Show DRY FARM DRY FARM BILL Provision to Be Made for acre Homestead Entries Washington The The conference committee committee com com- which has Las had the enlarged homestead bill 1111 under tinder consideration practically all of this session of ot congress congress con con- gress on came to a an agreement The bill as agreed upon and which undoubtedly will become a a law lav provides provides pro pro- vides for are homestead entries of or non timbered non ere non Irrigable land inthe In Inthe Inthe the western states provided that inthe inthe in inthe the state of ot Utah e upon the theland theland theland land shall not be required until after the aggregate acreage of land entered under the act reaches acres and provided no land shall be subject to entry until designated e by the secretary sec see of the Interior a as ai not susceptible I ble bio of Irrigation ion at reasonable cost from known water s supply j |