Show Charge For Helping Farmers Apply For Loans Is Prohibited Farm Farmers rs who apply for loans this year from the fund authorized by Congress for crop production loan should re refuse refuse refuse re- re fuse to pay any fees for h help lp in inthe inthe inthe the preparation of their loan applications applications ap ap- ap- ap it was declared by Dan of the L. L Capener F Field eld Inspector Crop Production Loan Office stationed sta staI sta- stationed I Honed at Duchesne I IThe The law as enacted by Congress I this year specifically prohibits the I charging of any fee for the preparation preparation preparation prep prep- I of the application Mr CaPener explained and nd provisions for fine or imprisonment or both found Jound guilty of assessing assessing assessing as as- for any person such a charge Notarial fees however are still necessary as are fees charged for the county county county coun coun- ty recording official for recording security for the the lien given as searching the records records rec rec- loan and for for prior liens description of the landon land landon A legal on which the crops are to be planted plant plant- ed is also required together with witha a statement of the acreage of ot the applicant in crops grown by The obtained 1932 and the yields to file a applicant is required statement of seed and feed on hand at the time of applying for a loan To obtain the loan Joan the application application tion blank stipulates the applicant applicant applicant cant must agree to use the money of loaned only for the purchase supplies necessary for crop production production pro pro- described des des- in 1933 on the land Prospective borrowers must also also state that they have neither the means nor the e credit with which to secure these thes production production production pro pro- supplies and that unless the loan Joan is granted they will be unable to farm in 1933 Significant differences between the 1933 and 1932 regulations s governing governing governing gov gov- crop production loans arc that this year the maximum per per- to any anyone one borrower Is 1 and that to qualify for a alean aloan loan lean borrowers must agree to re reduce reduce re- re duce their acreage of cash crops re-I re 30 per cent below their 1932 acreage acreage acre acre- acre I age provided their farming operations operations operations oper oper- are above a specified mini mini- mum As in 1932 a first lien on the 1933 crop is required Loans are to be repaid on or before October October October Oc Oc- Oc- Oc tober 31 1933 |