Show LEGAL NOTICES I NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U. U S. S Land Once at Vernal Utah August Augus t 30 1922 Notice is hereby given iven that J. J J. J Ervin Ervi n Pearson of Talmage Utah who o on n September 26 1917 made Homestead d Entry No for SE SEW SEM Section Section 3 32 Township 1 South Range 5 West West Ui Uintah Uintah Uin Uin- tah Special Meridian has filed notice of oi intention to make Final Five Year Proof to establish claim to the land and above described before Rulon J. J Larsen Larsen Larsen Lar- Lar sen Clerk of the District Court at Duchesne Duchesne Du Du- pu- pu chesne Utah on the day of October Octo Octo- Octo- Octo ber bel 1922 Claimant names as witnesses Melvin Cowans Elton R. R Rust Austin G. G Burton Burton Bur Bur- ton Rand 0 O. Rust all of Talmage Utah ALBERT HALEN Register First publication September 8 1922 Last Lest publication ion October 6 1922 |