Show These Brands Are Intermountain Made And Deserve Your Support UTAH HIGH SCHOOL OF CULTURE BEAUTY-CULTURE 3rd Floor CUrt Clift t Bid Salt Snit Lake City Ut I If jt u are arc Planning a Paying Parin- Business Future Investigate Oar Our Plan Write For Catalogue TIllS THIS WEEKS WEEK'S PRIZE STORY Lets Let's all use intermountain products products prod prod- The best in all the Hie Land Lets Let's keep our bus busy bees at labor Jabor And the money at our hand Lets Let's keep out competition Home industry keep in mind Then our intermountain interests Will wm never go behind A A farmers farmer's wife ELLEN LARSEN Ferron Ferran Utah ASK ASK GROCER YOUR ER I J I l FOR F Fanciful nc ful Names In earlier centuries observers thought that land and animals had counterparts in the sea and so 50 they named seals wolves sea fur seal sea bears manatees sea cows FOREST S DALE E POTATO CHIPS No Equal For Crispness and Quality Factory 47 Factory 17 Kensington Ave Ae Salt Snit Lake Inke City City Hy By 1741 Masculine Axiom Its It's humiliaTing to any man to realize how much more his wife knows than he does American American Magazine THOMAS ELECTRIC CO PUMPS pUMPS WATER MOTORS WATER ATEn W WHEELS WHEELS' EELS EELS' BOUGHT SOL SOLD REPAIRED SOLD REPAIRED 9 WEST 2nd SOUTH SALT LAKE CITY UTAH Summing It Up It is a good thing to be rich and anda a good thing to be strong but it itis itis itis is a better thing to be loved by many friends Ask S n B Your ur A APEX P EX OLIVE OIL For AN INTERMOUNTAIN PRODUCT Variations in Calendars The first month of the J Jewish calendar is which has thirty thirty thirty thir thir- ty days The first clay day of always falls in September or Octo Octo- ber r GRAINS OF 0 GOLD THE WHOLE WHEAT WHAT CEREAL Makes Cream Taste Better Western V Made For Western Trade Ask Your Grocer Counterfeit in 1862 The first counterfeit greenback in the United States was one imitating imitating imitating imi imi- tating the ten tep dollar bill of or 1862 It was circulated d in the same year e n per week will be bed d' d U paid for the best word 50 article on Why you should u use s e Intermountain made Goods Similar to above Send your our story in prose or verse to Intermountain tain taro Products Column P O. O Box 1545 15 Salt Lake City If your story appears in this column you OU wi will e 0 0 receive check for 4 dI 0 o PIPE AND ANI FITTINGS New and Reclaimed Write 03 us for Prices SALT LAKE PIPE CO West So Salt Snit Lake Ci City Send this nd ad and get a 10 Oro lOti discount Not a Fair Proceeding Its true said Uncle Eben dat every man mus' mus have some faults but dat aint no excuse fog fob deliberately some dat happens happens happens hap hap- pens to strike yoh oh fancy Wash Wash Washington ington St Star r. r N riCO MOTOR l OIL Free From Carbon Looking at Art The art of a thing is first Its aim and next its manner of ac ac- B Boyee 0 Ask Your Dealer For Intermountain Made Brooms By Jy Name Silver Princess Crown Bird Business Idea A puzzled just how to dispose of several second-hand second suits hit the idea of upon displaying display display- ing them in the window with this placard Very Much Worn CLAUDE A DE NEON E LIGHTS ELECTRICAL PRODUCTS CORPORATION 1046 So Main Salt Lake City Depression Explained Women are struggling for equal rights in Japan They are behind the times In more advanced countries countries countries coun coun- tries men are doing doing- the struggling WELL FIT-WELL ARTIFICIAL LIMB CO Braces al nl al Limbs Trusses Trussel Cru Crutches Arch Supports Extension Shoes Elastic Ho Established in Salt Lake In 1903 1908 Ph Was Wu Satisfaction Satisfaction GU Guaranteed d W. W Third So Salt Lake City Ut Dt Evolution of the Male The life of today and the wife of today are arc conspiring together in inthe inthe inthe the job of domesticating the male Womans Woman's Home Companion BLUE SEAL CLEANSER Wonderful Sanitary Household Cleanser and Water Softener SOLE DISTRIBUTORS N-i N No s The z tt rc eO kp ASK YOUR DEALER Another Anniversary Chocolate has been used in cookery cookery cookery cook cook- ery for precisely y years years ever ars ever since a n chocolate mill was started near Boston Womans Woman's Home Companion Spend Your Vacation at IDEAL DE BEACH BEAR BEACH BEAR LAKE Tennis Dancing Boating Boating- Bathing Bathing- Dancin Dancing Dancing- Tennis Good Cabins bins and Meals Reasonable Prices J. J W. W Niel Garden City Utah WANTED Names of Agents to sell ern Christ Christmas max mas Cards Card In 1931 through your year local Iou printer Plans for tor 1931 being made sow BOW Send Bend in your Jour name for detail details which will make your roar selling felling easier ulu without th the th troubles mistakes and delays iel you yon had in representing eastern factories Writs Write W. W N. N U. U U.-P. U. P. P O. O Box 1645 Salt BaIt Lake Lab City AMBASSADOR HOTEL Just Jost a n step from the b business center Quiet Quieta a rv and Homelike Popular Pop Pop- l 1 43 1 0 I afar ular p priced r l J e c e d meals meets r r p Rates to toper 1500 8 ti t a per day 89 t iu I ID D s Q It tilt Commercial rates eaten to ni rue 1 Ui salesmen t Service Bervice Garage In Connection C. C A. A SHAY Manager 14 Bo So East Phone Was Waa Salt Lake City Ill 9 ON TUB II DE a F SATu 45 2 U. U |