Show i SUDDEN DEATH OF H. H H. H ROGERS One of the Most Prominent Figures in the Business V World orld Called t to the Great Beyond Noted Financier Who Started Life as asa asa asa a Newsboy and Driver of a Grocers Grocer's Cart Was Rated as One of the Richest Men in inI inthe inthe inthe I the Nation New New York Henry Henr Henry H. H Rogers vice vice- president of or the Standard Oil com pany moving sl spirit irH in iii the organization tion of the Amalgamated Copper company com corn piny pany b builder Uder of railroads and philanthropist philanthropist philan philana died at his home here Wednesday Wednesday Wed Wed- May Map 19 from froni apoplexy Death came caine a little more than an hour after Mr Rogers ers had risen for forthe forthe forthe the day mentioning to his wife that he was feeling ill HI Mr Ir Rogers was 69 years old Mrs 1 Rogers three marrIed married mar mar- ried ned daughters a son H. H H. H Rogers Jr and Dr W. W J. J Pulley a physician were at the bedside when the end came Mr Rogers had been in poor health since he suffered an apoplectic stroke In 1907 and was almost constantly I z r- r 0 jc to H. H H. H ROGERS under a physicians physician's care His death however was a great shock to his family and business associates as on Tuesday and Tuesday evening he was wasl cheerful and apparently normal He even went down to business Tuesday Tuesday morning where he lunched as usual in the Standard Oil building building- Henry H. H Rogers 0 was as a mone money moneymaker maker and one of the the- most successful men of the Standard Oil group He began life Ilfe as a poor boy at Fair Fall Haven Haven Hayen Hav Hay en Mass I Ss where he was born He re retained roc roc- tamed his legal residence there until his death He is variously reported report d das as having commenced life as a newsboy newsboy news news- news news-i boy and as a driver of a grocery grocer cart Just how much money Mr 11 Rogers leaves is not known His fortune is variously estimated at from to which will make his son H. H H. H Rogers Jr one of the richest men in the country The widow Mr 11 Rogers leaves Is his second wife his first wife having died fourteen years ago and he is survived survived sur stir in addition by four children Mr Mi Rogers was for many years one of the most financiers of the country He took a leading part In all of the enterprises undertaken en byi by the Standard Oil group of capitalists was vice vice president president of the Standard Oili Oil I company and was the active spirit in inthe the organization of the Amalgamated Copper company of which he was vas vas' president up to the time of his death He was also Interested in a number of railroads serving as a member of 1 the board pf of directors of the Atchi son Topeka Santa Fe the Chicago Milwaukee St. St Paul and the nion Pacific r |