Show ADAPTED TO WRITING TABLE Combined Spring-Box Spring Scissors Holder and Pin-Cushion Pin That Will Be Found Convenient In our sketch may be seen a very usef useful l article for the writing table that can be made with the aid of any any strong wooden box of a suitable size a small square cigar box will answer the purpose admirably All paper from both inside and outside should be removed and the lid well padded with cotton wool and then covered with a remnant of velvet fastened on r. r Just Inside the lid The sides of tho the box can next be smoothly covered with silk sUk of ot a color to match or harmonize with the velvet and fastened on in the samo sarno manner The ball baIl of string is placed on its side in the box and through a small circular hole cut in the front of ot the box it may be drawn off oft as us required A strap of strong cloth Is attached to one side for tor the scissors and this may be be- done dono either with small a na- na mental brass headed brass headed nails nalls or two holes can be be made through the cloth and tho the side of tho the box and strong paper paper pa pa- per fasteners run through and the ends bent flat In our sketch this article is shown in quite a plain form and it might of course be bo made more ornamental Little rosettes of narrow ribbon with tho the ends hanging down for Instance might bo sewn at each corner of tho cushion |