Show INSTITUTE PROGRAM By Miss Afton Pope Friday Frida Morning Session Lecture Gowans Lecture Supt Supt Vocational Training Teacher must adapt himself to his hits surroundings and be satisfied with the opportunities his life presents or he cannot instill that satisfaction in his students The six and six method The old method of ot teaching does not ta take e into consideration ion tie the great change between the first six grades and the thelast thelast thelast last two With the new method the seventh and eighth grade stud students will be in the junior high school There they will not be subjected to the strict discipline of the elementary elementary elementary elemen elemen- tary s school hool and will have fewer subscribed subscribed sub sub- scribed courses and more elective ones This freedom will cause the th child to choose at an early age the subjects and consequently the vocation vocation vocation voca voca- tion to o which he lie Is best adapted As far as is possible under our condition the six and six method willbe will willbe willbe be used this winter in our schools Solo Solo Mrs Isham Islam The standards of the state have been raised but teachers are given givena a better chance chanco for advancing New requirements for certificates were given n. n A teacher holding a one ye year r certificate and assing the state examinations examinations examinations ex ex- so that certificate is renewed re- re renewed renewed re re- for five successive years rears willbe will willbe be given a state certificate This with 24 hours of college work en- en entitles en entitles titles one to a life Ue certificate Afternoon Session A discussion of pl play y by Mrs 1 Hol- Hol later ister In brief The child will do O something and the play should be directed by a person and arranged so satisfaction and will find the he child not look elsewhere for his amuse amuse- ment mente Out-of-door Out apparatus is not expensive expensive expensive ex ex- pensive and should be installed on The children can every play ground make mako swings Teeters slides stud arid md sand gardens and these will make a big improvement in the school play ac aco- ac- ac Games as checkers should also be provided for stormy days With games we develop In the child health happiness discipline cleanliness politeness ess and honesty Teachers separated for class work Mrs Holister gave instruction in work for the primary grades and anda a round table discussion Supt SUlt Gowans talked to the grammar grade and high school teachers on Moral 1 oral Training 5 Banquet 3 O Banquet was served by b Domestic Domestic Domestic Do Do- Science class everything class everything delicious delicious de delicious de- de licious and everyone pleased Supt Gowans lectured before the parents and teachers at 7 30 and this was followed by a musical by Prof Proto Andelin Ande Andelin An- An de delin in and wife Saturday Morning Chorus Roosevelt Chorus Roosevelt School Roll Call Many Call Many absent Lecture Lecture Dr Gowans Subject Teachers Teacher's Teachers Teacher's influence upon up n the life of the community and this the effect upon his works as a teacher Individual I Efficiency Standardization of or subject Supt Gowans standard Gowans-standard standard for judging g gI and selecting teachers I Professional library Magazines taken and read Plans for school work Technical preparation Knowledge Adaptability Outside work in community Individual influence and action Solo Solo Miss Miss Spratt P. P M. M Session Mrs Holister HoUster gave a discussion on imagination and told how th the childs child's Imagination could be developed bythe by bythe the myth and fable The truth of the myth was pointed out in many ways wars Mrs 1 Holister blister said that if she sho were Judging teachers she would ask for Cor forone Corone one sue power to be greatly developed developed- that of story telling Baritone solo solo 1 Mrs Moore Teachers decided on standards forthe for forthe the county this year This will ghe ghe ghea a i uniformity never had before Every Even Everyone the discussion one Ins was pleased with and end Supt Washburn Instilled a feel feel- feelIng lug Jug of enthusiasm In the teachers teacher's that should make our schools a greater great great- er r success than ever before n |