Show JUA JUANITA liv By Mr lira l Ethel L. L Curran Mr Harold Ge Gee is remodeling his home Roosevelt visitors this week were Mrs Ethel Curran daughter daugh daugh- ter Ailene Arlene and son Elmer Mrs Mildred ld Emr Emry and son sop Fred Mr and Mrs August Maas Mass and Mrs Pearl Mecham Miss Elsie R mund who has been attending school in Heber has r returned to her home forI for forthe p I the summer Miss Melba Cur an who has b been en staying with Mr and Mrs L. L R. R Curran during Mrs Curran's Currans Currans Curran's Currans Curran's Cur- Cur rans ran's illness has returned to her hom home Mr L L. L A. A A Hollenbeck and Mr Titus Jones were at at the Hollenbeck Hollenbeck Hollenbeck Hollen Hollen- beck ranch Sunday Many from here her attended the dances at and Bridgeland Saturday night They report an excellent time e. e Mr Fred Emry had the misfortune misfortune misfortune mis mis- fortune of being kicked Monday when the hores he was shoeing g reared and kicked him Wm in the th e mouth Although it loosened teeth it was not a serious injury and he is reported better this morn morn- ing Lag A deer was seen Wednesday a athe at t I Ith th the Curran ranch It evidently came down for water It was fa fat t I II and in fine shape so it looks asif asif as asif if th there re was good feed on the j I j I hills Mr Carl Milton Sr is visiting friends here |