Show lute late reports from tile the ukraine said and were closing in on aleff and apparently were about to take that important city from the bol slie viki tile the reds ilcia claim tile tho capture of 0 Dubov dubovska ka on the lower volga and of also so announced that admiral bolchak hal had evacuated amsk and established ills his government at 1050 miles further east kolchak has issued a stirring appeal to all loyal russians to rejoin the ranks and ills his representatives have been granted tile the privilege of recruiting in japan the ang annii had the bolshevik armies la in tio be tight a hole that the lenine government offered to make peace with them trotsky addressing the lie Petro retrograde petrograd grad soviet said the must stand impregnably in the defense decetise def etise of that city tile tho reports that general gough tile the british commander wits was about to attack Petro petrograd grad to have been untrue tile the poles lules also using tanks for the first time whipped plied the bolshem v iki kl capturing the forti fortiner for tined fled town of botlo tulsk and ZOO prisoners |