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Show I in tlie social Realm H Mrs. Grant Hampton was the hos- H tess Monday at a Valentine luncheon H at the University club, followed by H bridge. A central decoration was H made of a large cut glass bowl filled H with daffodils, and on cither side were H heart-shaped beds of the same llow- H ers tied with ribbons of the same lute. H Yellow caudles in crystal candlesticks H lighted the board. The guests were H Mrs. James L. Franken, Mrs. George H L. Nye, Miss Webber, Mrs. Thomas G, Griffin, Mrs. Henry LaMotte, Mrs. H O. W. Powers, Miss Genevieve Mc-I Mc-I Cornick, Mrs. J. R. Walker, Miss Ida H llnnaucr, Mfs. William G. Sharp, Mrs. H George Jay Gibson, Miss Maud H Thorne, Mrs. Clarence Post, Mrs. G. H 11. Pfoutz, Mrs. Sam C. Park, Miss Hi Margaret Park, Mrs. J. M. ltidwell HI and Miss Nasou. In the game which : followed the prizes were won by Mrs. Hi Didwell, Mrs. Post, Miss llanauer HI and Mrs. Griffin. H H About seventy-live guests enjoyed H an informal colonial dance Monday H livening at the Ladies' Literary club, Hj the affair being a subscription dance H managed by Mrs. Ledyard M. llnilcy, Mrs- I. 1L Lewis and Mrs. R. C. H Woodruff. The hall was decorated H with the national colors, flags and H bunting being used effectively. On H thejower floor the supper room was H arranged with yellow jonquils and H colonial candlesticks. A number of H the guests were in colonial caslumc. H Ji -. i U H Mb and Mrs. diaries L. Rood, 'Mrs. O. II., Kister, Miss Rose Hartwcll H and Miss iMiiry. Kimball landed in Gi-H Gi-H bralter, Jan. lO. .if I Mrs. iLec Charles Miller, has gone H to Los Angeles for a'sliort trip. H A delightful party was given at the H home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rudd, H in honor of the seventy-seventh birth- H day of the veteran actor, Phil Mar- H gptts. Many good wishes were show- H crcif on the guest of honor, and the H evening' was spent in songs and mcr- H fiment. H H Mrs. Clarence Drown is in the city H the guest of .Mrs. W. V. Chisholm. H Mrs. William G. Shar is here from H -NrrwYork-visiting-hcr-parents, Judge H and Mrs. Robert llarkuess. H H The Bridge club met Monday aftcr- H noon with Mrs. Ashby D. Cleveland. H The Woman's club celebrated presi- H dent's day Tuesday at the home of H Mrs. G. P. Keller on Third East Hj street. Mrs. A. V. Taylor and Miss H I.izbcth M. Qualtrottgh, principal of H' the Oquirrh school, lead, papers rc- H lated to theseliool and the club, wo- H' men, and music was furnished by Hi Mrs. Kate Bridewell-Anderson, Miss H Lucy Gattrell, Miss Florence Nettle- ; ton, Claude J. Nettleton and W. S. H ' Sliarpc. W. 11. Scarlc of Provo was in the city Monday. ' Mrs. W. R. Walker has gone to California for a stay of a month. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Harris, who spent the past few mouths in the east, are back and are again at home at the Dm us ford. Mr. and Mrs. David Keith with their small son, David, reached home Monday evening after a stay of some weeks in New York and Washington. , Min. Joseph Stowe is in town and will spend the next few weeks 'ith her son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Howard S. Stowe, at the Dransford. Miss Claire Ellcrbeck has returned from Los Angeles, where she spent a part of the winter, and is with her !ister, Mrs. Charles Read. The Alumni association of the High school gave a dance Friday evening in Unity hall, the affair being under the management of G. C. Andrews and E. A. Rogers. Mr.i. William Iglehcart iuul Mrs Joel L. Priest received at a Valentine tea Tuesday afternoon at the residence resi-dence of Mr. and Mrs. Iglcheart. The home was elaborately decorated and the function was very enjojablc. Miss Marie Iirchm spoke Monday afternoon at the regular meeting of the Day View Reading club, giving a description of a tour through Switzerland. Switzer-land. The meeting was held at the home of Mrs. J. R. Davis, and the music mu-sic of the afternoon was furnished by Miss Warren, a pupil of Professor George E. Skelton, Mr. Skclton playing play-ing the accompaniment for the little violinist. Captain and Mrs. H. C. Clement entertained Tuesday evening at a dinner din-ner at which a dozen of their friends were guests. The table decorations were of red Richmond roses, and the guests were Major and Mrs. Allen M. Smith, Major Dishop, Captain and Mrs. John E. Woodward, Major Hearn, Miss Katherinc Judge, Captain Cap-tain and Mrs. A. S, Diookcs, Captain Howland and Captain Pritchard. Mrs. William II. Cunningham was the hostess Tuesday afternoon at an elaborate bridge tea given in honor of Mrs. J. E. Uuutoon of Sacramento. Ten tables were filled witlt the players, play-ers, and prizes were awarded the winner win-ner at each. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. Ashby D. Cleveland and Miss Margaret Park, and the prize winners were Mrs. W. Monl Ferry, Mrs. George L. Nye, 'Mrs. J. L. Franken, Miss Mary Smedley, Miss Gertrude McGratb, Mrs. Robert J. Glendinning, Miss Nason, Mrs. A. C Ewing, Mrs. J. E. Galigher and Miss Elizabeth Mclntyre.. Mrs. George D. Keysor entertained at luncheon Tuesday. Mrs. M. A. Darrett and Miss Agnes Cassiday of Logan arc in town to spend a few days. Miss Florence Robbms will be the hostess at a Washington's birthday party Friday, February 22. Mr. and Mrs. W. Edward Fife and Miss CosgrilT and J. E. Cosgriff left Tuesday for a few weeks' trip to the coast. Mrs. Robert King Brown entertained enter-tained Wednesday at luncheon, followed fol-lowed by "500." Members of the 500 club were her guests. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kearns and their little daughter, Helen, returned Tuesday from the east, where they spent the past six weeks. Captain and Mrs. H. C. Clement entertained at a dinner Thursday evening at their quarters at Fort Douglas. Mrs. Robert King Drown entertained enter-tained her card club at a lunchdon Wednesday at her home, 707 Second street. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Read have moved into their new home and will shortly be at home at in O street. Mr. and Mrs. Kent O. Kcyes have returned from the east and are at home now at the Cullen hotel. Miss Mamie Green of Denver is visiting vis-iting her sister, Mrs. H. M. Kimball, at her apartments in the Wilfley. Mrs. C. D. Moore and Mrs. C. H. Van Annan entertained the members of St. Mark's guild Tuesday afternoon at a silver tea. Mrs. A. G. Mackenzie and her little daughter, Margaret, left Monday to join Mr. Mackenzie in Anaconda. George E. Skelton has issued invitations invi-tations for a violin recital to be given next Tuesday evening at the First Congregational church. The assisting assist-ing artists arc to be Mrs. Anna Col-burn Col-burn Plummcr, Fred C. Graham and -Mrs. George E. Skclton. A number of Mr. Skclton's pupils will take part in the program. Miss Mildred Tibbals and Miss Minnie Min-nie Stevenson, who are now in Italy, have spent the past three or four weeks in Florence. 'I hey go thcijcc to Naples," where they will remain till April when they will be joined by Mrs. Tibbals and Mrs. J. R. Hush-well. Hush-well. The party will spend four months in Italy. The marriage of Miss Ethel Sturgis and Martin R. Lowe of Dreckinridge, Colo., took place Monday afternoon at the home of the bride's mothci, 530 Eighth East street. The . ceremony was performed by Rc. Elmer I. Goshen, Gos-hen, the wtdding being only a quiet home affair. Mr. and Mrs. Lowe will make their home in Dreckinridge. Miss Delia Janet Richards entertained enter-tained the sewing club at her home Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. William Iglehcart and Mrs. Joel L. Priest gave the second in a series of afternoon teas Thursday afternoon. af-ternoon. (M, Mrs. James II. Moyle entertained r the members of her card club Thursday Thurs-day afternoon. Mrs. J. M. Marriott entertain.cd Thursday afternoon at a "500" party at her home. The members of the Seekers' Literary Liter-ary club gave a valentine party Thursday Thurs-day evening at the home of Mrs. Sea-ton, Sea-ton, 356 West Second North street. The history sccHon of the Ladies' Jl Literary club met Thursday morning W at the club house. Mrs. W. H. Dcritz gave the topic, "Macedonian Kings." Mrs. C. E. Allen left Thursday evening for the East. Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Reed and daughter, Miss Gladys, left Tuesday night for San Francisco and on Saturday, Sat-urday, February 16, thty will sail for Hawaii for an indefinite stay. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Druehl and Mrs. Walter F. Druehl and little daughters left Thursday for southern California for a stay of a month or six weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Lawrence and Mrs. Julia Kimball leave today for Los Angeles. . The latest from Col. E. F. Holmes and party announced that they were "600 miles up the Nile, and still going," go-ing," and that they were enjoying beautiful weather. George Y. Wallace has returned from a visit to St. Louis. Mxs. Wallace Wal-lace will remain some time longer with Dr. and Mrs. George Tuttle. The largest social event of the evening even-ing of Feb. 14, was the valentine dance at the Ladies' Literary club, given by a group of young boys including Weir The violinists of the city gave a super Thursday evening in honor of Arthur Hartmann, the violinist, who anpearcd in a concert at the First Congregational church Friday evening. even-ing. Cassady, Harold Horlick, Terrell w Hoyt, Russell Sands and Marre Van Cott. The decorations were elaborate elabor-ate and in keeping with the day. The chaperones of the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Waldcmar Van Cott, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Sands, Mr. and Mrs. II. Horlick, Mrs. R. H. Cassady and Mrs. J. H. Hoyt. Governor John C. Cu'ler and his staff and a large number of the members mem-bers of the legislature, accompanied in many cases by their wives and . daughters, went to American Forkfc Wednesday, where a brilliant rcccp- ' tion and dance was given in their 1 honor by the merican Fork Commercial Com-mercial club. I |