Show Want Standards Alike Ask Immediate Steps to Aff Afford Afford Af Af- f ford rd Federal Recognition and Protection Pr Prepared r l d by th the United States Dep Department I or of Agriculture Poultry cn representing the accreditation ac and certification movement movement movement move move- ment In the Middle West met recently recent recent- ly In Chicago o where they passed resolutions resolutions resolutions reso reso- requesting the United States Department of Agriculture to take takeI I immediate steps stops to afford allord fec federal eral recI rec- rec and protection to the the- work I no now v being carried on In the different I states under the general terms of the Manhattan plan Manhattan Plan The Manhattan Manhattan 4 plan was wa's adopted i last summer at a national conference at Manhattan l n Kans In accordance dance J with this plan uniform rules and andI regulations governing g the accreditation I tion and certification of breeding I flocks baby chicks and commercial hatcheries are being established in all aU I In there there has been been states the past a great difference In the standards to tobe tobe tobe be me met by In the various states before their flocks and hatcheries hatch hatch- eries were eligible for accreditation or certification This not only served to retard the progress of the industry but It unfairly shielded some poultry- poultry men in the states having less stringent rules than others Th The public has come to regard the words accredited and certified as indicative of superIor superior superior su su- quality but due to lack of federal federal federal fed fed- eral or or- state supervision many flocks and hatcheries were advertised falsely as being accredited or certified Urge Co Co pe atlon Ity It was also resoLved at the meeting t to request lest poultry y and farm Journals to operate co-operate In i the campaign against misleading ac advertising by by breeders and commercial hatcheries eries that had hadnot hadnot not met tb the state stute requirements for certification and accreditation The department ent is thoroughly in sympathy with the movement for uniform uniform uni uni- nl- nl form state requirements ireI 1 sa says s 's Dr M.A. M.A. M. M A. A Jull In charge of poultry invests Investigations for the United States Department Department Depart Depart- ment of Agriculture but can only lend its moral and advisory support at present as no funds are available to enable the organization of an ap Inspection inspection tion service to operate co-operate with the the states In establishing uniform accreditation accreditation accreditation tation and certification In the United States |