Show WHY Species of Birds Should Not Be Persecuted Owls u as its a u group Jm have e long Jong been persecuted by man juan but never ne has a persecution been Jeen more unjust says the time biological survey of the United States Department of Agriculture which recent recently iy determined med what 07 Gui barn owls had hind for fOl dinner hinner Hero is the lie menu 1 Meadow mice 1110 f house mice 4 house nits mats other othor small smal mammals three per lIeI owl Th The service service servo ice done man by the time barn owl the Survey booklet says Is typical of at that performed by hawks and owls In gen gem eral An occasional chicken is consumed con con- hut but this loss is Js fur far outweighed outweigh outweigh- ed by y the destruction of ot harmful ro r- re- re dents The sparrow says the Survey should not be lie reg regarded as ns a pest The single ex exception lon to the time Indorsement indorsement- Is the time pesky English sparrow of that species usually a nuisance and often otten Injurious SIl says S 'S the time booklet Farm 1 Help 1 From the time Birds The English sparrow is hut but one ono member of ot the large Inre family o of sparrows mind and Its habits bob hab its are are by no means characteristic of the tIme native species They are arc cs essentially seed caters eaters the time sparrows hut but they consume also a fair proportion of Insects the department department depart depart- ment went finds linds in iii general must be regarded as ns beneficial Separating the time sheep from ruin the time gnats n ts In time the feathered kingdom of or common knowledge to the farmer the time department places among tIme the hail bad birds the time Jays crows ravens and blackbirds a corporals corporal's guard compared with time till army of good birds who aid the farmer Even the time bad had denizens of the air nil have some good In them says BaYR the department and th the damage they do the time farmer falmer Is largely because of ot population over In the feathered ranks Of that class the time department says It would seem a good policy to accord them the time same treatment long given the time common crow Time The crow Is not sp specially persecuted neither is It protected About the time best that can cnn bo be said Raid of ot birds of this family Is that on the time average the they do about as ranch much good as harm S |