Show Poultry House Floor FloorA A cheap and very satisfactory type of poultry house floor can be made by building the poultry house houseIn In the usual way with the concrete foundation walls walls' extending up about 12 Inches above e the ground surface Then tamp In firmly a layer of clayey soil soll- then oil this thoroughly with used crank case oil then tamp in another layer of loose soil Boll and again oU oil- thoroughly and continue tills this until the floor Is at atthe atthe atthe the desired height hel This should then be covered witha with a n thin layer of at gravel well tamped In and In this shape Is warm and dry and has Jas a firm enough crust so BO BOhat that hat the fowls will not scratch holes In n It Later It can be covered with concrete the oiled earth Insuring warmth and dryness Wisconsin Wisconsin Agriculturist |