Show APPLICATION n FOR FOIL V WATER AT m TO 0 DEVELOP POWER IS PILED FILED The Utah Power and Light company company company com com- pany filed application with the tho state engineer for permission to LO us use J feet second and to develop L 8 O horsepower of electric energy for lor loruse r use in Utah Idaho and Wyoming Plans of the company is as indicated rom details given in the application ire are quite extensive The fit ng is in he nature of ot a protective one to tolover lover uyel rights lights on which filing i were made in January 1921 Ih The Thi cos co cost t ol of making maling the tho filing was 1000 The point of or diversion h hio tl in ed in he lie application is in Flaming Gor Gorge e which ts is just soul souto of the Wyoming Utah line Ime where the green ireen river enters the state A Am dun im m would ie 0 u constructed a short distance down he lie stream und and apparently the tho watt vat t rpm rum tl this ls dam would be backed up upwell well ull a above ho the lie proposed d point From the latter point a pressure feet long long about about Free bree and one one half half miles would miles would extend ex- ex end tend according to the application n a southeasterly direction empty empty- ng into the Green river again in R Rid R cl canyon at a point some miles down tream as the water runs The pressure pressure pres pres- sure lUre tunnel is to be 25 feet feel in ter It Is to deliver water to five wheels each 66 inches in n diameter measures from runner to runner runner run ner ncr and of the reaction type These wheels are each capable capa-blo of producing ng ing horsepower according to the application when operated under the proposed head which would vary from to feet The application is signed by Markham Markham Mark Mark- ham Cheever general superintendent of the company and was filed by G. G R. R Corey assistant attorney n |