Show MRS ft DS DARIL BARil ACQUITTED C Sensational Case From rom My Myton ton Results Results Re Re- suits in a Verdict for Defendant The jury In the case of the Town of My Myton ton against t. t Ethel Baril in which the defendant nt was chargers charged 1 with assault and battery on the person of her mother moth moth- er Christine Moody resulted in an n acquittal for the defendant The mater mattar matter mat mat- tar ter er terminated considerable mud slinging sling- sling in ing n g on the part of the attorneys for plaintiff and defendant In their arguments arguments arguments ments before the jury neither paid close attention to the record the burden burlen bur bur- den len of their remarks being directed at each ench other with the exception that that- attorney attorney at at- torney Croix for My Myton ton quoted liberally from rom the Bible in his opening address Attorney McDougal of Salt Lake for forthe forthe the he defendant declared it to irI w was s Myton's My Myton's tons ton's shame that the town had allowed its ts soiled linen to come before the district district dis- dis court that it was common knowledge knowledge knowledge knowl knowl- edge that that town had winked at atone atone one ne of the most heinous crimes committed commit committed com com- mit d on on the reservation but had permitted permitted permitted per per- a family quarrel to be aired toi to tots its i ts fullest extent and sarcastically remarked remarked remarked re re- re- re marked that he would be proud to be behe bethe bethe the he attorney for the town of My Myton ton Attorney Croix in closing countered in n a most effective manner by replying that he would be proud to be an attorney attorn attorn- ey who made a mother on the witness stand tand testify as to the of her ler child that a new commandment should hould be added to the ten not only honor lonor thy father and mother but honor hy thy client as well It is stated that the end of the case cases is s not in sight and that a damage suit of c considerable proportions will be brought brought rought against the Town of My Myton ton by Mrs drs Baril Bari who was kept in jail ail several days lays on the charge of assault and bat- bat tery ery 0 n- n |