Show r r. r TI k I A c J f 4 f oo 4 p 0 10 1 1 2 1 2 0 2 0 Eo 4 I 01 4 I oo t. ALTON oo oo o 0 00 04 Mr and Mrs MM Dean Powell are the jn JUtI parents of a baD baby boy born We August 15 16 Drs Dr Dr Enochs and Wood will wUl open an office where one or the other will willbe willbe be on Monday of of each week Mr and Mrs LorIn I Caldwell Caidwell have returned from Price Mr Caldwell has found work vork there for the wInter winter winter win wIn- ter so will moved their furniture CUll out lor for the tho winter r The of ot honah have contracted their lambs Iambs for tor 9 cents ls Mr 11 Ross Bartlett and Tom Torn have ve been in Altonah trying to sell sella a L seed huller The seed crop looks lino around here Mr and Mrs 1 Don DaVs and famIly family farni- farni 2 ly Y have gone to Salt Lake on a a visit Mr and Mrs Irs Frank have havo h gone cone to Vernal on business and pleasure Mr Albert Clark has returned home After sp spending the summer sLimmer at the llie sheep herd Karl Earl Caldwell Caidwell and anti fam family ly have returned re returned re- re turned from Sego to Price for tor the win winter tel James Thompson has returned from Whiterocks where he has been been working If 1 z I 0 t- t TABIONA J 00 t 00 oo 4 4 1 4 Many of our p people popie went to the big convention at Ft Fit Duchesne and re report re- re port it well worth their time and ex ex- expense expense pense pease they were put to Brought many any new ideas they are going to put into practice Mr 11 Pratt of Peppard Seed Co was here hero d during d the week inspecting inspecting inspect inspect- ing lug the alfalfa seed seed- fields and reports re reports reports re- re re- re ports several as doing doing- fairly sald m many are too spotted I yet fee feels is that we are are re doing very nicely Other crops are very good and if the th fall frosts frosts' hold off as well vell as usual we will have haye the best crops ClOPS everIt ever It would be a wonderful blessing if f the parties could be be caught who are blasting this section of th the river dYer Not only do they destroy thousands of fish but seriously contaminate the pure water watery of one of Utah's grandest grandest grand grand- est rivers and this put in jeopardy the lives Jilves of those who have to depend de- de j de-j pend on this water for all culinary purposes Our state flak fish and game department can not help but know this stream is blasted ever every summer Now why dont don't the they put on a sufficient sufficient suf suf- sut- sut force to absolutely stop it t and catch the guilty guIlt Our ward received a fine new sacrament sacrament sacrament sac sac- set and from now on each person will have an individual glass to from Our community is now IlOW bl blessed with a daily dany mail each way Remember Remember Re Ue- member how w we all pulled together to get to-get get it jt Now let us us' unite and pull just as hard and harder if it necessary necessary ry ry to get a greatly improved road for it to be Ife carried over ver and for QUI most need needed Jd J It 00 or or O OHANNA HANNA of 11 ol Io 4 z 4 10 44 oj Eo 4 4 oJ 4 oJ 4 Oran Curry Allen Curl Curry and Mrs Matilda Atwood went to Fort Du- Du Duchesne chesne to the big JIg time Bete I te and Dewey Dewe Hackford have just returned from Wyoming They went up there to find work Mrs Fern Cane and two children from Lehi Lehl are out visiting with her lIeI sister Mrs 1 Dick Forest Supervise Camel Cam of Provo Is out looking over the range The Mo Moon n brothers mothers and the Rhoades brothers have taken their beef out to lo sell TI They ey had a nice bunch Monroe 1 Giles has has' gone to Heber Holier Heberto to help hell his father put up his hay Mrs Clyde Van V-an Tassell is s on the sick lIst liL this week Joe Wilcken returned from Rock creek day where he has been bECIl w with the th the sheep 4 4 4 oio 4 4 io j j j. j i oft 4 ro e I j i IOKA 1 4 01 4 4 01 oo 4 to to 4 4 About half of the fan families lies from this lIlS place attended the the theU U. U B. B I I. Cat C C. C at Fort Duchesne All AI received valuable val val- ua l information n J malion and thoroughly enjoyed th the outing Mr and Mrs John John Lemon an and d daughters have gone to Kam Kamas s for a visit with Mr Lemons Lemon's parents They expect to lo go to Salt take Lake before re returning returning re- re turning home Mr l and Mr iBid and Mrs 1 John Miles h have havo ve gone Jo Peoa Ioa epa to attend the he Cun funeral ral of Mrs l Bert Hert Miles l a sister Jn of JOI John l 11 Miles lles Mr and rind Mrs 2 Marvin Marchant larchant loud and two vo small daughters of Lovell Wyo are arc here v visiting friends and relatives Mrs 1 Win Wm m is on the road to recovery after a short Illness Mrs Fontella Calder of Vernal has returned home lionie after a few weeks visit with her parents v A A c was appointed to lo canvas flie war ward l to gather donations for fOI tl tho 9 people of r tl the e flood district In n with compliance the goVernors goVernor's governors governor's gov goV- proclamation Everybody h the wedding nc at Upalco Friday night L. L music 4 t Jo or 4 j 0 oJ IJ l Co t. 4 10 ii i 0 oJ J 1 I thiS T community were al al most all all in In attendance at the U B D. D I. I C. C the tho three day days Some families camped on the grounds Others rs traveled to Ft mt Duchesne eve e ry day clay Jolln Hm Harlem I m took a truck load oad of passengers all three days ays The alf Vas won by Bishop Dishop Jos Job II 0 c IUli Roy Ray Calvin i s. s ten sell gar Hall n for f the mines at at on on Monday the kite l in his car Warren Locks cane came in with 1 his Is family on Thursday to ther their old home They will st stay y here for a few Cew m months 0 We shall soon be losing most of oC our young people who are aTe going outto out outto to school Haslem is going to Payson Joe Andrews to lo San Pete county Ellna Elina Cooper intends tg go goto goto goto to Hebe Hebet to io attend high school Audrey Audrey Au Au- drey cirey Whitlock is to attend school at Vernal I J. J 0 Eo 10 Eo 0 10 oo I oz I 3 10 4 I. 0 4 oio 4 Eo 4 4 I 4 01 o- o 4 oi 4 4 Born Dorn to Mr Jr and Mrs Irs Thomas M. M Gilbert Glbert Aug 16 a u boy Mr Mi and Mrs 1 Wm Sagers and daughter Alice of oC Tooele are visiting at the home of their daughters Mrs Peter Gordon and Mrs Marion l S. S J Shields Marion has returned from front Salt Lake where he lie took a load of honey for de rge T. T Smith Miss 1 Milna Gilbert has returned home after spending a l ar at the l. l L. L D. D S. S hospital where she has been taking a nurses course Gus and George T. T Smith returned from Salt SalL Lal Lake e eW W Wednesday edn day morning where they had been on business Following vIng ate are the names of those vho rhio attended the U. U B. B I. I C. C at Fort Duchesne l Mr r. r and Mrs g. Frank Horrocks Mr 11 and Mrs 1 C. C A A. Larsen tit Milt and Leah Larsen Mr and Mrs 1 Marvin G. G Shields Shields' Wanless Vanless and Elie El- El ie 10 Shields Mr 11 and Mrs 1 Wm m mV W. W agers Miss Alice Sagers Mrs f ble Gordon Mr and Mrs 1 S. S O O. O Elsie Edward and James James C. C Solo- Solo Elsie Jn Mr II and Mrs IrB Gus Mr l John H. H Holgate Vera Holgate Mr and anti Mrs Hale Holgate L. L J. J Gilbert GilberE John Gilbert Mrs Eliza J J. J Gilbert Mr 11 and Uld Mrs ItS Henry Richens Mr 11 and Irs June Jenkins ins Mr 11 and Mrs Irs Alert Alert Al- Al ert jert Gilbert C C. C C. C Harvey William Ian ey James Summers Ross Hoss Smith George Goorge T. T S Smith th By Byron on Smith h Mr md Mrs Collie Robison Mrs 1 Sarah Nielson elson Lou Iou Johnson Mark 1 V West t. t Mrs Orin Olsen and Helen Ross noss jf f were visitors at the home uC Mrs oIls T. T M. M L Gilb Gilbert rt Saturday Saturday- Mrs 1109 Marvin G. G Shields entertained entertain entertain- ed d at dinner Sunday Mr 11 and anti Mrs 1 Vm Wm W. W Sagers Alice Sagers Mr and Mrs Peter I. Peter M. M f Gordon Mrs 1 Eliza ghiza J. J Gilbert L. L J. J Milna l an and John Gilbert Curtis Farn Farnsworth worth Leah Leak Larsen S aIt l' l 01 4 I 0 4 oio z la 4 TALMAGE Jo I z 4 4 oft 4 I o- o i o- o or OZ i o oft 4 o 4 Mrs l Mary has as he her guest her brother Frank Taylor iron from irom Salt Lake Bishop and nd Mrs 1 Au Austin Un G. G Burton Burto left here Saturday for Cpr a few days day visit to Salt L Lake Their nephew Duglas Cutler and Re Reynolds Mowen who had been visiting them for Cor th the past week accompanied them home Ed Andeson and Burtice Sorensen returned home Sunday Ed from Heber Heher He He- her ber Jer and Burtice from Midway 2 and an Park City after being gone ten days H. H 1 P. P Ottosen and wife Paul Han Ban Banson sen son and family and Thos L. L Allred and family attended the Uintah basIn ba ba- ba basin basin sin industrial convention wl which wn was held held In Ft mt Duchesne three days o ot of last w week k Henry of Logan Loan is s herfor herfor her here for a few days visiting his sister am and husband Mr and Mrs Mas Ed Anderson Alderson John P. P Pearson was a Mt M. tEm tEm- Em Ern- Emmons mons visitor on Sun Sunday j Ward con conference Cere nee of ot the Relie society t was held lichtl here 1 last 1st st Sunday Sundays A good crowd was in 11 attend attendance nce Mrs Onetta Fortie and Mrs Brotherson of Bo Boneta eta were present presen to represent nt the thc stake board Mr Murray Murra of ot was here as asa ast a il t home missionary on St Sunday Joseph Draper was Vas in Du Duchesne qi Qu business on Saturday Mr ond Mrs Ir Geo Ceo E E. E LIpIt W were Te Duchesne visitors Ol on Sunday Suda Mrs ills Jozsa took her s son son n Clinton ut tIt to Provo to the doctor last Sat Sat- He lie has his peen been very sick sick fo forthe for forthe the past two or three weeks and the doctors out t here do not seem s-eem lo to 0 what i is the matter with him Joe Jozsa has gone out t to work a at Park City and Charles Jozsa to work n n Provo until untIl school school starts then he will vill attend the B ll Y U. U J josepn Jensen loft ICEt here Tuesday or Oi Duchesne to help Jesse Clement Clemen et out the tho timber for the seed plant plan which h he ls is ls to build in Duchesne A f few nv of our young people at attended attended attended at- at tended the dance in Mt H. Home Fr- Fr day night Vall Wallace ce ice and Frank Davies are building a house for Cor Mr Manrick ii in Mt 1 Home I 10 oJ oio ol 10 Eo I 44 LAPOINT eo oo 01 or orla la to ot j 4 Mrs Edith Fuller of ot Emmett Ida Js is s her herp visiting her parents anc and friends s. Mrs 1 Fuller was formerly Miss 1 Edith DIckson Fr Friday day Mr Ir Arthur Curtis and Al Al- bert Norton returned home homo after a short trip to lo outside points r Mrs Sorensen Is home after after af af- af- af ter a visit sit to o Vernal Verna Mrs Ja Jacob ob alid and family recently made a trin to their old nid nolue Holne town own v. Mrs r Ras Rai- will remain there remain there for sometime some sonic time owing t to her aged m mothers mother's lh is ill health Mrs Lowis Lowis Swenson spent sll spent nt last haht week eok in Iii n Vernal Venial on business Mrs Will ihl is home after fter six weeks visiting at Payson Pay Pay- son spit f Y r. t. t Goo Coo Perry and Fred are arc sporting new cars Mrs Golden Merkley from spent past week visiting home folks Sunday Sunda J Jh anc and Mr Mrs irB Ev Ever r. r DrInkwater DrInk DrInk- Drinkwater Drinkwater Drink Drink- water and Mrs 1 Nettle Drinkwater came nie Jn in f Murray to to visit vist rein rela tives here Mr Nr and I J M Clarence HU Hadlock Hadlock- g wi r 1 r ojo 01 1 01 01 I 4 01 10 ole 4 NEOLA LA ft oft 4 5 h 4 4 4 10 44 or i 4 I I 0 I 01 4 or 44 Mr lr Dick Heeler Beeler and son Adwin and Mr 11 and Mrs 1 Preston Keel came In lii from Storrs night for a short visit with rela relatives Ives and friends Miss 1 isa Florence Fl orence Horrocks s returned from Pleasant Gl Grove Giovo ove last week where she has been visiting with her brother for the past six weel weeks s. s Mr and Mrs 1 Jess Deal Beal are re rejoicing re 1 oyer over the arrival of a new newson son SOIl which was bon boa last Tuesday Nearly everyone here att attended the U. U B. B I. I C C. C at Fort Duchesne last last- week Everyone reports a v very ry enjoyable enjoyable en on- and profitable time lime Joseph Duncan came carna in from outsIde outside outside out out- side last week where he ho has been i working for the thie past six weeks v eks Miss Vcra Vera Hales Halos is staying with Irr Thomas L. L Smarts Smart's chi children dren at al Roosevelt dl during ring Mrs Smarts Smart's stay at Salt Lake Mr Mi and Mrs Irs Lester Keel returned return return- ed to Neola last week yeek Mr 11 and Mrs Ben Dye pass passed fd through Neola Sunday en route to th the tah canyon where they will sp spend nd a few days fishing Frank Horsely Homely of or Myton lyton was the guest of or h his sister laW Mrs Irs Eliza J. J parnes Barnes Sunda Sunday 1 t. 4 fa 4 4 01 aJo 4 t oI 0 I I oJ- oJ z 1 0 1 4 BLUEBELL 4 44 ol oft 44 I 4 4 O 4 4 0 Leon Powell of oC Vernal Is is visiting friends here till school starts Eddie Henderson is home hoine after pending this sumer sumet at Park City Mr Burt of Salt SaH Lake Is here hero for pleasure asu e and business He an and Jim Powell are going to spend a week fn in the mountains mountains' fishing fightIng while he lie is out h here re Jim Jm Powell has Mr lr Burts Burt's rented MervIn Smith Will move into town soon from his ranch Edith Edith- Case Caso spent Sunday with her mother Mss Mrs Rhoda Goodrich Mrs Irs John Goodrich has been very veryn ill n the last week caused by a fall taU II C. C Wathen came home from the thu hospital after two operations Ic Jc Is ls feeling much better 31 a missionary farewell Y will be given Andrew Johnson a E ry ory one Also a shower T even en for her In afternoon oi- oi v I z t Ie oJ 10 01 4 oJ- oJ 3 MID VIEW i 4 z I 4 to 41 44 oio 4 s 4 oj 41 4 44 or A Mrs il Al lyle Ive has gone to Heber forist for forISt st with wah her two daughters Mrs H ompson and Mrs 1 Graham Frank Clayburn and wife left last we week k for as trip to outside point They riley expect lo to go out for school this tills winter Mr 11 Shrader of or the Roosevelt State Bank Batik was in our Monday l Angus Johnson an and anI family amU have hav havre Te- Te returned turned from outside points There was a large 1 del delegation gaton atthe althe at al atthe the U. U B. B I. I C. C at Ft Duch week and nd all pronounced pronounced- jt it t the best ever f u Andy 11 hits has s gone gon e to o l. l the thc up up- J pur pan 01 Ut Hat nac wun WILU tub his outfit A. A E. E Edwards left leCt Monday for Salt Lake Dake wh whore where le he expects to 10 buy a threshing outfit He Is accompanied by his family and Tom Toni Pitts and family O 0 t J 4 oo O 01 o Eo i lON U 4 oio oo or 44 40 44 of i 4 34 The tourist season Is now now- at t its height One more month after aCter this Floyd Hume and wife of ot Vernal I returned home after a visit In Og- Og fn en c C. C W. W v. v Dube dorc broke a 3 rib while working with a 3 team He Hes is s getting along nic nicely ly Night new new alfalfa hullers have teen Leen purchased this yeaT year for Uintah h I basin work J. J F Hoyt superintendent of oC sch schools stopped in Myton lyton en route to his home In Roosevelt m Rain Rainfall fall was vas heavier in July and August 1923 than it was the same months in 1922 Ward Vard C. C Ireland and wIre wife went out to Salt Lal Lakes Lake e Mrs Mra Ireland Is consulting dental specialises 3 s. s K C Jen Jensen n of lablona was was' Jn n Myton this his week e I Mr Jensen has acres in alfalfa seed which he says is looking good I-I I H. H P. P Myton l for whom the town of or 1 was named was hero this week wee He s deputy United States marshal at tho the age age- of 82 Among the man many outsiders In the tIle bus basin n the tue past ten days Were Dr Di Critchlow v and family The doctor formerly resided at Whiterocks Coal ConI In mountains Uintah basin not nol yet developed surrounding s 's said to be similar to Carbon coal |