Show IP His Dear Young Friends jQ k Ah my hm hm my dear young friends y YN p. p said Bald the statesman who had kindly kind r ly consented at the earnest so sorS' sorS O rS' rS of the superintendent to adL ad d L' L 17 dress dresa a few helpful words to the Saban Sab Sabbath an bath school back bacI looking over my myer er er long career I am convinced that the i only wa way to win true success is to deal or or honorably with ones one's fellow men to i. i I follow the dictates of conscience to I. I I heed the teachings of the Golden Rulo Rub ed ed and to walk in the straight and nar nara narrow a row way But would But ah would any little littleboy littleboy boy or girl like to ask me a question 4 Well Tell say spoke up one of at the dear young oung friends aint you kinda sorry you didn't find it out sooner sooner sooner- Kansas City Star |