Show Has W World ild Heard Heal d' d Last o of J Kreuger euger i Writer Sure Intern International Swindlers Swindler's Suicide Was a a F Fake ke So you think Kreuger la Js dead Well Welt so do most people But not In Sweden There only onty a few people think so Maria Marla Lagar asserts In Prager Ta Prague Virtually nobody It la Is the talk of ot the coun conn try And what are they saIn That of ot course he I Is IS' alive Where does he live In hiding of course No one suspects It and we shall say nothing more about It but the fact tact Is that he Is living In the Ukraine A great man n a man of oC such stature especially one who did every everything In s such ch style doesn't commit suicide It doesn't appeal to him Do you you know the le story about bout the nuns Well Wen here here hereIt It Is Two nuns uns were praying at his de deathbed deathbed- which was most suspicious In Itself For why should a Protestant have French nuns pra praying over him when he heIs Is is dead B But t do you know y how many nuns left the death chamber chamber- Three Whoever sy saw sav Jils I I. I body tody Count them them just Just two two- persons his most Intimate companion and Miss Bokmann his ls s secretary And the doctor But the doctor saw ona only only- a dead body he lie had never seen Kreuger alive Remember that The doctor shrugged his shoulders whenever people e t lk d tp 9 him about b nt It He saw sawa a body bu but what Mt does does does' a a a. to wYoT Yg ca can ca'n 1 buy u one m for 25 francs In the morgue U Moreover e ver wh what t the they saId n about out the body dy sounds suspicious s. s You know what the ar r-Jn r Stock Stock- holm hoim said who carried Ivar I Kreuger's Kreuger's reu gers ger's casket That That- he had nev never r carried such a n light and that he had never neer known there to besuch be such a st strong wax wax af at afa a cremation The Tho pallbearer has Iuis a a n wide vIde acquaintance acquaintance ac ac- ac- ac ce that Includes most mos of bf the people I f know H He HO Is a fine f fellow very ery affable But what concerns orme or me is that I know the woman who spoke to the doctor herself In person per per- son son- Y You u may not believe the pallbearer pallbearer pall vall- bearer but you must believe th the doctor No not the tho doctor In Paris the other other doctor who Is much more Important the doctor whom Ivar Kreuger has to thank for his new face frice The things you can do with operations operations oper oper- nowadays s 's I 1 A new nose new cheeks checks a new forehead a new chin Ivar Kreuger Krenge can walk unconcerned along every very street In the Ukraine Nobody recognizes him for the doctor doctor doc doe tor Is an artist and I know the woman woman wom worn an who talked to him |