Show FOOD SUPPLY EXHAUSTED LONG BEFORE DEATH CAME only a small quantity of tea found when bodies of captain scott and companions were recovered london landon A dispatch to the dally daily mall from Christ christchurch church N Z says bays that full details of 0 scotts return 1 our ney will reveal a still more glorious page of history when they are pub urial than the brief official 4 dye it Is stated says the mall atall that lieutenant evans was assisted by his comrades from tho the pole until his death and that every ounce of food was exhausted long before death came to scotts party only a small quantity of tea was found with the bodies which were discovered in the following positions scott sitting with his back to the tent polo pole between his head and the tent pole ho he had placed his diary as aa a support to his head bead dr wilson and lieutenant dowers bowers were lying lulng ln la their sleeping bags possibly an expedition will be sent for the bodies next summer A memorial to scott wilson and bowers was erected on observation hill it was constructed ot of jarah wood and will last for 4 ages es members of the expedition indicate the possibility of disappointment at amundsen forestalling them took tock the stiffening out of scotts scotta party for the return journey while descending beardmore Hear dmora glacier the route was waa found to be terribly rough and many obstructions ten to twelve feet high had to be climbed which resulted in the tha explorers being badly bruised or strained the members bembe s of lieutenant campbells north northern erli party are in magnificent health considering the terrible privations they underwent in an igloo w where here they led a primitive exL existence stence for six and one halt half months they had a regular physical drill their only literature was waa david copper field 0 ot which one chapter was read aloud dally daily |