Show FIVE MILLION FOR UINTAH AH EXTENSION Union Pacific it is Reported Will Begin Building jn Spring Either From Coalville or Salt Lake La e City It was learned yesterday says pays Mondays Monday's Republican Herald-Republican from officials in close touch with work ork contemplated by the Union Pacific system that orders have been een issued for the construction of the basin railroad in tn the spring The information in information in in- formation v JilE meager comes Inra frim the Uio o n ces of cr the time Union Pa Pacific u mt l i is well veil that the eni or or rI r- r I ing fag department has completed plans Ifor I for the proposed road and that even the grades and the curvature have been figured out I I In addition the stations and teri ter- ter i minal in the Uintah basin have been mapped by the Union Pacific and Itis it itis itis is asserted by those who know what the Union Pacific budget contains that has been een appropriated for building the railroad into the Uintah basin There i is e thing which has not yet been de by the road and that is from what point the line will start While R. R S. S Lovett it is understood understood understood un un- un- un desires that the road start from Coalville and ande andt run east there ther are re a number vrho favor an entirely entire entire- ly new line from Salt Lake east which shall not tap the main line or branches A num number er of wholesale wholesale wholesale whole whole- sale houses which are close to the Union Pacific system want the branch to leave Salt Lake direct in order that thai the trade of the Uintah basin may maybe maybe be conserved to this city The question question question ques ques- tion o of routing wilL wilL- go wilb-go go before the board of directors and and the time co consult consulting consulting sult- sult ing engineer when the plans reach New York INTERESTED IN UINTAH BASIN Th The Unit United d States is enjoying an era of prosperity that bids fair to break all former records of railroad and commerce activity according to toW W W. A. A Clark former United States senator president of the Salt Lake Route and owner of mining mining min min- ing properties throughout this state Montana and Nevada Mr Clark arrived arrived arrived ar ar- rived in Salt Lake Monday morning mornin from Butte At the Hotel Hote Utah he talked freely of business conditions the probable extension of railroads into the Uintah basin asin and generally about the financial outlook There has not in years been BO so much activity as at present in this country said Mr Clark Every kind of business is thriving and every day sees the conditions im Im- prove Metals 1 are bringing an excellent excellent excellent ex ex- price as also are agricultural agricultural agricultural tural products and throughout the entire country only prosperity exists There seems no probability that this country will get into the European European European Euro Euro- war and that is the only thing tiring that now could possibly prevent the return of the most times that the States State has known Discontinuance of adverse legislation against big corporations especially against the railroads has given room for a return of confidence on oil th the part of both the public and the carriers that is bound to result in rapid growth There should be miles of oC railroad built in inthis inthis inthis this country annually to to keep up with other development It will bedone bedone be bedone done if the present prosperity con con- UINTA BRANCH LINE There There Ther is no doubt that a railroad will be built into the Uinta basin ItI It ItIs Itis I Is a wonderful country and our officials official officials of of- have ave oat at hand the data ergard- ergard ing the feasibility of the project Provo would probably be our point of connection with the present line if we should decide to go into that district It is not yet known whether er or not we ma may undertake all or part of such a road The Salt Lake Route this year has laid miles of 90 pound rails replacing 75 pound steel and will continue next year to extend the hea heavier vier road We Ve are also making other big improvements in the way of putting in new equipment II |