Show i THE The TheSE 11 A Great SEMI SEM SEMIWEEKLY SE Country WEEKLY y Paper of the West NEWS Issued UC Mondays and Thursdays ys and Contains All the Cream of oft t the Daily Daill and Saturday a ay News Eton Savings g Hank Bank Truit Com Corn Compan I t pan hns on deposit tour our million mUlton dol Ill I S a i lars lar Slave Have you an nn account It If not I open one of at any an amount to t is 5 I 1 L oo Joseph Joh P I Smith President c George Geore M Cannon Cashier ClU 4 f I TIm THE C S 8 MARTIN COAL CO COnre COnre COI I ii C lining orders promptly tot for all alt kindi I In 11 of at coal 4 S I ia ARE ARI YOU ENGAGED I J people remember that otter marriage many quarrels can he lie avoided by keeping their In III good condition with BItter H S A Brown of ot S C Kay gays For years my lilY wife suffered ButTered In Intensely Intensely tensely from dyspepsia la complicated with n a torpid liver until she lost her and all l vigor und and became u n mere bern wreck ot of lier Iler former self eit Then Ihen he I tried Electric Bitters Hitters which helped her herat I nt lit once and finally made her entirely well eil She Sho Is Ii now strong and healthy Z 7 f e M I 1 druggIsts UlU South nuin St sells Bells und and guarantees them at Oc n II bottle In n the time you OU renovate your house Why not your our body HollIsters lount Tea T I drives out nut tl ties n cleanses and enriches tho thu blood nn purifies the entire system 35 3 cents 2 Z C M I I Dept Mala Main St EUREKA RETURN I Via D B O G March Special train leaves Salt Halt Lake S n a nm nm am m Returning leaves Sliver Silver City GOO p pm pm m Mammoth RIO Eureka A mag magnificent trip Splendid chance chonce to vl hit it the tue bl bIg mines J Invited CHEAP RATES TO MEXICO Dally Daily after r February 15 until April 7 th Ihl Colorado Midland will sell tickets Salt Bait Lake City Pity to City of at Mexico and north thereof for tor HIGO For Tor In tn Information information formation and literature call Ticket 77 wo west t Second South Salt Lake Kino Fine Ino temper ann nna money mone by having your our painting papering and anil tinting done at tt George W Ebert Co 67 Gi 7 Main the thc carry carr a n Qu iCO oo roll wall willi paper stock This Day In History MARCH 7 Percy Whipple Whippie au nu author thor Ihor born In Gloucester b h 6 Famous naval encounter In the CocU era erato to ram havoc with tilt tho wood wooden en on lI et the learned l blacksmith i and ao of at peace died II ed at New ow Conn cnn born there I loro IMS 1 3 began begun the tho or of languages lIl while working at ut the forge In rally enily manhood he maim use uso of hs his IiI learning by editing and lecturing anil e d pi pa pipers peru pers to antislavery rY peace anti and self 1 it culture Th rh Is of an CU international Int us UR u of peace was wa developed by his hla hi ef cr efforts t torts forts Emancipation by com eom compensation c Jm WWI won tho 1110 end cat for which he labored with all hii hl strength and lender means W V died In Brooklyn born In Conn Coun 1813 liSS l S General David Hunter died In W V Va a aborn born ISU 1515 lr Henry Ward Vard died at Stamford Conn i born Jules Julu Thomas ThomaR noted sculptor died tiled In Paris Parl born horn isI A M I Palmer net well known theatrical man nger Cf tiled died In New York city born IMS J aban abandoned dOnt his lines linen of Mukden DONT LET TillS THIS DAY Y IN YOUR HISTORY p u without our LOOK 1 Ledger at N nook Hook Store I r I TEMPLE NOTICES I IThe The Tho Salt Sait I Lake ike Temple will close Thursday April 6 5 and reopen Tues lues Tuesday day clay April 10 1 1906 F I SMITH S Fort I have been beell suffering for th the post past few rew years with a n attack of at rheumatism anti that Liniment was the only thing that gave mo ma tin and tended to my ray m pains March darch IMi 1102 John C Kins Kinsman Ins man Ills lila Kc il tOc Mc and lc Sold Sol I by Z I C CM C CM M II I 1 Drug Dept m and South Main II It Grand Orand Ball Twentieth Ward hail under the Ih aus auspices au of ot L 14 I D U Friday the SALT BALT LAKE PHOTO SUPPLY CO Developing Finishing Main and Ind 3rd So Fancy Iancy embroidered centerpieces only this week at It I X U I Furniture He lie moval Sale Sate COVERT JACKET AND COAT SALE SAL We put on SALE nil new bun hun bundre died Covert Jackets and Coats oats No two alike Regular prices 1175 to 1760 17 0 Sale Hale prices 95 to J 1250 1210 A great op Ope opportunity opportunity port unit It K T THOMAS DRY GOODS DR DENTIST Begs to announce that his office hns has been removed to Templeton rooms third floor Tel D J 3 SHARP COAL CO Telephones 73 Main Street New Ne stock of Crested Butte Dutto Anthracite All sizes EXPERT SEWING MACHINE RE REPAIRS REPAIRS REPAIRS PAIRS Also oil of ot absolute I purity and the best needles and parts part i for tor nil alt machines at Singer stores I Look for tor or the red S B 43 South Main St Salt Lake City Utah On the tables of at nil all first class clans cafes cates and homes Vienna Bakery Dread Bread Mr Ir Ernest Gamble Iambic ba tonight nt at First Congregational Church Dr J 3 Boyd Hoyd oyd Gordon Dentist 25 S Main roum A ON liT HOUT ANt AND Nt Kust owner can have havo same samo by Ing property and paying for this adver Hutment ment Apply API tn to Mrs Irs 1615 1613 South MM lith Ka Fast t HI St Salt Lake Inke City LOST HULL DOG PUPPY WITH brown spots tUx Six months old Return to Fourth Street tUree Liberal reward lILACK SI AT WITH owners name printed Inside Return to tn I 1 Commercial Club Building and re receive reward Oil on MISLAID POLICY NO IS IB ISsued sued Rued by b The Thc Penn Mutual Life LIre Company Compan on the tho lire life of ot Elizabeth n 1 Mar Martin Martin tin The ht tinder Under will please rIm Ie return It to the thu undersigned Application has hal been male for tor the Issuing of or a duplicate Elizabeth U I Martin Address li I Street ONE oi SMALL DAY BAY A Y MARK MARf Vy with foal branded on right Notify C C A Irwin 1817 1517 State St lIt lieu Dell For Forest or est CRt 33 x Ind 3 Z SI WIlO MACHINES ALL AJI KINDS AND RE m REpaired paired 33 s State St Bt Bell Ind md t mI New York Feb lW l To the tho of or the Railroad Company Compan of Mexico You 1011 are aro hereby that thit the tho annual meeting of ot the tho stockholders lers of Na National Company if t Mexico will win bo ho held at the office of ot the tho company Com pan in Salt Halt I Lake City lIy ity Utah on an Monday April 2 at U IL a m rn for tho tim purpose of or electing a board of ot fifteen netten directors and ani of ot such uch other ether rn M may b lie hI brought before the meeting Including the tho consideration con of at and action on amend amendment mentH ment to the bylaws by laws The stock tock transfer hocks of 01 the com cern piny pany will 11 bo hc cloned ed nt at 12 1 noon Ilon on larh and will reopen at nt 10 a m rn mon mon on April 3rd I 16 Uy By order of ot the tue Hoar I rf ot Direr tors E K R I A S eret ry No ZO JO linc Street New York City 1 I AM AN II TI O HARDWOOD FIN l graining M II V I 10 dIr Adair 21 I ast B uth Temple Street Phone U Hh SO 1 CO OFFICE rear 47 4 7 E SIb th South Bouth Bell 11 Phones 3 and ng wo Goodwin ln SALT LAKE ARC SCAVENGER ReA to Of 0 I lee flee AtU Block Basement T Tel U j 1500 WHO WANTS IT The The contest e has hae closed and ami ns as soon coon as na nathe the n are made macIc the tho prize con contributions will wilt bt bl published Watch this each day for tor something good GILTS AMERICAN AGENCY W v Putnam Manager NOTICE TO MERCHANTS AND TIlE THE THEAll PUBLIC All Alt of our agents carry with I them hem a n aletter aletter letter authorizing them to act net for tor us In Indefinite definite capacities Unscrupulous per ions Pons have hae t ton cn en traveling through Utah Idaho Wyoming Nevada anti and el ewh foJ claiming themselves as representatives of ot this association when In fact tact we wa have never neer heard of at them The public must be bi hi careful n R reward will VIII be b paid for fir Information that will lead fend to the detection of ot such sueh persons NT PROTECTIVE I Scientific Collectors of ot Dad Bad Debts Commercial National Hank flank Salt Bait Luke Lake City CIt Utah Francis O 0 Luke Luk General Manager Some People Dont Like tia jn Experienced Dressmaker 37 South 2nd West Vest BOOKLETS LETS Chase Main aln Goods at your own on price I L Furniture Co Removal Sale Sal Salero ro Fall ESTATE CHEAP CHICKEN AND ND FRUIT FARM FAH I Nearly 4 acres of ground 4 room frame framo house hout e pantry antry etc 00 W foot toot chicken house hou l 2 Incubators In jn good condition hot water heating beating system s tem small barn harn and orchard well fur for drinking nl purposes pur Located nt LIt it close clo to It If sold at ut once olleo owner will viii take lake K Zi Z cash CANNON i l CANNON IS 15 East Rast I allt South Souti Temple Street tHreet 3 0 I Just about what the tho present owner has spent on the tho property One nero acre of ground on a corner on South and State North of ot Granite Stake meet meetinghouse meetinghouse The fhe Improvements consist of ot ofa a U pressed brick containing one ono largo large room loom that has hilt been teen used for tor saloon and well adapted for tor lee Ice cream parlor grocery or meat market 3 nice living rooms with porcelain bath electric lights and toilet large largo sheds and und bernie barn Ideal place for chicken raising This place laco must be bold eold at OIt once the cut cutlo la price A U 19 t W V 1st South Street Phones Gil LIST YOUR HOUSES AND AN ND LOTS LOTt with us INT CO 73 is S W nd South IN BUYING OR on SELliNG BULLING SEE SElo TUB TilE HANCK REAL IU Al ESTATE INV IN CO Suite Hulte 2133 D 1 F 1 Walker Building LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH MARl MARI ger 44 SQ E L 2nd South and It will bo be sold so QUICK BUYS HUYS AND SALES SAIES IN REAL REL estate cUate and commercial stocks Clark Herald BuildIng Ho phones phone BUY DUY AND SELL BI It REAL ESTATE through Cannon Cannon Cannop U 15 E t U ii Tern plo pie St I WILL SELL YOU AT A BARGAIN vacant lots tots a n cottage college or a II model house houle In III any part of or the city Jas Jan K I 1 Shaw Co Coover Coover over oYer Main LIST LISI YOUR LOUSES AND ANO LOTS with lIh us ua We will buy or sell cell any class clais of or property you have ha vc k 22 E IL lot let So St LIST YOUR I FOR FOZI SALE with us UI WO We have bave big or Im len Improved proved and vacant lots iota Anderson 11 n U B J BInn Inn Co 31 31 1 Herald Building SEE BEl HOUSTON THE 3 Main Street WE E BELL REAL HEAL ESTATE all Tuttle Uros Bros red ball signs II Main St StIF IF n YOU HAVE A PORTION We will furnish balance to purchase a II homo home or building lot let If rf ff you ou want a II buyer buer lIst lI t your property with w Ih us u and we WI will get you ou all cash HOME TRUST 8 SAVINGS CO 6 S 5 10 West First South St Toil SUE SUEA A GOOD SHETLAND PONY 31 INI IN Phone Murray M 0 HEAD AD OF OI HORSES AND MULES good work teams and drivers US 15 East l Fourth South Street FOR OR SALE SAIE ChEAt CHEAP TWO 2 ACRES 4 miles southeast Call Sunday U JJ St Ht SPRAY Y YOUR YOUn TREES of ot lead leall the tho best beat and most effective spray spra Write us for particulars and prices C 8 S I Martin Co State Agents Utah and Idaho MADAME DE Hair Tonic Perfect Skin Food rood anti and Cream Powder Do Lisle Mt Mf Co P I 1 O 0 43 13 Salt Lake City WAGONS AND BUGGIES FOR FOrt SALE must mUll be to sold at once to make room South State Street 3 HP II 1 DIRECT CURRENT MOTOn MOTOR speed peM 29 21 volt voll with rheostat ant and an 1 controller also 4 HP II P direct current mot speed with rheostat anil nn 1 controller also I 1 rheostat and controller nil perfectly new at a n bargain Enquire News lews Business lIu Office AT YOUR YOUIt OWN PRICE FURNITURE carpets stoves and ranges I X L Fur lur Furniture Co removal solo cole OLD NEWSPAPERS FOR WRAPPING one onn cent per pound Apply Deseret News Office JACKS PUtt FOR SAW SIJ JACKS BOTh SPANISH AND ANO Mammoth bred brel from the Grass Grata Ora of ot Kentucky Hallo Mules Mulls Mules are aro th the Gold bid Standard Staniard the tho prices sell these thee the e Jacks Hornes el taken In exchange Write me roe nt Rt th tM the Henle House H W DUNN m n rou pon RENT HAVE itA VI 4 1 OR on J II ACRES Cm B OF WELT WlL garden garIn land plenty plent of o writer close In to lot let on eu shares Write J B ji lox 23 29 11 It D No 6 TO LET UT ON SHARES B AN Al AI FARM 1 of Cf 20 3 0 acres near Mar Salt I Lake Ike Address Addre 8 Al l 1 G K 36 N West Street StreetA Ball CIt CItA A SINGLE SING OFFICE Ot ICE ROOM Moil IN INi DES j ere eret s Annex Apply N New w Office MACHINES n 81 PER IER MONTH MONTI White While office 29 23 W V 1st S B St Bt Phone VACANT hOUSES TEL 27 no 50 n HOUSES B ALL PRICES ANn ANO KIND IND Tuttle Bros Dros Main St hR Red lied Itch Hall sign CALL UI up TEL 27 7 FOR HOUSES lJ I TilE THE HAMMOND HAM OND SUPPLIES A Rk ni pairs pain II N Winter VInter r 4 U 40 Main Tot Tel k ii FOX FOX Sf i ANt AND ANt N l tV supplies anti repairing 8 BRt lr Lake IRke Stamp Co 60 W 3 Third South Phones Am i Nose Around round A In your A He and Cellar pend pendu an u hour kiter main an a inventory of f tn the you fin find J that ire are worth len leu to you than thon ready money would wo ld be tie worth write d ip I j tion tOn ef each cad ef f the tri article in a t tj aI I j tf t FOR 9 SALE ADS pt ani J Jj j 1 URN TURN THEM TIEl INTO MONEY W p To learn barber ME MEN trade tl and 1111 po t We SSu pay you ou wage wIllie while learning anu ana guarantee po POi lConA OP OPA A special rate ratu to next ten tell students best beet be t ever cIer offered Call or write writ us u The System of Colleges 63 61 E J 1 lit let So St Salt Lake Laka City TO BUY nUY 1 OR Oft 2 GOOD BROWN LEO ham hom cockerels state price once and score Of ot bird bin Address News Neus 20 00 HEAD OF 01 HORSES ALL KINDS East EuL Fourth South WIlY NOT LEARN LEAnN TilE THE FRENCH CLEANING ILl AND ANO INO TRADE In six elx to eight weeks week I For terms address News 2631 1631 Salt Bait Lake Lako City SECOND BECONI StAND HAND FURNITURE WANT WANTed ed cd 1 So State Slate UTAH JUNK JUNI CO HIGHEST PRICE paid for scrap iron rags bottles rubber copper brass etc 63 3 E B 10 Bo 80 Tel lel HEM HELP WANTED ANTED TED LIVE AGENTS WANTED ANTED TO SELL SEIda tho the Spencer Seedless Apple trees Big commissions and pan salary Wilts ritu Spencer Seedless Apple provo Utah A BOY BO WITH WIT II FIRST CLASS Pieces II It to 10 16 years old Apply U ct News New Book hook Store GIRL i i FOR FOIl GENERAL N Ii v tK no washing m South Main OhlIn St at StA atA StA A GIRL TO DO 00 GENERAL OI work no no children Mrs Mr Mc MI McAllister Allister m West e t First t North Street StreetA w A REGISTERED PHARMACIST AD ADdre ADdress dress I Jinx Murray Utah FIRST CLASS ABSTRACT MAN IAN AP AI APply ply Ill In own handwriting Title Tille Trust Co 02 0 Second Ave Avo A ve Seattle S Wash MEN lIEN TO LEARN TRIfO TELEGraphy TELEGraphy raphy and railway business salary of operators operator 30 O to lo 10 per month No other profession lol such Inducements to joung oun men Call all or write today for tor full information Western e Telegraph Institute ln No Commercial Building Salt Snit Luke Lake GOWNS oNS SIRS MRS B S T BENEDICT DRESS MAK log InK ne Parlors IS Templeton Building LADIES GUIl iTS SUITS SPItING JACKETS skirts shirt waists evening gowns waists and hats almost new nt a ayour your our own price Give GUe us III u 1 e call cult US East Enst Third South Bouth St fit limn HOME COOKING LUNCHES PUT UP UI MEALS MEALA SERVED Mrs M II A W V So Bo Temple hOTELS 11 on 18 LINCOLN HOUSE HOUSES 11 OUS J 68 65 S I a t First South SO Roles Rates ic c and We Mc Paul ucla Heln Prop u AND sNI U KINDLING B E P I 1 DEAL Coal ConI Kindling and Stove Wood US 15 E B 1 Third South Tel IZIk DAIRY II H N STANDISH Manager 13 E 2nd nd 2nd South St lieu Hell Ind 2nd 2155 35 Bottled milk a II specialty SUES SAIES New and secondhand |