Show VENEZUELA NOTE IS MADE PUBLIC Rel Relations Between The Netherlands and South American Republic Becoming Strained Castro Feels Fees That as Reparation fot for Offense Has Not Been Made Friendly Relations s Between Between- V Two Countries Is Im Im- im- im possible le V V V The Hague Hague M. M. M Do Reus the tho former former for for- mer minister of The Netherlands to Venezuela arrived here hero Tuesday afternoon afternoon after after- noon from the West Indies and went at ot once to the foreign office to report concerning the difficulty between his government and President Castro The Netherlands government on Tuesday Tues Tues- day Gay received receive an unofficial copy of tho the second note sent to it by Foreign Minister Minister Min Mm- ister Paul of Venezuela in connection with the difficulty Its g general ner l' l tenor tenor does not give The Netherlands government gov gay II much encouragement to persevere persevere persevere per per- severe in Its to reach a peaceful settlement with Venezuela The Venezuelan note after making reference to the communication of at July 20 relating to the handing of his passports to Minister d de Reuss because because because be be- cause he be was considered Incompetent to serve as a medium for maintaining friendly relations between the two tv c countries says sas that the action of Venezuela Venezuela Ven Ven- which is entirely personal against M. M De Reuss did not contemplate contemplate plate a loosening of ot the ties of friendship friend friend- ship between The Netherlands and Venezuela a friendship which Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Vene Vene- zuela desired cordially to maintain But that the Venezuelan government government govern govern- ment feels that matters have gone so far as to result in a complete break between the two governments Is evidenced evidenced evi evi- by the following In rn consequence nce of M. M de Reuss' Reuss offense offense offense of of- against the government of this republic the neglect of the cruiser Gelderland to salute the Venezuelan flag and the attack upon the Venezuelan Venezuelan Venezuelan Vene Vene- consulate at Curacao and the members of his family and the desecration desecration dese dese- cration of the escutcheon over the consulate consulate con can at Senor Paul declares declares de do- clares dares the Venezuelan government finds Itself obliged to declare to the government of your excellency that so long as the satisfaction due and the reparation for the offense and grievance grievance ance referred to In this note have not been given it cannot maintain friendly friend frIend- ly relations between the two coun coun- tries |