Show Moon Lake Reservoir Is Filled T To un 0 Capacity f Spillway Structure Is Completed In Time For FOl Necessary Operation Flow Floy Of Water Hater Now Nov Going Through Lake Is Double That Necessary For Present Irrigation Purposes Boy Lost Walks 45 Miles files To ToUncle's ToUncle's Uncles Uncle's Home TABIONA TABIONA- BUlle Billie Lee Lec 14 year old son of Mr Jack Lee L-ce had quite a thrilling thrillIng thrill thrill- Ing c experience 1 last week when he got lost in Salt Lake City He had accompanied Mr and Mrs Owen Ellis on a trip to Salt Lake and seeing a a. picture show advertised which he wanted to see he decided to go in telling no one where he was going When Billie came out he could see no one he knew for after cooling Booking several hours Mr and Mrs Ellis decided to come home and leave the searching to the police After two days Mr Ellis received word that Billie was at athis athis athis his uncles uncle's home in Provo After After After Af Af- ter searching for lor Mr Ellis Billie had decided to go to his uncle in Provo and after walking all night he arrived at his uncles uncle's place about 10 a. a m. m A distance of 45 miles |