Show OBREGON AGAIN TO TOL RULE ROLE AT HI C CAPITAL L I F I REPORTED II THAT GARZA WILL AB ABANDON DON MEXICO CITY TO CARRANZA CHIEFTAIN Announced That the the Food Situation Will bo be Taken Care of SatIsfactorily SatIsfactorily Sat Sat- t by the pr Present 4 u wA io- io Garrison 1 r f if f Washington The ThO The situation at ill City assumed another Mother of ot its Ith rapid changes changos when Sir Cecil Spring Spring- Uce the British ambassador called to Secretary Bryans Bryan's attention a r report re port ho lie had received ved from the Mexican Mex Mex- Jean ican capital that the forces under General Garza were about abouL to abandon the city again and that General Gen Gun eral Obregon the Carranza chieftain In the vicinity was moving forward to reoccupy It The ambassador Is understood to have asked what prec precautions for the protection of ot foreigners were plated by the tho American government In Tn this event Secretary Bryan BIJan said later that no reports of the Intended evacuation had reached the department He characterized such information as had been received as s suggestions as to what might happen referring apparently apparently to o the statement of the British ambassador Earlier the secretary s saul said ld assurances c s had been received d from Cram General Garza that the food situation situation sit sit- situation in Mexico City would be taken care cire of bf satisfactorily b by the present g garrison |