Show INTOLERABLE ITCHING Fearful Eczema All Over Baby's Baby Face Faco Professional Treatment nt Failed A Perfect Cure by 5 When my little girl was six months old I noticed small red spots on her right cheek They grew so large that I sent for the doctor but Instead oC of helping the eruption his ointment seemed to to- tomake make it worse Then I went to a second doctor who said It was eczema He also gave me an ointment ment which did not help either Tha The disease spread all over the face and antI the eyes began to swell The Itching grew intolerable and it was a terrible sight Eight to see I consulted doctors for months but they were unable to cur cure the baby I paid out from 20 to 30 50 without wIthout- relief One evening I began to use time the Remedies The next next morning the baby's face tace was as allwhite all allwhite allwhite white Instead of ot red I continued until untO the eczema entirely disappeared lire Mra P. P E. E Gumbin Sheldon la In July 13 1308 Potter Dru Drug Drue 5 Chew ahem Corp Solo Props ProP Boston |