Show FOR RENT furnished rooms close in phone J get in the habit of phoning your news to the transcript F A M NOTICE cut tills oat and take it with wills you rocky mountain lodge no il 11 F aa A al regular meeting 1st ast A man otten forgets the exact 3rd ard tuesday e each month name of f the article he wishes to fraternal hall visiting brethren purchase and as a last resort cordially invited I 1 takes something else ii instead istead that is always disappointing and for calcimining Calci mining paper hanging unsatisfactory the safe way is plastering T lebreton to cut this out and take it with N main street adv you so as to make sure of getting chamberlains tablets louwill FOR RENT two nice furnished find nothing quite so satisfactory 0 d rooms close in phone 22 for constipation and indigestion adv for the relief of rheumatic pains when you have stiffness and soreness of the muscles aching OQUIRRH HOTEL joints and find it difficult to move without pain try massaging the homo home for V al men affected parts with chamberlains liniment it will relieve the pain headquarters for smelter and make gestand rest and sleep possible anti and mining mon men adv hot water baths dining in connection FOR SALE player piano with garage in rear 60 50 rolls rois of music inquire of tooele thoele utah george L tate tooele thoele salt lake stage line passengers and express salt lale depot tooele thoele del depot 0 o t peery III hotel e 3rd ard S W temple OQUIRRH HOTEL TIME TABLE lv tooele arr salt lake lv salt lake arr tofele tooele a in a in a in 1000 a in p tn p in p in p in p in p in 1100 p a in WE GUARANTEE SERVICE the cars are made warm and comfortable for their ras passengers rasse stage will receive passengers at liberty cafe in newtown and oquirrh okiu arh hotel as indicated ou on time table phones oquirrh hote liberty cafe for information regarding de ivery of liblit express parcels call oquirrh hotel learn about you eyes unto everyone is given the right to investigate but many remain ignorant on the most impo important subjects by accepting hearsay as fads facts we give the WHY WHEREFORE AND PROOF for everything we do in in our optical work we are ready to show you yon whether you have eye trouble or not and to prove that glasses will give you relief A G GO GOWANS optician tooele thoele utah THE UNIVERSAL CAR there are more than ford cars in daily service throughout the world and fully eighty pcr percent cent of these are F ford ord touring cars there are arc marfy reasons for this not the least of which is the simplicity in the design of the car so easy casy to understand likewise it is easy to operate and mighty inex inexpensive compared to other motor cars on the farm in the city for busin business and for family pleasure it is the car of the people and the demand is increasing casing evry day let us UK hive have your order promptly if you yea want one TOOELE MOTOR co LOST Parasol purple silk natural wood handle with a purple silk cord to hang on arm I 1 return to transcript and receive u stable bitable reward bbate of 0 ohio city of toledo lucas county no a frnnk J cheney makes oath that he be Is senior alor partner of th the firm of F J cheneya cheney co doina bus business ineis in the cit city of f T toledo county and state stat s afo recal 13 and that sald laid firm arm will pay the mum lum 0 ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS DOLLAR 13 for sach ech and every ca co of catarrh that cannot be b cured br by the use of HALUS HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE na FRANK J CHENEY sworn to before me and subscribed in my preM nce this ith th day of Dec december embert A D A W GLEASON seal i public nails halli catarrh medicine 1 in taken internally ter ry nally and nd act through the blood on I 1 the he mucous surfaces surface of the system seni send for testimonials tree free P J CHENEY CO toledo 0 sold by all druggists anig bic luaui plus for or api I 1 B hm MIC na so emiil 0 bength a 0 ui far 0 8 r jl r 5 a 0 y V I 1 W U TX THE BRIEF span of forty years scientific advancement has baa brought the telephone from a crude experiment to ono one of the moat newdy nearly perfect of all mechanical devices engineering las has mastered countless fes problems involved in the distribution of service has carried the telephone into the most remote corners of the country operative skill has combined the efforts effort s of executives scientists tista engineers engin cers sad and commercial management together with vision and foresight uiese are tho the 0 which united have made possible the accomplishments accomplish menta of 0 the bell belk ly estem stem nothing less than the finest loyalty the most untiring devotion devo iLon th recognition tion of the great importance import anco of their task a fixed determination too to serve faithfully ith fully nothing less than this unified strength which has been so wonder fully displayed by the men and women engaged in the of rendering rend ereg i telephone service could have carried the system through the great strain which began with the war and which hu haa nut nob yet passed seldom if ever has public service required so long lon and go 10 soam tea of a business organization and never lina lias an employed body responded with more hearty united and loyal support and they are still carrying on the mountain U N states telephone Tele Dhone and telegraph co f cr aes 04 OF ila IT w r don t fail kt mana to see ahli 1 bargains we aye are offering in in vy dy goods and furnishings thoele tooele too N tele trading x r abing ading co c WE have in in stock a complete line low as aa zoo E hm V it 11 of har harvesting garvestin vestin 8 N machinery our mowers rakes binders headers confectionery hay loaders equipment periodicals Periodic ais daily etc gives to you the greatest service papers soda at minimum cost fo F 0 ll 11 11 taj t a i n refreshments R e twine 9 aj cents per pound in bale lots fresh ments and consolidated wagon artl A macaco an school Supplies jj I 1 ast 1st st south st utah empio w TERMS cash discount or birtie 0 it branch arr M g vegetables meats and I 1 prod produce uce in in season and out of season PROVERBS we help you meet the burden of lie ile was a w wise ise man who bought ins his sugar last fall ile he is i 8 a wise man who fills his coal bin now for the present high prices next winter with that good courteous treatment expert service liberty coal froni from trade solicited your A ATKIN elf IN DR 0 W AV aft arliet 1 V ed fa r 19 phone your winter orders now to J PHONE NO 9 I 1 0 |