Show Racketeers Play New Game Gameon on Famous Picture StarS The latest Hollywood racket Is Isone Isone isone one In which famous stars are telephoned telephoned tele tele- phoned and the suggestion made they can receive recel protection for the thc sum of the week If they refuse refuse re re- re- re fuse they are politely told that such and such things timings can happen that Is nothing compared to what they j. j ml might ht have hn to surrender lilt If certain things timings occurred which might occur If It there is no protection Insured insured In in- and so on All of which explains the time bars barson on story lower-story windows of the village sIlage vil s-Il- lage Inge age famous the strong-arm strong men meo who are ever present At least twenty of ot our most ost noted gelatine stars neer appear In public without without with with- out a bo bodyguard and bodyguard and other safety measures |