Show 1 H 2 BASIN HAIN C 01 01 MT llO HOME f. f eE- eE i a tie oJJe 01 Mr 11 Adalbert Mecham came caine came in from the Murphy 1 road camp and reports reports re rc re- re ports work fine Ho lie spent tho the with his lila family CamUy and left Wednesday morning for the camp Mrs 1 B. B B. B and Mrs Adelbert Mo- Mo cham made a it business trip to Duehesne Du Du- Du chesna last Tl Thursday p Victor WIlkIns left for Vernal Verna last Thursday lb He lIe spent tile the in Mt Home Homo y Mr Brigham NIelson of the Kinno Kin Kin- 11 no nor oy Coal company was a Mt llama Homo r visitor last FrIda Friday lIe Ho Is quite op optimistic op- op over the tho railroad coming z through the basin I 1 1 01 1 I 4 I 44 I oJ I f ARCADIA Je 0 44 01 The farmers have havo started to harvest harvest har liar v vest their grain Albert Gilbert GUbert left Wednesday last for Salt Lake to have a thorough examination made mado as to his condition condition condition condi condi- tion as his health has be been on very bad L for over a year Dr Morton Monton of oC Roosevelt advised him that about half of his intestines are arc Emery Neilson and Charley Chancy Bird have gone to Helper to work Mr 1 and Mrs James H. H Moore 1 and family Mr 1 and Mrs 1 Winslow o of Du- Du were guests of Mrs Eliza Elfia J. J GI Gilbert e t. t 1 1 1 h. h I j. j d. d A. A HUU u. u 9 Vl iU uy lightning last Sunday night Landrew GIblert Earl Richens Len Ross Hoss Arthur and James Larsen have gone to Rock creek to fish Tom Murdock wife and daughter Lena Lloyd have gone to the mountains mountains moun moun- up Sowers canyon for a month Mr 11 Murdock will round up his cattIe cattie cattle cat cat- tie tle while there The young folks folles of the town tendered tendered tendered ten ten- dered Miss Milna Gilbert a party a aher at her home Sunday evening prior to her departure for Salt Lake LakeL L. L D. D S S. S hospital where she will take a nurses nurse's course under the direction of the tho stake Relief society It ill wil take a year ear to complete the course c Curt Farnsworth Henry Richens RIchens Richens Rich- Rich ens and Frank Horrocks have gone 2 to the mountains for logs Juno Julio Jinkins Scout has hastal tal taken cn tho the Boy Doy Scouts up to Noon Moon lake for a fishing trip of- of o T Je 01 oio o- o 01 h 10 oj oJ I 01 The boys who went fishing up the Yellowstone surel surely had fishermans fisherman's luck anI only caught about a dozen fish in all Carl Ross of Price and Mari Marion Marien n Felter will work vork for E. E T. T String- String ham Doyle Christensen just received word that ho lie is again grandpa This time his d daughter tighter Wilma gave birth hirth to a fine 1 10 0 pound boy Mr 11 Alfred Durtschi and wife have gone to th Vernal L Mr 11 Lincoln Burgener has had a smile on his face for some time but we could not guess what was the tile r I matter malter until we were Informed that he was presented to a fine boy Joy by i Ills his wife a few days das ago I Frank Watkins Is at the home of his parents Arthur Watkins I A crowd of Young people spent Sunday evening at the home of J. J E. E Myers 1 Games were played i Arnold Burgener of Price was a visitor at nit the home of oC his brother Alma Burgener Al Ivie Is on the sick list r. r oJ 01 oIo BLUEBELL r I. oj tie oj oIo I. The fishers that have returned report report report re re- re- re port fine fishing and jolly good times Mr Powell and Burts crowd caught more than The pleasant showers cool theair theair the theair air and things are growing The Tho Irrigation company sent H. H J. J Winkler up to to turn loose the wat water r of Lilly lake That with the help of rain here her and in the mountains makes quite plenty of or water R. R H. H Winkler and wife Mrs irs M. M Vernon Winkler VInkler and sister Mrs Eliner Elmen Elmer El- El men iner Gale left leCt here for Salem Saturday Saturday Saturday Sat Sat- to attend Ira Gardners Gardner's farni- farni ily i- i ly reunion Members of of the family are to come from California Oregon and many nearer places Otto Murray Win Wm A. A Merrell lerrell and ind Ralph Smith went to work vork again at Ft Duchesne Duehesne t f The Tho three year old son sOli of Mr 11 and nd iid 1 Mrs 1 Jas I. I Bird took suddenly vy 1 r ill He rIo was hurrIed off to tho the doe doc octor oc- oc tor who said it was acute I trouble The little one ia s i Mrs 1 Alzina and family I went vent to Neola to visit her mother Mrs Smithson Saturday Miss Mas Jennie Jonnie Jen Jon nie Hancock went over also to vI visit t Mrs 1 Bowen Dowen Miss Kimal camo came back with them them for a visit with her sister Mrs 1 Lydia Lydin Hancock Miss Alvira Ewell of M Ruin Rains is hero with wilh her sister Mrs Mis J 1 J. J W. W Powell Mrs 1 Eunice Eunce Leonard of of Price is vIsiting her parents Mr 11 and Mrs 1 II H. Allred AlIred 1 4 10 i i 01 I. 10 oio UPALCO 10 oJ Je 10 0 0 lr Mr and Mrs 1 Christy An Anderson the erson young oung people l lo to a party evening Games w v were re etl enjoyed fud iid ice cream and ca cac Sf si si cd cd and anti a good time was was had hacI Mr lr and Mrs J J. J N. N l ll re re- re i turned 11 ii fJ I m Kamas Kanias iI last I Mrs 11 irs l i lell is Improving ra k rapidly after her operation A large number of the people o or of Ipalco attended last Thursday the night circus at lIt t flit Mt 7 I c V M. M 1 Paden of oC Salt Sal lp Rev Rey T. T 1 M. M Keusseff of or Mt l Pleasant Rev Re Chits Chas II Hamilton I of oC Delta and arid Rev John Meeker of held lieu My Mylon tau a Presbyterian meeting here hero last Sunday after tho L. L D. D S. S sacrament sac sac- meeting I Word rord has been received Df Bishop hop E E. E B. B Murphy who is that overseer over over- seer of the over over-j road has been kicked on the leg by a horse Mr 11 and Mrs Henry BIsel of Wood Wood- latin are the guests of their daughter Mrs 1 John T. T Moon 1 F oft 4 01 Je Eo I t. ANTELOPE oj I I 01 of 1 1 r. t. ot t. i 4 The night of at U the e twenty-fourth twenty Win Wm Wedig had his stack COV stolen stol en CR oil otI his lila hay huy which he lie had just paid 52 2 for in Salt Lake He suspected suspect suspect- ed the party but moved with cau cau- tion The Tho day that Gould and Leg left lert Antelope he got the tho sheriff sherB and search warrant and overtook overlook th them at the Wells They found the cover and the sheriff settled the matter there by getting the cover and 20 for for br his and Mr 11 Wedig's trouble and expense They had hail torn the cover in two It seems as though such people people peo peo- pie should be bo made an example of instead of at getting ot off ott so easy It looks as though tho the people will have to o protect themselves by being well armed and If they catch thieves give them thorn their just dues for people who work worl hard are aro not going to La see sec seethe tho the other follow steal from them and not be he punished Geo ceo Brundage was down from Sowers canyon on business Mrs 1 Marian larian Mitchell l has been ill for several days das but is better at this writing Horace Lewis has gone to Heber I on business Mr Charles Wall Wail has to watch his apricots in day as car artel arter arter ar- ar ter tel car stop to help themselves 4 1 01 rt 4 01 Ie Ie I I. I. of- of I J 1 ROOSEVELT HOOSE 0 oto Je Dr W. W L. L Sutherland and family left for Rexburg Idaho where they have decided to locate Mr 11 and Mrs Miles Mlles accompanied them on the trip and will return in about two weeks The TIle management of the Roosevelt Mercantile company was transferred to Willis VIllis Johnson on Thursday Mr 11 Backman of the he Z C. C M. M I. I came camo out nom mom Salt Lake to make the trans trans- fer fey Mr j Lyle Fisher who has managed managed managed man man- man man- aged the store for the last year re returned returned re- re returned turned to Salt Lake with Mr 11 Back- Back man Joseph Johnson returned from Salt Lake alte City Thursday where he has been on a short business trip The Roos Roosevelt elt Culture club met Friday afternoon with Mrs 1 Ezra Durt Burton n. n A book review was given by Mrs Mis E. E P. P Evans and current topics were given by Mrs 1 Ross Bartlett The Roosevelt Implement and Vehicle company compan was sold this week to the Basin Garage and Supply company who are moving their garage garage garage ga ga- ga- ga rage business into the building of or the implement company E. E P. P Evans left left for Salt Lake Lalee City Friday where he will visit with relatives Stake convention was held Saturday Saturday Satur Satur- Saturday day in the hi high h school building A feature of oC the convention was the tie presentation b by the Roosevelt firSt ward of the p A Tribute to Gladness and the dramatization of the seagulls and crickets Upon request request re re- re- re quest these productions were again presented ed Sunday afternoon in the Amusement hall hail D. D O. O Mackey lackey and Clyde Mackey L came caine ca lle up from Ouray valley Sunday and left for Provo Monday They took Miss Mis Minola l Lambert out for medical treatment Miss Lambert has been sick for over a year during which time she has been unable to leave her bed Ray Jordan left Monday l morning on his vacation which he will vili spend spendin in his former home Spring eld Missouri where his wife has haa been attending summer school the past J st three months E. E Ray Caldwell left for his vacation vacation vacation va va- va- va cation Monday Mr 11 Rohan of Grand Junction is assisting in the bank during film Mr Caldwell's Caidwell's absence Tuesday Ray E. E Dillman went to Duchesne Duehesne to attend the monthly meeting of the school board Frank Smith of Bluebell was a Roosevelt visitor Tuesday fr C. rI I o 1 It ItI I. I ot 4 1 1 z 4 4 1 4 MOFFAT 11 oIo 4 4 4 4 Io 44 4 oJ 1 4 4 4 4 1 Mr 11 Marian R. R Westover was a aVerna Vernal Verna visitor last last week While there he attended business and visited visited ted friends and relatives Mrs 1 Blanche Blancho Rudy Hudy of Altera spent Silent the latter part of the week her mother here Mrs A. A O. O Cloward A large number of people attended attend attend- ed the Robison Bros circus Mon Non day Everybody reports of seeing their moneys money's worth Mr 11 J. J Winter Smith from Montana Mon Non tana taita is with the 1 ly The Tue following people attended in iu- iu Saturday Mr Alf Davis Mrs Geo Young Mrs B. B O. O Colton and Mr and Mrs John G. G Hacking Saturday while Mrs 1 A. A J. J Davis Mrs 1 Geo Young and arid Mrs 3 O. O Colton Calton Colton Col- Col ton were returning from Institute they just avoided running into the Nelson cream truck He HeVa's was Vas on his return trip from Lapoint and und lost control of the break while e coming down the Ward Vard dugway In III order to keep Train from running off oil the bank he run into it and tipped over No serious se se- se rious riou damage 4 I 1 4 oio oio 4 1 4 ole I 4 1 1 t. tI I 44 1 oo 4 CEDARVIEW 4 6 ii I 4 oo 4 oo 4 4 1 Je 4 I 1 oo 4 The Tue Primary association gave a demonstration of oC the different meet meol- ings Ings' of the primary Mrs 1 Ada J Joh John son the stake president was pres pros ent eat She gave a very interesting talk Her lIeI husband C. C I. I Johnson accompanied her and he lie spoke many words of to the tho Primary mary workers Misses l Chloe Timothy and Julia NIelson have been to tho the ranger station station sta sta- tion for a few tew day days Joseph Josephing King Icing an ani and family have just returned from th the mountains Elonzo Perry is busy extracting honey b 1 Ho He says the honey crop Is short this year The Robison Brothers Brothers' circus I came came to town last Saturday Quite QuIt QuIta a large crowd Arrived at the tho home of at Mr 11 and an Mrs Leo Clark a tine fine baby boy Congratulations The llIe grasshoppers are still busy Some crops they haven't damaged I to any great extent while others they r have o entirely destroyed Mrs Samuel Roberts Raberts of oC Price la is I hr visiting in this section for a v fc r weeks I 10 1010 I 10 Je 1 4 of 1 1 Ie 4 1 0 1 4 oJ 1 4 NEOLA oo 4 j I. 4 10 f f f f f Je 4 I. 1 Irhe f f f 4 f f 4 f The Tho Neola boys bos and girls returned returned return return ed from their fishing trip In the UIntah Uintah Uin Uin- tah canyon Monday They report a a I better time Ume than they have had fo for many years Some of them rode roUt i across the mountains to Pole lole creek creel lake where the fish wore were were more numerous numerous numerous nu nu- and tho the scenery much more beautiful There were four different camps from Neola there this week Mr 11 and Mrs Peter Duncan left leU for Woodland Tuesday Mr Duncan Duncan Dun Dun- can received word that his mother suffered two severe paralytic strokes I and is very ill The funeral of or Mr 11 J. J C. C Bryant was held Wednesday at the Bryant home Mr Ir Bryant died of oC tick fever fey er or the morning of July 24 He lIe was vat I Ian an elderly gentleman and a resident of Neola for many years Sympathy is s expressed on every side for the tho S 1 v IU LUJ Mrs 1113 Ora Nelson and Mrs Louis Lous I Allred Allred were the tho guests of Mrs 1 Chris I Jensen Monday I f oo Jel 44 Je JeI I oJ I 4 t. Je Ie oJ 4 I 1 4 1 4 oi 6 oo I Miss l Ruby Harkness of oC Is Ii I Mrs Francis Brooks Mist Mis I Rankness Harkness was our primary teacher two years ago Otto Bilyen DUyen went to Heber Heher Frida Friday after a load of freight for the thi I Store of Quality Several of the celebrated celebrated cele cole the on Lewis Fausett's I la lawn wn Mrs Francis Brooks s is at Tabby Her mother Mrs 1 George Casper passed away at that place Thursday Mrs 1 Otto Bilyen en enis is visiting her hei sister Mrs l Andy Allen on aim the Avin Avin- Mrs G. G N. N Brooks G George orge Brooks I and Miss Ruby Harkness attended I Ithe the funeral of Mrs 1 George Casper at Tabiona Saturday rEo 4 4 4 z 1 4 oio 1 e 4 1 It 1 1 el 4 1 HANNA j. j 4 J I. J 1 44 01 4 t. 4 oio 2 Mrs Mis nub Ruby E. E Davis avis is visiting at al atthe atthe L the Flag ranch for a few days before bofort 1 going to California Forest Supervisor Blakelee and I wife and Ranger and wife went up to lake or on I pleasure and business last week They were looking over the trail int into into in in- in- in t to the North Fork leber I Moon and wife went over overto overto L' L to Kamas for a short visit Rone Hone Smith and wife and famil family r have been visiting with his brother Dave Smith In iii Sand creek for a few 7 days Parley Parle Peterson after being out Jut outto L to summer school has come out to tc help his father Joe Peterson on oi the ranch for a while Mr l and Mrs Greenwood and Mr r. r Bo Boyle le of Atlanta Georgia stopped I at the Flagg ranch for break last Cast t last Saturday They have seeing seeing see see- ing jag Salt Lake for two weeks They say that Salt alt Lake is the finest city Citi p they have hav have ever seen seen I C. C C. C Lee went over to l' l Park City last Wednesday to get some for Cor his store at al Farm creek Robt Jensen of Oakl Oakley y came caine vcr over overto to Tabiona after three loal loads of oats Sunday i Mr and Mrs Irs Grow of ii Lake came out to t with the their ten tel Mrs 1 Jack Mason and anti son n Herold Her old oli Grow for a week weel or two to 14 I 4 44 t. 4 4 z 1 ro 44 0 I 1 TABIONA A I t Jt I I 4 1 1 4 I. 4 Ji I. 4 4 J tj rt 44 I 4 Jt I. 1 Tabiona had a real m in on the Even to the smallest t de de- de- de tails A circus and pink len lemonade The program commenced at 1130 The rhe congregation sang Co Come ne Come ye Saints Saints' prayer by J. J H. H Jones clarinet and piano duet dunt b by Bishop Claude Wagstaff and L. L W. W Clark reading by Robert Maxwell l piano selection by Miss l Joyce Townsend Tov trio Miss 1 May Clark Mrs irs Fred Wooley and anti Drucilla Thompson recitation Miss Afton Williams song Miss 1 Ruby Maxwell fancy dancing Miss liss Joyce I Utah Ulah the Queen of the West Vest by the tIme congregation l benediction J J. J C. C Crandall Twelve thirty until 2 p.m. p. p in Ut picnic |