Show JUNE TERM OF DISTRICT COURT OPENED MONDAY Continued from Page 1 1 ance ante In this cause The Duchesne Farm Co vs Fred Lindsay Demurrer and motion to strike matter in answer to amended complaint passed till next law and motion day I I I Petition for Extension of time timeto timeto timeto to make final proof Water No granted granted Ella Labrum et al vs Perry E E. Burnham Heber Moon and Neph Moon two demurrers taker taken under advisement by the Court Uintah Basin Construction Cos Co ks k's s Randolph Jensen et ux N N. N L L. Pet Peterson et ux two demurrers overruled and defendants given given given en 20 days in which to answer Federal Farm Corp vs Otto Russell et al defendants demurrer overruled and defendant defendant defendant de de- de- de given 20 days without notice in which to answer W W. B. B Mo Morton on vs Brigham Mecham defendants Mecham-defendants defendants demurrer demurrer- arguments heard matter taken under advisement by Court Evia Richards vs vs John Richards Richards Richards Rich Rich- ards defendants demurrer and plaintiffs plaintiff's motion for suit money continued until Thursday at 10 a a. a m. m Bruce Calder vs Mary Collins et al 01 Defendants motion to quash service of summons granted Leland M M. M vs vs J. J M. M Michelson and Axel Pierson two wo demurrers overruled and defendants given 20 days without notice to answer Roosevelt State Bank vs Owen Bennion defendants demurrer overruled and defendants given given given en 20 days without notice to ans- ans ver Esther Allred vs Leonard AUred Ailed Allred All Ail red ed defendants defendant's answer continued con- con until Thursday at 10 a a. a m m. m State Tax Commission vs Basin Basin Bas- Bas in n Motor Federal Farm Co vs vs Hancock Bros Zions Wholesale Grocery vs Timothy Pierson vs vs Young set for Wednesday June at 2 p. p m. m Roosevelt Slate SKate Bank vs George Holfeltz judgment granted I |