Show A S CAMPBELL Block Broker I 1 r I 1 Walker Block J Broker Tel ret Bell lIell m 2 S 9 Main St t CANNON BROS BROKERS 21 H 2 I 15 1 F So Temple 1111 II Tel rei JIO J tO IO hid Ind Hell Ste ii t L J n A Challenge 1000 to On March 8 1906 the Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone Company published the following On March 5 1906 We Had Telephone Subscribers in Salt LaKe That the public may no longer be he deceived by PADDED LISTS and FICTITIOUS num numbers numbers bers hers of alleged telephone subscribers we make the following OFFER TO PAY 1000 CASH Said sum to be divided between Salt Lake Free Kindergarten Association and any three ad additional additional charities selected by a committee of five chosen by GOVERNOR JOHN C CUTLER and MAYOR EZRA THOMPSON If The Tho Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone Company proves to the satisfaction of the said Committee that it had on March 5 1906 on its books BONA FIDE FlOE telephone sub subscribers subI subscribers I scribers within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City each having a Bell telephone in installed installed f stalled or under contract to be bo installed exclusive of telephones ordered out where In Independents Independents f dependents have been put in inTHE THE CONDITION eing cing that the said Bell company shall pay to the said Charities if it fails in the proof I Guess When This Challenge Will ViII Be Accepted I Its the Money and The liThe Phone That Talks Talk Utah Independent In nt Telephone T el p one Co Go Coo CoM M o I IL L C e c d SIX BEST SELLING BOOKS Record For rot 1 Tho TIm House of Mirth 2 The House of oC a 1 Thousand Candles Candle on 1150 3 The Tho Conquest l of or Canan ton toil IGO 4 1150 siso 5 G The nip fh Gambler Thurston 6 The Wheel of o Life IlCe We have tho the above and over oer titles titIe of ot te I choicest Helton of ot the best beet auth authors authors authar ors ar of tho the day lay DJ NEWS NI nOOK HOOK STORK Tho Tito Lending Concern c Main Bt at ij Jl 2 nt i YOUR YO yb U jR R Th Benjamin n TUXEDO Spring pring SpringS SUIT 1 1 r 1 f h F d l lf SUIT S U I T 1 it f f if ft n I I I In Ii II f i i Fever F eVer a man wants t I I 1 I I smart primp hand 1 f 1 I i J t tW 1 n 1 j j sonIc some clothes its ii i s 3 liF J tI IH W I P I when the first fi warm t days appear No Nowhere Nowhere t where can the most particular man find a finer or more satisfying stock of suits to 10 choose cloose from rom than luau is here at this Ibis moment Yet with all the char character acter and and style which our good clothing possesses prices arc are as low as a man could wish These smart garments are arc made by Alfred Allred Benjamin J Co made macic m iii New NCI J York and the cutler has thrown in ill every TWIST and KINK INK OF STYLE THAT THA T FASHION APPROVES Suits ranging front from 1500 to lo Top and Overcoats 1200 lo to Poulton Madsen Owen Co HAV lAI TIlt CLa fIT fir fiTI firM I I M M JOHNSON this th mining man turned tom In 0 two very n BAD BADI 9 I DEBTS We Va collected them We can collect some ome for you OU If It you turn them In I 1 MERCHANTS PROTECTIVE j ASSOCIATION l Scientific of oC Bad Debt Ii Fifth Moor Floor Commercial G C Li KI r flank Bank Manager Halt Lake city CIt r U CI O r it SOME SOftIE PEOPLE DONT VONT LIKE US VJ USI I c AWFUL A ITCH a n nD H HWe I Ia We are aro 1 1 to 10 inform Ih the ulf r ra front from any fl i trouble roubIe that iii at last lut th or 1101 been found a harmie c Jm lIn r t tApply 11 Apply a tow tai drop oe liquid tl to Ihu akin BM antI In lantry hed treed from that O 1 D D 11 D 1 1011 ECzema P and it cur trouble Beat the Couo lIt tr rree arr citer ert ar vince you tf n CO Fn IEN F R E E SELVES LARGE LAROE BOTTLE SAMPLE to all from front skin troUbles trouble CuS Cul out this ad td tend send your nd and boW no r It be sent seni r tee t prepaId 0 In tint Relief Now From Froe on Itch D D D COMPANY I lit ht Ohl WE PROVE IT ir irTO TO fO CON YOn YOt WI we av the n I 11 I 1 1 Co eO 10 an arran Irom any skIn akin dl e can ci ally rom the b D i 1 D Co Cop laboratory Eel dirt 1 lr fr tree ampie mcl bottle of nt U 1 t 1 D 1 1 lu lion iton tog together ber with 32 paKa ag h new w In n skin diseases dl and tree free adl e on ot Ca from th the war world i your skin Mil tB tBD FREE F R E Est SAMPLE MAIL THIS D 0 0 D 0 C 00 OO Medical ll l Michigan St SI Bull 77 11 Pleas Plea i Ind nd m at fr ft pr prepaid n 4 t tili I ili III i bottle boltl of ot B D I I D D 0 B l let anil bunk blank For Fo I h have v been bun with i a kl y f 14 Mt Me li w h s n t r vS D I D D Nam N sine sineA A IH ii V IN tu II SOul I of uC Main a Third 11 I South St New Private Wire Service 1 I James A P Pollock Co BANKERS hANKERS and 0 a W South Street hIt gaIt alt Lake Lak La City Utah Ulah Orders Promptly Executed In StOkt flood Bonds Cotton train Grain and n Private Leased Wires Wire SIre With Login Logan ui an Bryan Dran M Members N New York Stock Exchange New ew York Te Cotton Collon Boston D ton Stock Ei lx e Chicago Board Boaro of al Tn We W Handle All Alt Prominent Utah LIlah Mia MIt a Ing and Commercial Stocks Stock The rho lieu Hell that rang the glad tidings s brought tn a lII saJe to the people which haH ban been iteen felt reit ever eler since If Ie you will h rl our an nn announcement pro tot t your our property against fire tire with a poll poli policy cy 1 C In the Home Fire e Company of you ou IN IIII feel ferl feela a n Joy Jo thit Is ii I and great gret peace of o mind In knowing that your best Interests are protect protected ed HEBER J GRANT CRANT CO GO GJ AGENTS AmTS South Main street City 1 I I I May I como come In Satan Any recommendations ft n ff fr American Mercantile Agen do etc It Its Ita too coil coll co here First prize In our contest awarded U to t tWill Will wIit H Ii Sibley Sible Sl F Hh Eu City that thai I this the Collects Collect bad In III tilt nil parti narti nI or n tIti t elsewhere el Suite 41 u 1 F Walker Bide LETS L J ETS all I en u uJ up Its springtime spring time lime Mand iv and P paint pain is climatic climatically ally correct Morrison Merrill Co 23 28 2 Main Street UTAH UTAn IDAHO TilE THE WORM WO Three new rap just in IS or ortho 0 Ot the und and nd Idaho on one side aide n the tho reverse revere side Ide Including to Ih Ihor of or countries and town towne M of f 1900 1000 cen with a 1 brief IC ant J try tt Cr country countr In the Ihl world or gal ny aJ j Inches value Itle 75 7 c e nl nt II f int Bt tO 0 i idress dress dresa for roe Add s Book Dook Store Bait Salt LaK LU City An Intimate Friend Every Everl EveryDay EveryDay Day of 0 Every Member of oj ofa oja a Well Raised 1 Is e d Family HU H F FLOUR L O U |