Show I I I I I I I I 1 TiA IN I I W AR r I t W I First Arst Grand State Campfire to be bo beHeld I Held at Ephraim Aug I 12 1 2 and 3 RATES FROM ALL OVER STATE leree I Sh HV I lares I 41 I mid Ia is on III W lilli Trout Oilier I Itsu I Iris I toil 8 te Co July tattoos lave hay been to all the tb old Indian war veterans Tetera of the state tate and their families to attend the tint flint grand state Ite and nd reunion of the tuh Indian I war veterans to be bf held here August Aut L 1 Z 2 and andl 3 The TIt general corn com committee mItte Is I nude made up of ol the th lug Ing Ingwell well ell known gentlemen men J JI M LI West Welt eid It ft N Jit t t 1 O p I Arnold Salt Lake uk City Muns Moroni C lAm lm lurt hert Salt SaJI l lake ake City A very Jar lar large U is I expected l and a splendid time tinte will 11 be had bad and staff talt the he Utah mall al delegation promInent from rom all aU parts of ol the Ih sate tv MM and nIl hi Church will sill III be present presentA prell prellA A special rate rale of 01 a single Ingle tare tAN for tor the round rou nd irl I lilt rt haa has been obtained over the hI t H J W V and San Pedro roMA roads In 10 the steele state and lid a rate of on OM ant and a II third fare farea from any hunt on the tho 0 O S 5 U I 1 rail mil WI A ay In Its the state talo to 10 Salt lAke tAkA City pluto plus the tile single tare fare over either of 01 the Ih other road roads from hom city Cit to for lor the Ille round trip taip The Tb tick tickets eta ets will III be bt on an lisle aal Ie at al 1 all points point on an th lb ahe first t two O roads road mentioned on time the morn mornIng mornIng Ing log of the Ihl list of 01 July and at 1 all points on the ahe o ll S 5 I J on the Ih morning of ol the Ibe loth antI ami will be good clOd until August i 1 iThe The local committees committee are ar doln great work ork preparing rt fur for the and matters matte are working out oUI In splendid splendid did shape If Arrangement ar lire are being made to tn take lake up every Ivery minute of ot the time Urn for the three Ih day of the reunion and very every of o will 11 aid ski aidIn aidIn In giving living the veterans and their friends frieM the Ih time of their lives Un Ten brass bran will be In attendance and a at traction of s compo composed Rd if f the th loading leading l of 0 I A parade jarade will paM paa through the l of this thin city Ill every everyday ever day do A fine tine electrical display will 1111 be berhen given rhen iven by I new ne municipal light plant Continuous theatrical perform neHl will be it held all alt night In III the opera house hoWle and all night dances lane at the peril Ion lon and academy hall ball hallA hILA ballA A horse honE show bow in fl which h h will lie I retire r lre tented senSed all 11 the thoroughbred horn hor of or orSan Sanpete San le Sense Sevier Utah ansi and Josh Juab coun counties counties ties and lid races In which the best but hors hOrl horses es ea lOt of th the above bove named counties will willbe willbe be pitted against ach esch other will I be fea features t f tue tures tun o of 0 th tM the program One e 01 the t greatest features of 01 the reunion will be the Ibe attack atta k 01 os H a wagon goo team by a band of Indians Indiana Thin Thill sham ham light filM will 11 be presented In a manner NInner and anti andon antion andon on a scale more elaborate than any anything In anything thing of ot the kind ever eer attempted before U lt will be especially Interesting be because because cause of or the te Ih local toi surroundings The attack I is to 10 be made mad and ami the battle fought on usa the old battle ground near nr the city where 1111 some of 01 rill MM Hn gave un up u lives liven in detente defense of or their homes during daring the Ih Black lack Hawk Hank war r The Tb battle ground Is Ie about ut one mile Mat of at the ell near the thu Genre knoll a small maU hilt hill a view Ie of 41 use the U mouth of or Cottonwood I canyon canon which wan used during the Indian war for K rd purposes A practical of a 1 lAO jHo fleer neer train anti and an l encampment will b bI be gir girn I h hn n the mode of ot travel tra uI manner of tit If stock and Ind forming barri barricades cades cad for protection against the hot boa hoslie lilt lie reI men mn the crude TUde manner of ot working and preparing a meal maI the pro tiding of f amusement anti and entertain entertainments monte ments for tor the Ih weary far traveler and oth other er Cr r Incidents reminiscent of 01 pioneer life lICe The veterans expert over nr HMO peo plc rl to the reunion and Ephraim Is I working to 10 we pee that all aU who ho attend hue have plenty to I eat and a Rood good time The ThO program Ir ram la Is arranging to 10 have ha something m doing doln the Ih three days daya the I hI ct Tans will III be bt with u us The Ml Mt Pleasant post will tarnish the tho first nights night nl ht entertainment the second and Fountain Ore Oreen n the third The days programs program pro ama will be furnished by b the different posts poet of ot the state slate |