Show GETTING THE rl HE NEW COUNTY STARTED Some Difficulties in the Way of the New County Which Will Soon be Cleared Away In starting the new county of Duchesne Duchesne Duchesne Du- Du chesne out upon uvon its eventful career many questions of law lawand and proceed proceed- ure ore have arisen not the least of which is the transfer of new county records an and the qualifying of our officers elect in such manner that all aU shall be legal and the very best and that all aU business shall be commenced with proper authority Judge Morgan has made nn an order fixing the county commissioners commissioner's bonds at each to be bo approved ed by the court prior to Jan Jim 5 G 1915 The county clerIc clerk of Wasatch county O Chas E. E Bronson Dronson will Issue certificates certificates certificates cates of qualification upon the approval approval approval ap ap- ap- ap of the bond by the Court This will enable the commissioners to commence work properly Jan at ht noon and as soon as the Duchesne County Clerk Mr Edward Mackie shall hall have qualified the Clerk of Wasatch Wasatch Wa Wa- satch saleh county will deliver dellyer to to Mr Macl Mackie a certified copy of tine the Courts Court's order and thereupon the bonds sh shall ll bo be recorded as provided by law Concerning the tho bonds of other officers officers of of- of officers there are two views viz 1st 1 the ordinance in Wasatch I shall be operative in Duchesne county I until superseded by llY ordinance In Duchesne County and 2nd the tho Doh Duchesne Du Du- chesne h esne County commissioners shall Jan Ian meet and pass an nn ordinance fixing axing the bonds But Dut no county count ordinance can be operated for fifteen days clays l ys and hence on the 2nd plan the th County would be without officers for foi 15 days das except commissioners therefore there there- sore fore ore the County Comity Attorney C. C J. J Wahl Wahl- quist considers it best for all Duchesne Du Du- chesne County officers as noted give bonds according to the present regulations of Wasatch County and thon then a new ordinance and new bonds can follow tollow in Duchesne county Bythe By Dy Bythe the latter method all officers will b be fully ully qualified and ready for business on the tho 1st M Monday In Jan 1015 1915 oras or oras oras as soon as ns the Commissioners shall shaH have approved the respective bonds J J. J 0 O. Jensen the bc best t known abstractor abstractor ab ab- I tractor possibly in Utah Is rapidly copying the records of Wasatch county county coun coun- ty that pertain to Duchesne county It It Is not noi too much to say that the new county shall shail start out with the best se sot of ot records In the tho entire state All Ml the thc experience of the past is seen to l have ave figured in the tho many innovations Lions and valuable I improvements In Inthe inthe the new set of records About fifteen professional stenographers under Mr fir Jensens Jensen's direction are arc pounding sway away on their typewriters rg about ten len tenI I hours tours per day The complete set sel seli setI i will be bo almost entirely typewritten and and therefore superior to the average counts county's records written in many I hands sands and hence in various degrees of legibility |