Show TILMAGE TALMAGE By Mrs Chris Sorensen Mr Chris Sorensen was taken to Heber Friday night to be under undera a n. doctors doctor's care for a while Ellis Ems Janet and Anna Burton returned home Sunday from their trip to Yellowstone Park Mrs Fern Perkins and son Bobbie Bobbie Bobbie Bob Bob- bie of Idaho are spending a few days at the home of Roscoe Per Per- kins A number from here attended the celebration in Duchesne Sunday Sunday Sunday Sun Sun- day and Monday Mr and Mrs Floyd of Park Paik City and Earl Bard and Jay of ot Midway were visiting at atthe atthe atthe the home of B B. B J J. J Sorensen Sun- Sun Jay Mr and Mrs Elijah Behunin enjoyed a visit from Mrs Ister lister and son Frank of Salt Lake City for a few days last week Sunday school conference was held here last Sunday Mr Holgate Holgate Hol- Hol gate of the Stake Sunday school was here as a visitor He was accompanied accompanied ac ac- ac- ac companied by Mrs Holgate and daughter Mr Albert Kenison made a short trip to Provo last week |