Show FOURTH ANNUAL CONVENTION AMERICAN LEGION SEPTEMBER One of the biggest and most stupendous stupendous stupendous stu stu- street parades ever seen Iii iu Logan is going to take place during th the Fourth annual convention of the American Legion to tu ue Je e held there Sept 21 22 23 according to the decision decision decision de de- de- de of ot the general committee at atthe atthe atthe the regular weekly meeting This parade will be one in which the historical his his- historical historical his his- periods of American life liCe ill be depicted Various wards and civic bodies and posts of the Legion will willoe he oe asked to enter floats showing I phase of American history Cash prizes will be offered for the tha nest best floats showing some phase of Ameri Amerl- American can history Cash prizes will be offered of offered of- of er d for 91 t the a best floats in n the pa va- rade In addition to the floats there will willbe willbe be Legionnaires ires from all over the state among the marchers It is expected expected expected ex ex- that every post will be represented by over half its membership and posts of Cache county will turn cut percent strong Posts In Inthe inthe inthe the parade will have their colors with them and the department will present a silver service band to each post having them This band willoe will willbe I DC oe attached to the staff of the post standard The committee of or the American region eglon auxiliary will be represented to m n every convention committee com of he Legion as the they hold their conven- conven Ion lon in Logan at the same time as ashe ashe ashe he American Legion It is the In- In of the auxiliary to entertain he unit delegates in much the same vay ay that the Legion entertains the jost ost delegates Mrs E. E S. S Budge resident of the Logan unit will tame lame various committeewomen to vork work along with the men These will Nill Include representatives from tho the Auxiliary on entertainment housing mud reception advertising finance ind md transportation Chairman Harold Brangham of the entertainment committee said that hat the entertainment features of the convention were going to be very pretentious affairs One added attraction attraction attraction at at- traction Is to be a sham battle representative representative rep rop- of real warfare In France Prance In connection with the sham battle will be a big display of fire works This will Le lie staged on the B. B Y C. C campus if arrangements can be made and the cooperation of the tho Federal students at the Agricultural College will be asked d as those students stu- stu students students stu stu- dents staged a battle last Armistice day |