Show PREVENT CLUB ROOT IN RAISING AISING CABBAGE Difficulty Can Be Overcome b by y Treating Soil With Mixture of Lime and Salt Those who have had great difficulty In growing cabbage on account of ot the presence of club root will find that lime and salt properly used will help them grow fine healthy cabbage free from this disease Take a peck of ot lime and a quart of ot salt and mix well to together ether and then when whoa making the small excavation for tor the cabbage plant place a handful of the lime and salt sal t mixture In the it cn cavity and aud stir well to mix It with the soil In which you are planting the cabbage e. e Another way Is JS to remove ro a quart or two of ot soil at the point where the cabbage cubbage Is to be planted and mix the earth with about a fourth of a pint of the lIme and salt mixture Then place the earth back set out the cabbage cabbage cabbage cab cab- bage plant and water freely A little of tha tho lime and und salt mixture re scattered over the soil for a u a df distance tance of or a few Inc inches les' les above aboe each plant mn may aid somewhat somewhat some some- what In preventing the trouble |