Show UTAH'S CROPS GOOD Agricultural and horticultural prospects in Utah Utah as of June 1 appear appear appear ap ap- ap- ap pear on the whole to t no DO e quite satisfactory satis satis- factory according to the crop re report report re- re port Jort Issued yesterday by Miner M. M Justin agricultural statistician for forthe forthe forthe the United States bureau of markets markets markets mar mar- rop estimates Mr l Justin comments The preliminary estimates of acreage show very considerable In- In in the Utah of Spring pring wheat oats and barley Spring owings are 9 per cent or acres greater than last year The condition is seven points lower so the net prospect is about the ame as a year ago Oats occupy 7 ier Jer cent greater area or acres more than last year The prospective prospective prospective tive production is increased In about the same proportion Barley is In Increased increased increased in- in creased acres so is 21 per cent greater in area than last year Production Production Pro Pro- prospects show even greater increase Condition figures of field crops are uniformly lower than last year The difference ranges from two points In case of hay to twelve points for winter wheat One of the I most important differences Is the theof figure of 88 for sugar beets compared compared compared com com- pared with 97 last year Salt Lake LakeI with 72 and Davis with 83 report I the lowest condition of the beet I growing counties Fruit prospects are mostly better than last year In spite of or very heavy frost d damage mage in the south portion of the state The more important show favorable prospects Apple conditions by counties this year and last year are Boxelder 94 89 Cache 90 68 Davis 99 73 Salt Lake 94 80 Utah 94 85 Weber Weber We We- i 1 ber bel 88 72 Peaches by counties show conditions conditions conditions condi condi- for this year and last of Boxelder Boxelder Boxelder Box- Box elder 85 70 Cache 0 92 Davis 34 Salt 90 24 Utah 3 35 62 Weber 90 61 Truck crops tend to show I latter f etter conditions than last year though the absolute difference e en in n l figures gur is j small Ranges and pastures sture are ninepoints nt nine l I j points below last years year's condition I Idue due mainly to the backward season j jo I o 0 o |