Show No Fooling Goes Here A mans man's stomach will stand a good deal of abuse but when it ft does turn insurgent insurgent in Its It's the other fellow who haRto has haR hasto hasto to seek terms of ot peace leace We seo see all those these things today We look about us in our own country and behold the fruitful harvests It is a aland aland aland land of or plenty On every side we wo behold behold behold be be- hold the tho wonderful r results of ot labor Our O lr harvest fields our great shops ot our wonderful our cities our churches an anac and ac schools io R our cattle on a thousand hills all all these testify of labors labor's worth they constitute labors labor's benediction And across the water in the land of ot our ancestors see what war Is doing Think of those tens of thousands of ot gallant men who have fallen in France Belgium Germany Austria and Rusala Rus- Rus sla ala Think of the hundreds of tho thousands thousands thou thou- sands of huml humble le homes homeR waiting a anxiously x for footsteps that will never never return think of tho the thousands of blackened spots from which ascends the smoke of ruined habitations Think of the danger of women and children ren think of the cities destroyed and of the rivers sending a crimson tide to the sea Surely the comparison will give to each of us a keener appreciation Of the great boon human labor Is Suro Suro- ly we must have a truer realization of or Its dignity Let those frivolous ones who are prone to look upon honest labor as uncouth and beneath ones one's respect give a thought to labor I today and contemplate what a truly great blessing It Is an and ana how much nobler It Is than the emptiness and worthlessness of ot indolence Labor Is la Isa isa laa a 1 king at whose shrine all men may pay tribute tribute all all others kings kaisers czars and emperors are as nothing compared with the true monarch of Christian Christan civil civilization whose throne has been sanctified and blessed by the great God himself |