Show Basin Independence Food J Feed T And Better Bett r H Homes omes o 0 Individual And Collective Efforts Must Be Effected Agg Aggressive Attitude Essential To Pr Protect t ct Our Rights I And Make Use of Them This year the U. U B B. B I I. I C C. slogan Is B Basin sin Independence Through Independence Through rough Food and Feed Production That Thatis is a fine slogan an e excellent statement It indicates that we weare weare weare are not now independent which is the truth of the matter and it it shows the right way to attain i that for which we have struggled along year after year However in keeping before us this one idea good as it is we should not lose for a moment other ideas which such a program commands as workers co-workers or as correlative factors In fact this slogan is useful to us only as these other ideas expand and assume position sharing individual determination determination de de- de- de termination to realize the main idea that of individual ence To a large extent this independence independence independence in in- dependence depends on farming in all its phases J But i there here ere in Jh the U Uintah ta Basin are ate are certain features of t og ro P phy hY i. i isolation relation l 6 a water orate a a d iana d rr n mg and muc much wealth w th besides f farm jIu Tuc of h g se two counties we estimate that even in this trying time possibly forty car loads of gilsonite went out last month last month to the markets of this and other countries And even several cars of timber for I mine pro props s have been trucked out during the present winter period These farms and their homes come first yet this other wealth may not be ignored In the distribution of the f farming farming farm farm- rm- rm ing land and the water for it we find the big problem It is not allin all allin in hi one body and the acres supplied with water and equally as much for which there is ample ample ample am am- water yet a large territory is involved Forty communities communities communities com com- in our counties testify to the wide distribution of the farm land This landscape is a complex one too Many matters of method and of finance enter into the proposition Not only do dowe dowe dowe we need more careful handling of the farm by its owner but we have as much and in some cases more the urgent necessity of a cooperative spirit and a broader view Elementary justice is required required required re re- re- re for that small community contending against its own isolation isolation isolation isola isola- tion bad roads and often problems problems problems lems of irrigation Here we are mL mixed ed up with and surrounded by a aa a. a which tt owns and directs both land and water as as well as timber coal and power po sites And then as though this condition were not enough of this would-be would paternalIsm paternal- paternal Ism our Duchesne river water is filed on for urban ban use Dear reader you know well wen that we are weak partly because we live in so many small communities communities communities com com- otherwise our people would long ago have done something of greater merit And you well realize the fact that another another another an an- other five to ten thousand people will give us strength so that we may be political and economic factors which will command at at- Hence Henc while better plowing and an other 1 farming fanning a g practice ra tice Is desired desired desired de de- sired am nece n-ece t she d we e t not ise ou our z mi I i I 1 out U ILl O peo people e Vil come rii j nd 9 f fIS Sh S I in this battle of brain U More fellow V workers are needed needed needed need need- ed now and we have the wealth all ready for them Their coming coming coming com com- ing will help us give us new ideas more courage and ambition a make it just a little better Therefore Therefore Therefore There There- fore to realize the ambition this worth slogan implies every far far far- will have to shake off a a. little fear some despondence and brace up under ander the load of interest interest interest inter inter- est and ta taxes es holding him down not heavy under usual condi- condi and just boost smile and produce more food and more feed He may not avoid doing this if he survives and proceeds Then why not also enlarge the picture a little size up the whole job this Uintah Basin as a unit and boost for every town for every phase of its progress and wealth and be fortified by success success success suc suc- cess that may be really secured by no other manner view or procedure procedure procedure pro pro- |