe the afternoon The Utah county on petition of a of citizens from the southern farms of the county county coun coun- ty voted a bount bounty of 10 cents on each squirrel killed between June 6 G Gand and July 6 G. It was claimed that the squirrels are so numerous that they are destroying the crop Shot through the center of the heart after he had done execution execution execution exe exe- cution with a razor on the the face of J. J R. R Hicks a negro Joe Smith a negro bootblack 22 years of ot age fell tell dead The tragedy occurred in a negro club In Salt Lake City and was the result of jealousy over a woman A Glimpse of Utah is the title of ot ofa a a. fascinating booklet Just issued by hy bythe bythe hythe the department of the Rio Grande rande railroad Fruit growing stock and wool growing dairying and the minerals and mining Industry of ot Utah are Interestingly described The battleship Utah silver service ommittee expects expectS' to be able to raise a a. fund of about for Cor the silver service and those who are behind the movement favor a plan whereby the fund shall be raised by popular ar subscriptions sub in small amounts mostly given riven by the school children Workmen who are searching for forthe forthe forthe the remains of the men killed at atthe atthe atthe the explosion at at Devils Devil's Slide SUde last week were startled when hen a huge slide elide of rock came down the mountain mountain moun moun- tam tain and burled buried the st steam am shovel Vigilance and activity prevented a a lumber of the men from being killed Some embarrassment has been Incurred incurred incurred in in- at Salt Lake by the premature announcement of the population of that city which has been given out at It is claimed that the Information Information mation was given out to the Herald Herald- Republican b by a census employee which led to the discharge of one of the heads of the department Albert Griffiths Griftiths aged 45 was foU found d sitting with his Ws back against a building In Salt Lake City apparently asleep but in reality dead having been dead several reveral hours hours' when discovered Death was due to to excessive use of ot ants jants Nephi Anderson a civil engineer whose home is In Brigham was drowned In Logan river LI Logan Loat canon can- can ron on on the night of ot May 4 There were no witnesses to the tragedy but rt t Is supposed that In the darkness ae ie e walked off olI the dugway into the river |