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Show UINTAH BASIN RrrnRn. DUCHESNE, UTAH county, Correction The Southwest quarter (SWJ) of Section 35, Twp. 3 S Range 4 In reporting on C0UH W., and Lots 3 and 4, Sec. 1, Twp. mgs in our issue of u 4 S Range 4 W., all in Uintah 200 cont. all in Case Special Merid., By Mrs- - Sarah the acres, tog. with any & all bldgs., Bennion, by was given program A Myton. This JJ, 17th honor- impr. and app. thereunto bel. k read, the State of V Relief Society March water of 90 right shares presAlso Relief Society Peterson and Owen BinfJ ing the former in Rocky Point Irrig. Co., tog. b idents of the ward. The following Aim Case with any and all other water & Mary past presidents, Clara ditch rights of ev. nat. however Sarah Smith, Cecilia Bird, angle when the bea lat- evid. used on or bel. to sd. lands. the " of their employer B. Rust and Mary P. Case, DATED this 21st day of March, ter being the present president, Kech!uffeur in untir- 1935. were commended for their particularly MITCHELL H. ARZY by (Signed) dent evolving from the ing service in the organization Sf Duchesne whom Sheriff among several speakers, angle causes Miss Miss County, Utah to lose their jobs,J were Cordelia Bird BosweU, Ayres and 22, Date of first publication Mar. to Zell Rust, Mrs. Edith Case realize he is in love was 1935. Mrs Anna R. Salmon. A tno Gaynor. Alice Date of last publication, April 12, given by Mrs. Will Hardman, 1935. and Jowett Fortie. entertainHardman Alice Miss SunMOVIES ed a few friends at her home included The guests U day evening. Zel-l- a "Servants Entrance. the picGrace Thacker, Lois Atwood, Lorture coming to the Cozy Theatre, and Fern Rust, Edwin and has Janet Gay-no- r raine Thacker, James and Parley March 23 and 24, Arthur Lew Ayres as the leadMarriage' and and Russel Hardman, ing players. The story opens with Miss Gay-no- r The Central High School Pre of Liars A One Act and her fiance in a dilemma sented their play, Prince Play The week. the subject of their honey- last to a crowded house of Veda the Miss moon. The wealthy father tas comPosed play was directed by of Duchesne Business girl gets bad news at the critical Kartchner. re- time, which seems to settle ideas Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hanson Men. havafter of a honymoon of any sort. Unturned home Thursday, r, Elsin-oat daunted, the two decide to get ing spent several weeks atSCHOOL BAND where they were called to jobs and work out their own saltend the funeral of their niece, the vation. After wearing out much CONCERT eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. shoe leather, the girl lands a job in the housecook maid and a as Anderson. Christy Mr. and Mrs. Simeon S. Atwood hold of Ned Sparks. There follows and daughters, Lois and Barbara, a particularly amusing comedy visiting relatives here this scene in which Miss Gaynor does week. They expect to return to a walkout. The story gains momentum when she lines up with Salt Lake soon. to snappy music bj Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Case took a wealthy Swedish family. A NEW ORCHESTRA strained relationship their daughter, Aldene to Roose- harmless, velt Friday for a tonsil operation. springs up between the girl and Duchesne Ward Ha!! Leslie the chauffeur, who is an invenThey were accompanied by who tive genius. Pearson and Floyd Case, Things are finally FRI., MARCH 29th transacted business in Roosevelt. smoothed over and romance blosArthur and Lee Powell, Carl soms, which turns into a love tri- Liter and Rulon Powell, accompanied Wayne Harris to Salt Lake City Friday. They are looking for Inducing the Housewife to try new locations. Frihere held Junior The Prom, day proved to be a very enjoyable affair. The St. Patrick idea was beautifully carried out with gold and green shamrocks and crepe Is Making a Permanent The Roosevelt orchestra paper. Customer played to a crowded hall. to-Wr- ' Mr. and Mrs. Earl Giles are the By Mrs. W. G. Gentry proud parents of a nice baby boy. The Relief Society held their Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Curry re- annual party March 17th. A good turned Tuesday 'with a new Pon- program and a good time was entiac car. joyed by all present Mr. Frank Defa was transactGlen Baird, who is attending ing business in Duchesne Wednes- the A. C., at Logan, was visiting friends in Ioka Saturday and Sunday. is Lake of Salt day. Mr. Perry spendMr. and Mrs. J. W. Jensen are ing a few days with his relatives, Mr, and Mrs. A. Foster P.hoades spending a week in Salt Lake and of Hanna. Monroe visiting relatives. A farewell dance and party was Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Gentry and given for Mr. Elmer Moon Friday daughter, Elizabeth, were callers in Red Cliff Ward hall. He is at the home of Devon Gentry of leaving for the mission fields for Myton Monday. the next two years. A number from Ioka atJune and Tom Roberts motored tendedlarge of Mr. Schwen-k- e funeral the to Vernal Friday. at Roosevelt Tuesday. Lila Webb is here from Heber to spend a week with her parents, Bishop and Mrs. Webb. Get your spring While working on the road, Wil-for- d CLEANING and Wall was quite badly hurt Saturday. Marie Timothy and Unice Angus spent the w'eek end in Salt Lake PRESSING done at City. Duchesne Electric Laundry James F. Lemon was a Salt Lake City visitor Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Thelma Webb and children spent Monday with her mother, Mrs. J. A. Angus. The Seasons FAVORITE Is Here! Bock is a fine beer. But theres only one time of the year in which you can get it in the Spring. So when you CAN get bock beer, be sure youre getting the best. Ask for Fishers and know that youre getting the finest of fine Bock beers. Marinoff Beer in jugs to take home, i gal. 55c CALDWELL CAFE Duchesne, Utah attended the meeting. held The Chamber of Commerce night Friday meeting their regular ot in the I. O. O. F. balL Many vicinand of Myton the problems reBy Mrs. James Dalgleish were discussed, followed by ity The Friday Bridge Club held ports from the various committees. their regular meeting at the home We expect much from this of Mrs. Bliss Lott, with the fol- organization. Mrs. lowing members present: Wm. Koehler, Mrs. Wm. Harris, Mrs. Homer Robinson, Mrs. R. E. Waugh, Mrs. Wm. Preece, Mrs. Lee cooper and Mrs. Geo. Ting-le- y Sr. The prize for high score was won by Mrs. Lott.. By Mis Florence Murray here Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hollenbeck Quite a large number from and Miss Veda Poulson, of Du- attended Stake convention at Mt. chesne, were Myton visitors on Emmons Sunday. Mr. Hosie and Merril Lisonbee Tuesday. with Mrs. Chas. Neal who has been of LaPoint were visiting and Mrs. A. L Mr. their the parents Lake in Salt during visiting Lisonbee Saturday and Sunday. past week returned Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. James Bird was been has who Fred Mrs. Burger and revisiting at the home of Mr. in Idaho for several months afterturned Wednesday and is now the Mrs. R. A. Murray Sunday guest of Dr. and Mrs. D. P. Whit- noon. Lela Hancock and Nellie Stevenmore in Roosevelt. were guests of Naomi Mosley son Miss Jean Walker who has been ill for the past week is now com- Tuesday. A large crowd from here atpletely recovered. Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Tingley tended the Junior Prom at Mt entertained the Sunday Night club Emmon3 Friday night Otto Larsen and son, William, with the following guests present: Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hender- and daughter, Cleona Remington, to son, Mr. and Mrs. James Dal- motored to Salt Lake Sunday L. the is in who Mrs. Larsen, gleish, and Mr. and Mrs. George 3ee Tingley Jr. High score prize wm D. S. hospital. Mr. Wall of Mt Emmons was a awarded to Mr. and Mrs. Henderbusiness visitor in Bluebell last son. Miss Alice Todd entertained at week Quite a large crowd attended bridge Sunday evening. The folthe high school play at Mt Emlowing guests enjoyed her hospitmons WhitD. Dr. Mrs. P. and Saturday. ality: Hazel Stevenson who is employmore of Roosevelt, Mrs. Fred Bured at Price, spent the week end ger and Mr. Chas. Neal. The dance given Saturday night with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, by the American Legion Post of James Powell. Roosevelt was a great success. A large crowd was in attendance from all parts of the Basin. The Relief Society held their annual party in the ward hall on Friday night, serving a banquet By Romanza Mott to about one hundred guests. This Mrs. I. F. Baum, of Heber City, was followed by a program and is visiting with her mother, Mrs. games which entertained every- Catherine Williams. one till a late hour. All of the Miss Erma Bancroft spent the guests voted it a very enjoyable week end with Miss 'Olive Mott. affair. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Mott stayMr. and Mrs. Richard Adams ed over night with Mrs. E. A. accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Mott They are moving from town Lloyd Labrun of Roosevelt, mot- to their ranch for the summer. , ored to Salt Lake Thursday, reA pretty little group of little turning Friday. enjoyed themselves Wedpeople The regular meeting of the at the home of Mrs. Bert nesday, Masons was held in the I. 0. O. F. in honor of Aleina McRowley hall on Saturday evening. Mr. Cormick's third birthday. Those Jack Vignetti of Price, Mr. Guy present were Ross Baum of Heber Mr. Arthur Brown, Hollenbeck, City, Pauline Mott Arthur Row-leand Mr. Roy Schonian of DuchJay, Junior, and Therold Mcesne, Mr. Joe Moysh and Mr. Cormick. Alex Birch of Roosevelt were amMiss Olive Mott spent Tuesday ong the out of town members who night at the home of Miss Rella Williams. She is soliciting for the Uintah Basin Record. It is hoped that the home paper will be placed in many more of the homes, for it i3 some' thing for the whole family to enjoy. The muddy roads make it very dangerous for the school bus. Why cant we have a little work done where It is needed? Our school bus driver would be very pleased to have the road commissioners try riding on the bus some evening so he could point out the worst places to them. It would certainly make them sit up and1 take notice, Mrs. Bert Rowley entertained at afternoon tea Wednesday in honor of her sister, Mrs. I. F. Baum. All those present report a very enjoyable time. Mrs. Annie Mezenen and Elva Pace attended a shower in town Monday and it snowed all day here Tuesday. Cheer up Bishop Ivie your name will appear in this column just as soon as you do something of BLUEBELL y, sub-cribe- rs C NIL ElliS i Net 5 ;!mn6 S) Womanless . 'uner H J jrron her a less, J. in pi vr Cit Jos of csay S in tt Beli I DANCE BOV' he extei a bi ;e ears fro ir south re he with s j Maid OCIover Products Dary Mo ESt compli seem Hi! .y. I the who the c 1 f;tal, enjc d to g dee !en to NOTICE OF SALE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY O F DUCHESNE, STATE OF UTAH. STATE OF UTAH ) Plaintiff tis. T1 MUTUAL CREAMERY COMPANY Schoni iiay. Duchesne, Utah is e i widow c!as; j ding Trainii ) tw vs. ) GEORGE STOTT and AL-- ) ICE STOTT (also known ) as Alice J. Stott), his ) wife, and THE COLOR- - ) ADO COLLEGE, a cor- - ) poration of the State of ) ) Colorado, Defendants ) TO BE SOLD AT SHERIFFS SALE on the 16th day of April, 1935, at 2:00 oclock p. m. of said day at the Front Door of the Duchesne County Court House, in Duchesne, Utah, the following described property situated in said Aire You gerald Urn. broth For. 'eySm; Waiting A Letter? smith liter, tesne, caeral morn ihall. D Jiimer T E L IE IP of e Hush the y J Cl a mb isffitt, Jr Go THE ROAD DOESN'T MATTER . THE SPEED JS UNIMPORTANT SIT WHEREVER YOU WWtf and 'tt am ;e bod soothe, ad bi nocr; Meet ;f Der states April t Hotf !vemn By Mrs. Glen Sorensen Jeanne Dore Cleo Hayward Fanchon and Marco Star Direct from Colonial Club Panics Chicken Supper 16 ... THE SEASONS BIGGEST EVENT 3 DANCING ACTS ROUNDS OF BOXING Salt Lake City and Uintah Basin Boxers Oth Uintah Nigh School Vernal, Ut. The families of Robert Winter-to- n and Ferrel Abplanalp left last Thursday for Sandpoint, Idaho, where they are making their home. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Peterson of American Fork were visiting relatives here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Sorensen returned home from Midway last Friday. Mrs. Mary E. Kenison and her daughter Vida, returned home from Provo Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Laron Beckstead are the proud parents of a baby boy bom March 18th. Mr. Elijah Behunln went to Salt Lake Tuesday to receive medical treatment. Mrs. Behunin accompanied him. Quite a number attended convention in Mt. Emmons Sunday, More University of Utah freshmen fail in courses during the first quarter of their work than doing any other quarter of their freshman year. During the autumn quarter of the 1933-193- 4 school year, freshmen failed in 8.2 per cent of their courses. During the winter quarter this was reduced to 6.01 per cent, and In the spring quarter the percentage of failures was 6.8 per cent. The man who can't stand versity is not fitted to stand ad- ' Won in, sla, vy W. ' tor t: tittee sessi wen will rti wi Fran late e ir in t t1?35 Frd ri!e lmfPtant Tl!E ensL-t- he 1 Comfort 101 W you the VFr?brings development vTn Sca SVVh ' Ford 8 g V8 Sprgbl for the years. Welded body, engine and chassis improve SaW make more durable than ever. roughaut at no ettr. co. d we-b- uilt '" V--. springbase increased to 123 inches. The frODt seat rldIng comfort even for back seat passengers. New riKng ease in the . 1935 Ford V-- 8 is matched by new driving ease. Control, steering parking are easier. Starting and shifting have been made almost effonless. Braking requires surprisingly little foot pressure-y- et ts surer, smoother. Here is a car that is styled to the min- - - a S- OAUTHORIZED moJen FORD DEaL THE NEW Crul Easy terms through Universal P Co., the Authorized Ford Finance - P-sn- ft the |