Show Advertise Ad in The The The- Record I Advertise in The rhe Record I Subscribe for The Tho ne Record ord LARGE cnE ACREAGE GE SOLI SOLD SOLDAT AT INDIAN LAND SALE Following is a u. list of those purchasing purchasing pur pur purchasing chasing land at the last Indian land sale ale together with the number of acres and price paid per acre Theand The Theland Theland land and was sold April r Frank I L. L HoaGland Salt Lake City SO acres 1625 per acre S. S P P. Dillman Vernal 40 acres at 1600 1000 C C. J. J Vernal 40 acres 16 Mrs Claude Claud H Robinson bInson Hayden 40 acres 1601 Harmon Vernal 40 acres 1630 Harmon Vernal 80 acres 1130 r Albert Ft Duchesne 40 acres 2600 2500 John J. J I Hoyden Hayden 80 acres 1250 1260 Richard M. M Colton CoHon Bennett Dennett 40 acres 1500 George Georg J. J Cannon Salt Lake Lale City 43 acres 1305 Alford HooKer Booker Altonah 40 iV u acres 2100 Kenneth Spiers SpielS Vernal 80 acres 1650 Frank E. E Smith Altonah 40 acres 1650 Keith R R. Burt Salt Lake Cit City 80 SO acres 2323 John A. A Mendenhall 1 Altonah 80 acres 1775 J. J L. L Mahaffey 1 Altonah 4 40 0 acres s 2010 I T Jesse H. H LeFevre Spry 40 acres George J. J Cannon Salt Salt Lake City 40 acres 1500 John McAndrews Vernal 60 CO acres acres 1850 Frank Park City 40 acres 2110 C. C A. A Makinson 1 Halfway Oregon 80 acres 1500 Charles E. E Hirth Birth Vernal 2125 acres 1500 O. O H. H Lance Duchesne 40 10 acres 1250 Robert I F. F Ross Hoss Duchesne 80 acres 2510 J Will ill Trade For Fot Land Lind Drug store to trade f for r land W. W C. C Perr Perry Duchesne Utah t Subscribe for Tor The Tho Re Record ord FARM FAU LOANS r G T J J. J R R. Wilson Co Duchesne Utah represents Security Farm Loan Association Association Association Asso Asso- of Chicago negotiators for farm loans 5 or 10 years Call or write for Cor particulars Our plan is new and good 7 1 7 p. po poI J I Advertise in The Record I GOOD CLEAN s t C 0 A L t Y 1 5 If you you O want good clean coal of can call on on Mike Ballas Dallas at Pack- Pack J. J Allen n. n ml mineT mine e. e i f VERNAL UTAH o. o 3 J. T 4 t. t i Good to top coal t g 3 Blacksmith coal A i M y jt r NOTICE For HORSE BLANKETS See theon the Myton on Harness Tent en Awning Co Best Dest Blankets Made in the West Nest WestI NestI I dip Harness in Pure foot Oil for I wash and oil for lor 3 7 5 I use only the best oil 2 11 inch Harness Made To Order I Subscribe for The Record NOTICE TO WATER VATER USERS State Engineers Engineer's Office Salt Lake Cit City Utah March 4 1915 Notice is hereby given that C. C T. T Beggs whose postoffice address is M Myton ton Utah has m made de application in accordance with th the requirements of the Compiled L Laws ws of Utah 1907 as amended by bythe bythe bythe the Session Laws of Utah 1909 and 1911 to appropriate two twenty-two 22 feet cubic-feet of water per second from unnamed springs which flow Into the north fork of or Duchesne River Wasatch Wasatch Wa- Wa satch county count Utah Said springs issue is issue issue is- is sue at a point which bears north 54 degrees west 2575 feet from the southeast corner of Section 18 Township Township Town Town- ship 1 North Range S West Nest Uintah base and meridian The water will be diverted at its point of issuance and c conveyed b by means of a ditch and pipe line for a distance of feet to power plant and there used from January January Jan Jan- uary 1 to December 31 inclusive of each year ear to generate power for propelling propelling pro pro- machinery machiner near Hades Cori- Cori carl Can Canyon yon nm Utah After having been een so used the water will be returned to its natural natural nat nat- ural liral channel at a p point int which bears south 5 degrees west feet from the southeast corner of said Section IS 18 This application Is designated Inthe in inthe inthe the state engineers engineer's of office rice as No All protests against the granting of said gald application stating the reasons reasons must be made b by affidavit in duplicate accompanied b by a fee of and filed in this office within thirty 30 days after the completion af of J the publication of this notice W. W D D. D BEERS State Engineer Date of first publication March 19 1915 date of completion of publication Jon ion April 19 19 1915 Subscribe for The Record NN a We e Are Con Consulting Specialists In S Typewriters S i Pr THIS HIS may be a new idea to you but think it over t The point is that the Remington Lori Typewriter line i is s the one and owl only Y t COMPLETE 1 Typewriter Type Line It is the only line which has a typewriter fo for every taste for even every need for every even purse for every purpose The physician with only one prescription for every case woul wouldn't t c command your confidence confidence confidence dence would he know that one preT pre pre- prescription cannot cover all ll cases I Neither T canone can canone canone one style of bf typewriter cover cover al all s The manufacturer of only on one style of r machine machine machine ma ma- chine is a special pleader for that one machine He has got to be But we are lre not p pleaders we pleaders we are consulting experts without 1 bias or leaning towards any type or kind of construction We Vc are in a position to furnish you any style of machine your individual re requirements rc- rc demand Think of us in this light and you will 1 realize how well it will pay you to ca call 11 us in and consult with us about your typewriter needs Official al Type Typewriter Panama Pacific Pa International Exposition tolL R Remington ton Typewriter r Coni Company an F S INCO INCORPORATED ORATED r j 1 I N f. f t e m w Money at 8 Per Cent J J. M. M RUSSELL Roosevelt Utah 1 1 n. n D. D Colton A. A V. V Watkins COLTON WATKINS Attorneys and aid Law at Johnson Block loel T Telephone 33 1 UTAH UrAH I CHARLES 1 RLES DeMOISY Calder Building Vernal Y Utah h. h Con Conveyancing Collections Real Estate Es Notary Public Insurance EDV EDWARD ARD MACKIE U. U 3 S. S Commissioner UTAH Land Filings Final Proofs and anil Other Land Cand Office Business W. W J. J BROWNING Physician and Surgeon Roosevelt Utah i ERNEST H. H BURGESS Attorney and anti Law haw nw Roosevelt Utah ALBERT BJORNSON M. M D. D Physician and Surgeon Myton Iton Utah Fees Fecs as per Fee Bill nm Utah County Medical Association WATKINS EWING CONTRACTORS PLASTERERS CEMENT CEl WORK DATI LATHING lING Estimates Furnished Free DUCHESNE ROOSEVELT S S. S C. C EwIng l P. P R R. Watkins o y 00 9 00 r 00 4 Ob 0 7 7 0 0 t 1 Y 00 Y t. t Y Ye t e 00 1 es Y Y ONT 0 0 1 0 Y t tY 0 I 0 f Y Y Y l. l 0 SWAT THE FLY y Y o j ji Yz z i 0 RUN YOUR WINDOWS AND D DOORS i I USE A FLY TRAP If I I f Then if i he be e slips in swat him with a aKing I King Ply Fly Swatter I I 0 J IT KILLS WITHOUT CRUSHING I Iz II I HAVE YOU z LINOLEUM i SEEN 0 OUR DR 1 e. e f z 1 zY Y NEW PATTERNS PATTERNS JUST JUST ARRIVED ARRIVE 1 z I I IY Iz I Y z DUCHESNE LUMBER CO I Y I Y i. i e WERE NOT SATISFIED UNLESS YOU ARE I Ir I V r e OP 00 t 0 0 w w. w 0 o 0 0 e e 0 o. 0 0 00 o. o ii i i t t t t H i 6 a- a As GoocH t 4 3 r. r There ere is is No To Just s Good i t Ii v. v Lumber as that made at the Mill nUll of J LUMBER IBER COMPANY 10 miles North of All Allten 1 f ten lengths sizes and widths rough and sized and planed 1 T in stock We sell QUALITY Lumber and prove it t tX X J. J Postoffice o s oice a at Altonah Utah H A i AA 0 o 00 o 00 o v o v o o o e e e 0 ol o o 9 o 40 e o 00 tj WESTERN G GATE GATEWAY i Y Lt Y TO THE I 0 1 0 ff 60 00 2 Y Y Great Grea t U- U Ut in t a. a h B Basin aSID j y Y I 00 Y E PO VIA THE q 0 f. f 00 z Duchesne Stage r Transportation Comy Com Com- I y f o 1 00 g a 0 s Auto Mail and Passenger Line 8 ff it 0 0 oe I t 9 the tho County S Seat al of the new County Count of Duchesne Is the tho first fist r 4 ff 0 town own Inland from Colton and from this f point mail t and express as well as pas pas- ast as- as f fengers make connections with Strawberry Fruitland 0 0 Tabby Stockinet 0 G tonah all Hanna Talmage Winn Boneta Mountain Ho Home Home me Bluebell AlG AU Al- representing representing- thriving i communities which witch have three f 4 mail and express routes running out of 1 Duchesne l Lea Leaving Duchesne the t main mail road goes down the theana Duchesne river to e Myton 22 miles M is y n another ter important distributing t point from which Y f a good service t supplies the foll S awing towns 1 f F dependence Lal Ioka and In- In rV t f 00 From Myton I ton to Roosevelt noose the next distribUting t Y t line from Duchesne to Vernal is 11 miles point on the main line At Roosevelt o- o r routes antes run to C Cedar Cedar- dar dar- i view f T w Hayden Bennett a and d Neola Aeola t. t Pt jy From Roosevelt to Ii rt t. t Duchesne the i l n cat distributing point Is U S 8 0 and ana here connections miles mes It 4 are m made ado with 00 Moffat Randl Randlett ett t 1 r Oura Ouray a y The Uintah railway ailway terminal at t Watson n makes maltes Tart Taft and f t. t l f 7 maintains an auto line Ime direct for l' l passengers l and connections here and l f 4 their express and bring freight to 44 p t f warehouse V- V t. t f Y t 0 Continuing towards f 4 f 4 Duchesne and from this Vernal the next town tow n Is Moffat 1 two miles from Ft pt- point to l g Vernal 23 miles no stops f fT being are made this c. c g over ove a sin small all range that sel separates arat the if J T e ley river rive drainage from Ashe Ash Ash- valley j ta At Vernal the S t T g largest town on the fl 00 TT 40 x C Jensen Watson over the Uintah Railway route connections are made mad e with t T TT Co Olo 1 o. o over o the Denver and Salt Lake company's S auto line and with Craig 44 Auto line and wIth Naples Maeser 1 etc Following I T 4 are the fares to and from the tho f 1 1 0 fares from Cram and to other towns mentioned principal points over 0 our line J t lj Z being over other r 1 lines ft i I i COLTON COrTON TO TOOne f It VERNAL T TO TOOne 0 f ri f. f tr r One Way Trip 1 t Duchesne GOO cOO One Ono Wa Way R R. n nd l Q Trip 41 i DUtChe T r Myton 1000 1000 1300 1390 Ft ht Duch Duchene erne r. r 2 l t t J. J t Roosevelt elt S S. 50 O R Roosevelt olt 3 50 50 Jl t Ft C no 1100 1 1500 J My Myton ton 4 t- t 7 O. O S It 4 Vernal Vornal 11 1100 nn 1500 Duchesne K nn 1000 N f 4 t Colton n 4 11 00 s 1100 00 2000 1000 f 0 I Y v 45 r gym t c S 'S I. I tt c J fc t 40 f z Prompt Service and Co Courteous Tie Treatment I IK is 1 t t 1 A. A Au M. M r MURDOCK i. i v A gr DUCHESNE UTAH It Of c tt I by cw K Ai K YV D J 44 A vv K 0 K 06 44 ev 0 0 6 QI t tc I v v- v v- v 4 00 v 4 J J H 0 e e 0 S A 4 0 v v u p v V v r A 4 0 rv V A A r. 0 tl v 1 J |