Show IJAMES BRAID l SAYS I 1 ko Athlete ca can do himself j justice t if his hist i t tl feet hurt Many thousands are using daily abroad broad and in this country Allens Allen's Foot Foot- Ease the antiseptic powder to be shaken 1 into nto the shoes All the prominent Golfers GoUers and ind Tennis Players at Augusta Augustl J. J Pinehurst and md Palm Beach got much satisfaction from rom its use ue this Spring Sprin It gives a n. restfulness restfulness rest rest- t II s and a springy feeling that makes you rou ou forget YOU jou ou have feet Allens Allen's Foot- Foot lEase Bare a se i is the test greatest comfort discovery of I the age and so easy to use It prevents blisters or puffing puffin and gives rest from tired tender or swollen feet Seventeen Seventeen Seven Seven- teen years before beCore the public over testimonials Dont Don't go on your vacation I a package of Allens Allen's Foot l Sold everywhere c. c Dont Don't accept nn any substitute Sample sent ent FREE Address I lIen i AllenS S. S Olmsted Le Roy N. N YI Y Some people seem to make a I of ot thinking only near When a laxative lacative is needed take the aIl alays al- al l z ays potent Garfield Tea Composed of S F RE E S if H i A 4 r- r A trial package of Munyon's Paw Paw 1 Pill will be sent cent free to anyone on re re- re- re quest Address Professor Munyon Jefferson Philadelphia Pa If you are in in need of medical advice do not fail to write Professor Munyon Manyon Your communication communication cation will be treated in strict confidence and and nd your case will be diagnosed as as carefully care care- fully as though you had a p personal nal inter lUter- l Munyon's Paw Pa Pay V Pills arc are unlike all 11 other es or cathartics They coax coax the liver into activity by gentle c metho methods 3 Th They do not scour they do donot not gripe they do not weaken but they do start all the secretions of the liver lher I nd stomach in a way ivay ay that soon puts these organs in a n. healthy condition and corrects constipation In Iii my opinion constipation is responsible for most ailments ail au- ments meats There are 26 feet of human I bowels which is really a sewer pipe When this pipe becomes clogged the whole system Estem becomes poisoned causin caus caus- J. J in ing biliousness indigestion and impure bood which often oCten produce rheumatism and No who kidney ailments woman oman suffers with constipation or any my liver Ih-er ailment can expect to have a n. clear complexion o or OJ enjoy good health If I had my wa waY I would prohibit the sale lIe lIei i of tenths nine-tenths of the cathartics that arc are now flow being sold for the reason that they soon loon destroy the lining of the stomach setting un serious forms farina of indigestion and s so p paralyze rali the bowels that they refuse refuse refuse re re- re- re fuse to act unless forced b by strong strone Purgatives f Munyon's Paw Paw Pills are Bre a ft tonic tonico to o the stomach liver and nerves They invigorate instead of weaken they enrich enrich en en- rich th ther bl blase od Instead of ot impoverish v it they enable the stomach to get al all allS S the nourishment from food that is put pul into Late it it These pills piUs contain no calomel n no dope they are soothing healing anc and andi andS S i They school the bowel to act set without physic 1 I Regular size bottle containing 45 pills I 25 Cent cents Munyon's Laboratory 4 y Jefferson Sta Philadelphia hla L STONE IN BLADDER REMOVED IN REMARKABLE WAY WAYA A year and a half ago I was taken with witha a B. severe attack of kidney trouble that pained me to such an extent that morphine more mor phine had to be given me Was Vas attended by a doctor who pronounced it it as stone etona in the bladder and prescribed Lithia Water Vater I took Lithia Water and tablet for some time and received no relief from them I stopped taking medicines for sometime some soma time timo and having some Dr Dr Kilmer's Swamp-Root Swamp in the house I decided to try it and felt much ranch relieved while taking the second bottle commenced to fo pass pas gravel in urine until I had passed in all at least a a. half a dozen or more and have haTe not suffered the slightest since and in all aU have haTe taken one one bottle and a half halI and feel very grateful to Dr Kilmer's Swamp Yours Youra very truly H. H W. W SPINKS Camp Hill Ala Personally appeared before me this of August 1909 H. H W. W who subscribed the above statement and made oath path that same is true in substance and andin andin in fact A A. B. B LEE r- r Lettu to I Notary Public I Dr Co N. N L Y Prove What Swamp Root Will Do You For Send to Dr Kilmer Co Binghamton Bingham Bingham- ton N. N Y for a sample bottle It will convince anyone You will also receive a I. booklet of valuable information tell telling ng all about the kidneys and bladder When writing be sure and mention this paper For sale at all drug stores Price fifty fifty- cents and one I NOTICE TO WATER USERS I State Engineers Engineer's Office Salt Lake City U Utah Uh h May 20 1911 Notice is hereby given that the Dry Gulch Irrigation company by Its secretary secretary sec see J J. B. B Strain whose postoffice I address is Roosevelt U Utah h. by virtue ot of approved application No made in accordance with the requirements requirements requirements require require- ments of ot Chapter Session Laws of ot Utah 1905 obtained ed permission to appropriate nineteen 19 feet cubic-feet of at water per s second cond from East Fork of at Lake Fork creek Wasatch county Utah Said water was to have haYe been diverted at a point which bears north 27 degrees 28 minutes east from the northeast corner of at section 28 township town town- ship 1 north range 4 west Uintah base and meridian According to the records of ot the s state ste te engineers engineer's office I Ithe the application is in good standing Said Dry Gulch Irrigation company now makes application in accordance with the requirements of ot Section Session Laws of Utah 1909 to change the place of diversion of ot said water to a point which bears south 39 degrees 51 minutes east 2302 feet distant from the n northwest corner of at section 21 township 1 north range 4 west Uintah base and meridian merid mend ian from where it will be conveyed by means of ot a canal for Cor a distance of ot feet and there used during the period and for the purpose orIginally originally originally origin orIgin- ally intended The application is desIgnated desIgnated designated des des- in the state engineers engineer's office as No 80 All protests against the granting of said application for change of ot point of diversion stating the reasons must be made by affidavit in duplicate and filed In this office within with with- in thirty 30 days after the completion completion comple comple- tion of the publication of at this notice CALEB TANNER State Engineer Date ate of first publication June 2 1911 date of at completion of publication publication publication tion July 3 1911 o p NOTICE TO WATER USERS State Engineers Engineer's Office Salt Lake City Utah May 20 1911 Notice is hereby given that the Dry Gulch Irrigation company by Its secretary sec see J. J E. E Strain whose postoffice address is Roosevelt Utah by virtue I of ot approved application No made In accordance with the requirements of at Chapter Session Laws of at Utah 1905 obtained permission to appropriate appropriate ap- ap ap Jp twenty-one twenty and third one-third 21 21 1 3 1 feet cubic-feet per second of Water water water wa wa- ter from Uintah river river Wasatch county county coun coun- ty Utah Said water was to have been diverted at a point which lie lieU lies U east feet from the southeast corner corner cor cor- ner ncr of at section 24 township l I 1 north range 1 west Uintah base and merid mend ian According to the records of ot th the state engineers engineer's office the application is in good standing Said Dry Gulch Irrigation company now makes application application application cation in accordance with the requIrements requirements requirements re re- re- re of at Section Ses sIan slon Laws of Utah 1909 to change the place of diversion of said water to a point which bears south 76 degrees degrees de de- de grees 45 minutes east C feet eJ distant from the southeast corner of section 23 township 1 north range 1 west Uintah base and meridian from where It will be conveyed by means of at a canal for a distance of feet and there used during the period and for tor the purpose originally intended The application is designated in the state engineers engineer's office as No 71 All protests against the granting of said application for change of point of diversion stating the reasons must be made by affidavit in duplicate and filed flied in this office within within with with- in thirty 30 days after atter the completion completion comple comple- tion of ot the publication of this notice CALEB TANNER State Engineer Date of ot first publication June 2 2 1911 date of completion of ot publication publication tion July 3 1911 o p NOTICE TO WATER USERS State Engineers Engineer's Office Ottice Salt Lake City Utah May 20 1911 Notice is hereby given that the Dry Gulch Irrigation company by its secretary secretary sec see J. J E. E Strain whose postoffice address is Roosevelt Utah by virtue of at approved application No made In accordance with the requirements requirements requirements require require- ments of at Chapter Session Laws of Utah 1905 obtained permission to appropriate fourteen 14 feet cubic-feet per second of at water from Uinta river WI satch county Utah Said water was to have been diverted at a point which bears north 76 degrees 7 mInutes minutes min mm- utes east feet teet distant from the east quarter corner of at section 9 9 township township town town- ship 1 north range 1 west Uintah base and meridian According to the records of the state engineers engineer's office I the application is In good standing I I Said Dry Gulch Irrigation company now makes application in accordance with the requirements of at Sect Section on Session Laws of Utah 1909 to change chang the place of at diversion of ot said water to a point which bears south 51 degrees 51 minutes east feet teet distant from tram the northwest corner of section 9 township 1 north range 1 west Uintah base and meridIan meridian merid mend ian from where it will be conveyed by means of a canal for a distance of ot feet teet and there used during the period and mid for the purpose purpose originally Intended The Tho application Is designated ed In the state engineers engineer's office as No 68 All AJl protests against tho the granting of at said application stating the reasons I must be made by affidavit In duplicate and filed in this office ortice within with with- in thirty 30 days after atter the tho completion completion comple comple- tion of at tho publication of ot this notice CALEB T TANNER ArNER State Engineer Dato Date of first publication June 2 1911 date of completion of ot publication tion Lion July 3 1911 o 0 NOTICE TO 0 WATER USERS State Engineers Engineer's Office Salt Lake City Utah May 20 1911 Notice is hereby given that tho the Dry Gulch Irrigation company by its secretary sec eec rotary J J. J E. E Strain whose postoffice dress is Roosevelt Utah by virtue f approved a application 1 No nade in accordance with tho the requirements require requIre- ments pf of ot Chapter Session Laws t tj f tf j of at Utah 1905 obtained permission to appropriate thirty ono 31 cubic feet per second of water from Uintah rIver river nver riv rIv- er Uintah county Utah Said water was to have been diverted at a point poin which bears north 85 degrees wes west feet distant from Cram the east quarter quarte corner of at section 18 township 1 south range 1 cast east Uintah base and meridIan mend merld ian Ian from where it was to have been conveyed by means o 0 of a canal for a distance of at feet and used d dur during ring ring r- r ing the period from tram April 1 to October 31 31 inclusive of each year to Irrigate 1960 acres of at land embraced In sections sections sec see 18 19 30 and 31 township 1 south range 1 east y and sections 3 4 5 9 10 16 and 21 township 2 south range 1 east Uintah base an and meridian According to the records record of ot the state engineers engineer's office the application ap ape ap- ap is in good standing Sal SaId Dry Gulch Irrigation company now makes application in accordance with wit the requirements of ot section Session Laws of at Utah 1909 1909 to change chang tho the place of at diversion of at said water to a point which bears north 9 degrees degrees degrees de de- de- de grees 30 minutes west 1856 feet teet from the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of at the southeast quarter o pf ot section 18 township to 1 south range 1 east Uintah base and me meridian idla 1 from where It will be conveyed by means mean of a canal for tor a distance of feet fee and used during the period from Apr April 1 to October 31 inclusive of each year to irrigate 1960 acres of at Ian land embraced in sections 18 19 30 and 31 31 township 1 south range 1 east am and sections 3 4 5 5 10 16 21 and 32 township township town town- ship 2 south range 1 east Uintah base bas and meridian As much of said water wate as ts may be necessary will be use used during the entire year for domestic purposes The application Is designated designated designated in the state engineers engineer's office a as as' as asNo No 69 All protests against the granting o of said application for change of at point o of at diversion stating the reasons there there- for must be made by affidavit in duplicate duplicate duplicate dup dup- licate and filed in this office within thirty 30 days after the completion 0 oi the publication of at this notice CALEB TANNER S State Ste te Engineer Date of first publication June 2 1911 date of completion of publication tion July 3 1911 o a NOTICE TO WATER WATE USERS S ta Engineers Engineer's Office Salt Sail Lake Lak City Utah May 20 1911 Notice is hereby given that the Dr Dry Gulch Irrigation company by its secretary secretary sec eec J. J E. E Strain whose postoffice address is Roosevelt Utah by virtue virtu of approved application No made in accordance with the requirements requirements require require- ments of Chapter Session Laws o of Utah 1905 obtained permission t to appropriate two thirty-two and seven seven- tenths feet cubic-feet per second o of water from Lake Fork creek Wasatch Wasatch Wa Wa- satch county Utah Said water was wa to have been diverted at a point poin which bears north 35 degrees 45 minutes minutes min mm- utes west feet distant from th the southeast corner of section 16 township township town town- ship 1 south range 4 west Uintah base and meridian According to th the records of the state engineers engineer's office the application is in good standing Said Dry Gulch Irrigation company now makes application in accordance with the requirements of Section Session Laws of Utah 1909 to change the place of at diversion o of at said water to a point which bears bear south 54 degress west feet distant distan from the east cast quarter corner of ot section section section sec sec- tion 19 township 2 south range I 3 west Uintah base and meridian anc and conveyed by means of at a canal for a distance of ot feet and there used during the period and for tor the purpose origin originally lly intended The application is designated in the state engineers engineer's office as No 75 All protests against the granting o ot of said application stating the reasons reason must be made by Joy affidaVit In in duplicate and filed in this office within thirty 30 days after the completion completion com corn of at the publication of this notice no no- tice CALEB TANNER State Engineer Date of first publication June 2 1911 date of completion of publication publication tion July 3 3 1911 p o NOTICE TO WATER USERS State Engineers Engineer's Office Salt Lake City |