Show CZAR REMAINS MASTER Refuses to Sign Naval Bill and Olden Orders Or Ol Or den ders Cabinet to Remain in Office St. St A Petersburg A solution of tho cabinet crisis whereby Premier and his colleagues in the cabinet will retain n their posts was an arranged at a conference between tween the premier and the emperor which continued until 1 o'clock Monday morning M. M I. I returned to St. St Petersburg Petersburg Peters Peters- burg g from Selo an hour later bringing the text of un tin Imper l re re- re- re script expressing the emperors emperor's confidence con coo in the ministers and exp explaining explain ain ain- ing the moves leading to the U rejection lion tion of of th the naval staff bill The crisis crisis' was solved In a manner peculiarly Russian The emperor refused refused re re- re- re fused to sign the bill bm providing for a naval taff staff because he ho considered It Itan Itan itan an invasion of his prerogatives He declined also to accept the resignations resignations resignations of the cabinet and ordered ot-dered the i ministers to reman at their posts The The- latter after reiterating their representations representations rep rep- of the impossibility of ot ren rendering d oring U useful servi services ces under tinder these decided that their duty according to Russian precedents precedents precedents prece prece- dents was to continue In their political pout pout- lcd ical offices |